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Differential diagnosis (5 cr)

Code: SX00EI61-3001

General information


29.11.2021 - 12.12.2021


10.01.2022 - 27.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

80 % Contact teaching, 20 % Distance learning


School of Rehabilitation and Examination


Myllypurontie 1

Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Degree programmes

  • Osteopathy


  • Kristiina Kokkonen
  • Kaisa Hartikainen

Teacher in charge

Kaisa Hartikainen


  • SXF20S1
    Osteopatian tutkinto-ohjelma päivä


Students differentiates symptoms of somatic dysfunction and findings from pathological and traumatic conditions. He understand the restrictions of pathological and traumatic conditions on osteopathic treatment. After the study unit, students are able to conduct orthopaedic tests and are familiar with their indications for use and reliability. They recognise pain originating from neural tissue and understand the restrictions it imposes on osteopathic treatment. Students can carry out neural tissue tests and are aware of their indications for use and reliability.
Orthopaedics: 1 cr: After completing the study unit, students identify and know how to define the basics of the most common illnesses/injuries treated in the fields of orthopaedics and traumatology. They are able to describe the pathophysiology, symptoms, examination methods and surgical procedures as well as the rehabilitation of orthopaedic diseases.
Traumatology: 1 cr: Students are able to identify and describe traumas not treated within osteopathy. They can explain the procedures that are either necessary or imperative before starting an osteopathic treatment. Students identify injuries requiring immediate or urgent treatment and know how to make a referral for a patient in need of traumatological treatment. They are able to explain the treatment methods used in traumatology.


Most common pathologies and injuries of the spine: injuries of the disc and vertebra and degenerative changes. Symptoms and findings of hypermobility, instability and articular capsule in the body. Most common causes, symptoms and findings of pain in the limbs. Clinical examination of joints in the limbs, orthopaedic tests and differential diagnosis. Tests of neural tissue.
Principles of imaging diagnostics (radiography, computed tomography, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, nuclear scan).
Ortopaedics: 1 cr: Fractures and their treatment. Pathophysiology, examination and treatment of joint, tendon and ligament injuries.
Traumatology: 1 cr: Radiological examinations, ultrasound examinations, consulting specialists, most common medicines, psychotherapeutic techniques, immobilisation techniques.

Location and time

During 1. and 2. period


Magee: Orthopedic Physical Assessment, 5th edition or 6th edition

Teaching methods

contact teaching
interactive lecture
Guided practical assignments
Small group tutorial
cooperative learning
learning assignments

Exam schedules

Exam 03-04/2022 x.x.xxxx if needed

Student workload

Course resources: 3 ECTS x 27h = 81h for student to work
Independent studying, when student is learning and practisin

Further information

Erityisen tuen päätökset: Mikäli opiskelijalla on erityisen tuen päätös, joka vaikuttaa opintojakson suorittamiseen, tulee opiskelijan olla yhteydessä opintojaksototeutuksen vastuuopettajaan heti ilmoittautumisajan päätyttyä.

Opettajan laatimat tehtävät ja MATERIAALIT ovat Tekijänoikeuslain (404/61) mukaisia teoksia, joihin opettajalla on tekijänoikeus. Tehtäviä JA MATERIAALEJA ei saa käyttää muuten kuin omissa opinnoissaan. Niiden julkinen levittäminen on sallittua vain opettajan luvalla.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Students master professional concepts and make choices using the comprehensive knowledge base. They also assess and develop their own functioning systematically.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Students master professional concepts and make choices using the comprehensive knowledge base. They also assess and develop their own functioning systematically.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Students master professional concepts and make choices using the comprehensive knowledge base, in changing environments. They also assess their own functioning and produce knowledge to develop their operating environment.

Assessment methods and criteria

Practical Exam, 60 % pass, number
Theoretical exam, 50% pass, number
Learning assissnments


Functional anatomy of the spine and thorax, Osteopathic examination and treatment, Anamnesis and basic examination skills