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Basics of Research and Development (5 cr)

Code: SX00BU37-3082

General information


02.05.2023 - 14.05.2023


15.08.2022 - 23.10.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Wellbeing


Myllypurontie 1

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


0 - 40

Degree programmes

  • Social Services


  • Katarina Groop
  • Jukka Törnroos


  • SXH21K1
    Sosiaalialan tutkinto-ohjelma päivä


Students will be able to identify and evaluate important development needs of working life and the clients who use their services. They will have a command of the premises and concepts of R&D and service design, and be able to apply them in the service and product development processes of their fields of study. Students will know how to search for, critically evaluate and justify the appropriate research data and professional codes of conduct for their areas of study. They will be able to think critically, know the basics of concept and theory formulation, and understand the significance of the theory of knowledge to development work. Students will base their activity on good ethical standards in R&D.


•Approaches, nature and process of R&D and service design
•Searching for information (databases)
•Critical thinking and reasoning
•Principles of concept and theory formulation
•Theory of knowledge
•Evaluation of professional practices and existing R&D activities in one’s own field
•R&D planning
•R&D ethics

Location and time

Lähiopetus Myllypurossa:
26.08.2022 12.45 - 16.00 Orientaatio
02.09.2022 08.30 - 11.45
08.09.2022 08.30 - 11.45
20.09.2022 12.45 - 16.00
23.09.2022 08.30 - 11.45
28.09.2022 08.30 - 11.45
30.09.2022 09.00 - 11.45
04.10.2022 12.45 - 16.00 Tentti


Jaetaan opintojakson alussa.

Teaching methods

Luennot, oppimistehtävät, tentti

Exam schedules

Tentti on 04.10.2022 12.45 - 16.00.
Uusintatenttien (2kpl) päivämäärät ilmoitetaan myöhemmin.

Further information

Opintojakson opettajat: Katarina Groop & Jukka Törnroos
Opintojakson teemat:
Teema 1. Tutkimus- ja kehittämistoiminnan lähtökohtia
• laadullinen ja määrällinen tutkimus
• ammatillinen tutkimus- ja kehittämistoiminta
• opinnäytetyötutkielma: monimuotoinen ja tutkimuksellinen kehittämistyö
Teema 2. Tiedonkäsitys ja teoria
• Tiedonkäsitys
• Teoreettinen viitekehys (keskeiset käsitteet ja teoria)
Teema 3. Tiedonhaku ja tieteelliset lähteet
• Tiedonhaun työpaja (kirjasto)
• Tieteelliset lähteet
Teema 4. Tutkimus- ja kehittämistyön prosessit
• prosessin vaiheet
• tutkimussuunnitelma
Teema 5. Kriittinen ajattelu ja perustelemisen taito
• kriittinen ajattelu
• argumentointi
Teema 6. Tutkimusetiikka ja tietosuoja
• hyvä tieteellinen käytäntö
• TENK 2019
• tietosuoja-asiat

Lähiopetus Myllypurossa:
26.08.2022 12.45 - 16.00
02.09.2022 08.30 - 11.45
08.09.2022 08.30 - 11.45
20.09.2022 12.45 - 16.00
23.09.2022 08.30 - 11.45
28.09.2022 08.30 - 11.45
30.09.2022 09.00 - 11.45
04.10.2022 12.45 - 16.00 Tentti

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Student is able to:
- Display learning in core content
- Use individual professional concepts correctly
- Find information for a specific situation
- Distinguish between non-theoretical and theoretical information
- Act in individual professional situations as instructed
- Display learning in his professional field
- Show that he has achieved the targets for core competence
- Follow safety instructions
- Display learning in the ethical principles of his professional field
- Operate as a member of a student group

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Student is able to:
- Display an understanding of concepts and professional knowledge in the field
- Assess and limit the amount of information needed
- Operate well in typical professional duties and contexts
- Operate in a multicultural environment
- Operate safely
- Act according to professional ethics
- Operate in a student group

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Student is able to:
- Use concepts and knowledge in his field systematically
- Assess and use various information sources
- Apply professional information in professional assignments
- Work in various duties in a variety of operating environments
- Act independently and responsibly in professional contexts
- To take safety issues into consideration in his action
- Argue his choices on the basis of professional ethics
- Organise the activities of a group of students

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Student is able to:
- Display learning in core content
- Use individual professional concepts correctly
- Find information for a specific situation
- Distinguish between non-theoretical and theoretical information
- Act in individual professional situations as instructed
- Display learning in his professional field
- Show that he has achieved the targets for core competence
- Follow safety instructions
- Display learning in the ethical principles of his professional field
- Operate as a member of a student group

Assessment methods and criteria

Oppimistehtävät, tentti
Arvioinnin perusteet käydään läpi opintojakson alussa.

Further information

Students and their teachers/tutors will go through other recommended courses in their individual study plan (ISP) discussions.