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The Week - Responsibility for a Sustainable EnvironmentLaajuus (3 op)

Tunnus: TX00FT58


3 op


Recently, it has become increasingly obvious how quickly the climate is changing. Experts say that it will get worse very quickly. As part of the course, we want to look at,
* how global warming will affect us in the next 10, 20 or 30 years,
* and what we can do about it.

Too often this topic feels abstract and overwhelming. In the course, we will take a mental journey with different elements.
Get ready for a moving ride! It has the shape of a “U”. In the first part, it gets tough: we go down the “U” and look at what is coming up. Then we look at the connections and finally consider how each individual can take action.

We will not give advice on what to do, but encourage everyone to make their own decisions. So that we can say with a clear conscience: I knew what I needed to know, I did what I needed to do and I have no regrets.


06.05.2024 - 31.07.2024


05.08.2024 - 09.08.2024


3 op




ICT ja tuotantotalous


Leiritie 1

  • Englanti

0 - 10

  • Degree Programme in Information Technology
  • ICT Exchange Teacher
    ICT Summer School


Recently, it has become increasingly obvious how quickly the climate is changing. Experts say that it will get worse very quickly. As part of the course, we want to look at,
* how global warming will affect us in the next 10, 20 or 30 years,
* and what we can do about it.

Too often this topic feels abstract and overwhelming. In the course, we will take a mental journey with different elements.
Get ready for a moving ride! It has the shape of a “U”. In the first part, it gets tough: we go down the “U” and look at what is coming up. Then we look at the connections and finally consider how each individual can take action.

We will not give advice on what to do, but encourage everyone to make their own decisions. So that we can say with a clear conscience: I knew what I needed to know, I did what I needed to do and I have no regrets.

