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Patient care and pharmacological treatment in clinical radiography (10 cr)

Code: SX00EA62-3002

General information


29.11.2021 - 12.12.2021


10.01.2022 - 31.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

10 op

Virtual portion

2 op

Mode of delivery

80 % Contact teaching, 20 % Distance learning


School of Rehabilitation and Examination


Myllypurontie 1

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


0 - 35

Degree programmes

  • Radiography and Radiotherapy


  • Eini Koskimies
  • Luennoitsija Terveysala
  • Anu Hintikka
  • Maria Kouvalainen
  • Päivi Leskinen

Teacher in charge

Maria Kouvalainen


  • SXM21K2
    Radiografian ja sädehoidon tutkinto-ohjelma, monimuoto


The students
- are able to implement key care skills required of radiographers
- understand the principles of keeping a record of patient care
- are able to monitor and observe the condition and vitals of patients of different ages and conditions
- are able to assist and treat radiography patients of different age and condition
- know how to administer safe fluid therapy and drug treatment according to their authorisations
- recognise the risks of medication abnormalities and know how to prevent them
- are able to act in case of medication abnormalities
- are able to perform the necessary calculations for drug and fluid therapy
- are familiar with the basics of pharmacology, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics in drug therapy
- can identify different risk groups in patient care


Methods and principles of patient care
Keeping a record of patient care
Patient-safe work methods
Significance of professional interaction
Ensuring and supporting the patient's vital functions
High-risk patients in imaging examinations
Planning, implementation and assessment of safe fluid therapy and drug treatment
The physiology and treatment of pain
Peripheral venous cannulation
Adverse drug reactions and complications
Drug calculations
Child- and family-oriented patient care
Care of patient requiring internal surgery
Orthopaedics and traumatology
Practical training at the UAS 3 ECTS
Practical patient care in working life 3 ECTS

Location and time

10.1.2022-13.3.2022 Myllypuron kampus


Literature given by the teacher:
Lääkehoidon ja sisätauti-kirurgisen hoitotyön kirjallisuus:
Ahonen, O., Blek-Vehkaluoto, M., Ekola, S., Partamies, S., Sulosaari, V & Uski-Tallqvist, T. 2019. Kliininen hoitotyö. Sisätauteja, kirurgisia sairauksia ja syöpätauteja sairastavan hoitotyö. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro Oy.
Rautava-Nurmi H ym. 2020. Hoitotyön taidot ja toiminnot. Sanoma pro. Soveltuvin osin.
Saano, S. & Taam-Ukkonen, M. 2020. Lääkehoidon käsikirja. Porvoo: SanomaPro. Soveltuvin osin.
Muu opettajan osoittama materiaali: Lääkkeiden toimittaminen. Lääkelaitoksen määräys 5/2011.
Sairaala-apteekin ja lääkekeskuksen toiminta. Lääkelaitoksen määräys 6/2012.
Hoitotyön suositukset.
Verensiirto: Punainen Risti Veripalvelu: Verivalmisteiden käytön opas 2016.
Lääkelaskennan kirjallisuus:
Ernvall, S. ym. 2009 Lääkelaskenta. WSOY. Porvoo. Helsinki tai uudemmat painokset TAI Nikkola R., Nurkka N., Paloposki S. 2016. Annos oivallusta. Sanoma Pro Oy. TAI Pussinen A-M., Somerharju L. ja Hannula J. 2017. tai uudemmat painokset Lääkelaskut ammattikorkeakouluihin. Edita

Teaching methods

Interactive lectures
On-line lecturers
Flipped learning
Guided assigment (Moodle)
Laboratory instructions
Practical training

Employer connections

The course consists of 3 credits training in care wards. Training is done mainly in the morning and evening shifts

Exam schedules

Drug calculation exam during the course.
Final exam will be in the end of the course. Final exam includes farmacology, pharmacotherapy and nursing. CT exam dring the course.
Retake timing will be announced.

Completion alternatives

No alternative completion

Student workload

1 op = 27 hours
10op x 27hours = 270 hours

Further information

Students must confirm their attendance for a course implementation by being present when tuition begins or in another manner agreed with the lecturer; for example, by returning the first course assignment. Students who are unable to attend the first teaching session due to illness may also confirm their attendance by informing the lecturer of this in advance.
Clinical laboratory and simulation are obligatory.
During clinical laboratory lessons the students must work aseptically and actively considenring patient safety.
This course includes seminar, radiology lectures ( 1- 3) and CT- lectures, which are mandatory.
More information in Moodle workspaces

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Assessment criteria
For evaluation criteria, see the attachment.
Assessment criteria for advanced level are applied.

Assessment methods and criteria

Continuons assesment
Exam 0-5
Group assignment 0-5
Drug calculation passed
Active delivery face to face
Clinical laboratory teaching 100%
Other learning asigments


Prerequisite studies:
Basics of patient care in radiography setting 5 ECTS