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Leadership and Entrepreneurship 17.1.2022 - 13.3.2022 (5 cr)

Code: SX00BN80-3097

General information


29.11.2021 - 12.12.2021


10.01.2022 - 20.03.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Health Care

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


20 - 210

Degree programmes

  • Biomedical Laboratory Science
  • Public Health Nursing
  • Degree Programme in Emergency Care
  • Nursing (in Finnish)
  • Midwifery
  • Degree Programme in Nursing


  • Eero Kokko
  • Tiina Ahti
  • Jaana Seitovirta

Teacher in charge

Jaana Seitovirta


  • SXK19K1
    Ensihoidon tutkinto-ohjelma
  • SXJ19K1
    Bioanalytiikan tutkinto-ohjelma, päivä
  • SXL19S1
    Kätilötyön tutkinto-ohjelma
  • SXO19S1A
    Sairaanhoitotyön tutkinto-ohjelma, päivätoteutus, hallinnollinen ryhmä A
  • SXO19S2B
    Sairaanhoitotyön tutkinto-ohjelma, monimuotototeutus, hallinnollinen ryhmä B
  • SXQ19S1
    Terveydenhoitotyön tutkinto-ohjelma
  • SXO19S1B
    Sairaanhoitotyön tutkinto-ohjelma, päivätoteutus, hallinnollinen ryhmä B
  • SXO19S2A
    Sairaanhoitotyön tutkinto-ohjelma, monimuotototeutus, hallinnollinen ryhmä A
  • SXO19S1C
    Sairaanhoitotyön tutkinto-ohjelma, päivätoteutus, hallinnollinen ryhmä C


- understand the significance of health care development and are aware of its core organizational structures
- perceive the significance of management of efficient work communities and groups to promote the quality of care and service
- are aware of their responsibilities concerning self-management and update on their work-related skills
- are able to develop their overall responsibility towards client/patient care and are able to coordinate the holistic care of patients and clients according to their individual responsibility
- understand the basics of the financial structure of health care and know how to carry out cost-efficient actions
- understand the significance of entrepreneurship for society and the basics of health care entrepreneurship
- understand and recognize career development possibilities from the content-based and administrative viewpoint regarding their profession and work as well as their significance and responsibility from the social perspective.


Social challenges and their impact on the development of health care and health services
Organizational structures and management systems of health care
Differences between various management theories and leadership practices
Management and quality of care and services
Working life skills: supervisory management and work community skills
Self-management and developing one’s own competence
Financing of health care, objectives of financial management and budgeting
The juxtaposition of public and private services: collaboration, tendering, reforming financial models and producing services
Basics of entrepreneurship
The significance of the private sector and forms of entrepreneurship to the social and health care sector
Possibilities for career development

Location and time

Orientation lecture : Jan. 17, 2022, 1:00 PM Helsinki
Join Zoom Meeting


Course material in Moodle,, Johtaminen ja yrittäjyys (verkkototeutus) 17.1 - 13.3.2022

Teaching methods

There are four part in this course

Section 1 Orientation to Leadership and Entrepreneurship. Group discussions 17.1.- 30.1.2022, 0,5 cr
Section 2 Productization of the service: Group task in the period 31.1.- 13.2.20221, 1.0 cr
Section 3 Company / organization management, Pair work, Interview assignment from 7.2.- 6.3.2022. 1.0 cr.
Section 4 A New Kind of Production of a Business Idea or Public Service, Pair Work Written Assignment 14.2 - 13.3. 2022, 2,.5 cr

Employer connections


Exam schedules

Ability to run rejected partitions with the following possible implementations

International connections


Completion alternatives

No alternative

Student workload

5 cr = 27h x 5cr = 135h

Content scheduling

Section 1 Orientation to Leadership and Entrepreneurship. Group discussions 17.1.- 30.1.2022, 0,5 cr
Section 2 Productization of the service: Group task in the period 31.1.- 13.2.20221, 1.0 cr
Section 3 Company / organization management, Pair work, Interview assignment from 7.2.- 6.3.2022. 1.0 cr.
Section 4 A New Kind of Production of a Business Idea or Public Service, Pair Work Written Assignment 14.2 - 13.3. 2021, 2,.5 cr

Further information

The student confirms his / her place with the implementation of the course by being present at the beginning of the teaching or otherwise in a manner separately agreed with the teacher, which can be, for example, the return of the first learning task. If a student is unable to attend the beginning of teaching due to illness, he or she can also confirm his or her place of study by notifying the teacher in advance. Admission to the course is conditional until the Prerequisites specified for the course have been reviewed. If the registered student does not participate in the implementation, the teacher responsible for the course will remove the student from the implementation within two weeks of the start of the Study. Registration times are defined in the annual learning activity clock. (Degree Regulations Section 32)

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL):
Enter the name of the person mentioned in your degree programme's guidelines as the person in charge of processing the application or RPL responsible teacher of this course (Eero Kokko)

Tasks and Materials drawn up by the teacher are works under the Copyright Act (404/61) on which the teacher has copyright. Tasks and Materials may not be used other than in their own studies. Their public dissemination is only allowed with the teacher's permission

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

See a separate framework for evaluation. When evaluating the competences, the evaluation criteria for competent/intermediate level is used.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

- can search for knowledge resourcefully utilizing sources of the field and uses the knowledge base of the field
- is familiar with the knowledge base and core components of the profession
- has adequate professional skills to work in the profession
- can work in a client-oriented way
- solves professional tasks and problems
- works safely and in accordance with the ethical principles of the field
- displays competence benefitting groups or projects
- is able to evaluate personal strengths and weaknesses and development needs

Assessment methods and criteria

Participation in all sections
Section 1 Orientation to Leadership and Entrepreneurship: Participation in group discussions. Approved / Rejected
Section 2 Productization of the Service: Written report,Teamwork. Approved / Rejected
Section 3 Company / Organization Management, Written report, Pair work. Approved / Rejected
Section 4 New production of a business idea or public service, Written report, Pair Work. Evaluation scale 0-5

Sections 1-3 can up/lower the overall grade

Grading criterion for the course, satisfactory (1-2)
The student demonstrates that they master the basic content of the course,
but in independent knowledge acquisition, interpretation and ability to combine what it learns
there are flaws in the context of working life.

Grading criterion for the course, good (3-4)
The student demonstrates that they have a good control over the content of the course.
He actively acquires knowledge and interprets its key links to the working world. He has
the ability to analyze what they have learned and apply what is learned to the context of working life.

Grading criterion for the course, commendable (5)
The student demonstrates that they have a wide and wide control in competence assessment subjects
the content of the course. He has an excellent purpose equivalent to information acquisition
competence. He demonstrates independence, accountability and ability in the solutions he has made
to guide others. His ability to apply what he learns to the context of working life shows
creativity and broadness