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Everyday Lives of Children and Families (5 cr)

Code: SX00EP02-3003

General information


02.05.2023 - 14.05.2023


12.09.2022 - 11.11.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Wellbeing


Myllypurontie 1

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


0 - 30

Degree programmes

  • Social Services


  • Sylvia Hakari
  • Päivi Eskelinen-Roos

Teacher in charge

Sylvia Hakari


  • SXH22K1
    Sosiaalialan tutkinto-ohjelma päivä
  • SXH22K2
    Sosiaalialan tutkinto-ohjelma, monimuoto


The students understand the diversity of everyday life in childhood and family and recognize the contributory factors to well-being of children and families. The students recognize the changes regarding both childhood and the concept of childhood and the prevailing situation in the Finnish society and globally. The students understand the importance of childhood and early childhood education in supporting inclusion, preventing exclusion and in educational equality .


The contributory factors to well-being of the child and the family. The UN convention on the Rights of the Child and the Act on Early Childhood Education and Care. Social integration, family poverty, exclusion and marginalization from the perspectives of families with children and early childhood education. Forms of early support. A resource-based perspective.

Location and time



Törrönen, Maritta, 2014; Everyday happiness : the everyday life and well-being of families with children.

Kalliala, M. 2011. Look at me! Does the adult truly see and respond to the child in Finnish day-care centres? European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 19(2), 237-253.

Lecture notes and materials

Teaching methods

Interactive learning
Collaborative learning, planning and guiding of activities in family cafe
Field work/Learning assignment

Tuition in Finnish

Employer connections

MLL Family Cafe

Exam schedules

11.10.2022 08.30 - 16.00 Group exam

Re-exam dates announced later

Completion alternatives

APL prior to the course.

Student workload

5x27h =135h

Further information


Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

See the curriculum attachment.
The course instructor will specify the evaluation criteria in the beginning of the course.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

See the curriculum attachment.
The course instructor will specify the evaluation criteria in the beginning of the course.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

See the curriculum attachment.
The course instructor will specify the evaluation criteria in the beginning of the course.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

See the curriculum attachment.
The course instructor will specify the evaluation criteria in the beginning of the course.

Assessment methods and criteria