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Evidence Based Knowledge Management and Development in Palliative Care (5 cr)

Code: S000DS39-3001

General information


04.05.2020 - 30.09.2020


13.09.2020 - 11.12.2020

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Rehabilitation and Examination


Myllypurontie 1

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


20 - 45

Degree programmes

  • Master's Degree Programme in Advanced Clinical Practice in


  • Jukka Kesänen
  • Miina-Liisa Flinkkilä

Teacher in charge

Jukka Kesänen


  • S1520S6B
    Kliinisen asiantuntijuuden tutkinto-ohjelma sosiaali- ja terveysalalla, Palliatiivisen hoidon asiantuntija, hallinnollinen ryhmä
  • S1519S6B
    Kliinisen asiantuntijuuden tutkinto-ohjelma sosiaali- ja terveysalalla, Palliatiivisen hoidon asiantuntija, hallinnollinen ryhmä


The student
- explains the organisation of palliative care at a regional, national and international level.
- applies the core knowledge base for the development and management of palliative care.
- develops and manages palliative care based on the values and principles of the organisation’s strategy.
- assesses and develops person-centred palliative care based on ethical values and evidence.
- considers the constraints and specific issues of research on palliative care when doing research and development.
- assesses analytically and critically the meaning of personnel resources and well-being at work as a quality factor in palliative care.


- Organization of palliative care and the social and health care system
- Knowledge base of person-centred expertise and leadership in palliative care
- The values behind the organisation's strategies and their importance for development and management
- Personnel expertise as the basis for person-centred palliative care
- Occupational well-being and methods to support the well-being
- Evidence-based R&D activities and the special features in the palliative care context

Location and time

EduPal-hankkeen konsortion etätoteutus, Toteutusvastuu Kajaanin AMK


Hiatt, J. M. 2006. ADKAR: A Model for Change in Business, Government and Our Community. Loveland: Prosci Learning Center Publications. Kivinen, Tuula. 2008. Tiedon ja osaamisen johtaminen terveydenhuollon organisaatiossa. Kuopion yliopiston julkaisuja E. Yhteiskuntatieteet, Kuopion yliopisto, Kuopio. Laine, Pertti. 2015. Oppimismahdollisuudet, osaaminen ja työhyvinvointi. Aikuiskasvatus 35(1), 30–46. Moisanen, Kirsi. 2018. Asiakaslähtöisen osaamisen johtaminen. Publications of the University of Eastern Finland Dissertations in Social Sciences and Business Studies No 170, Yhteiskuntatieteiden ja kauppatieteiden tiedkunta, Kuopion yliopisto, Kuopio. Tiirinki, H., Suhonen, M., Lunkka, N., Turkki. L. 2016. Diversiteetin kohtaaminen moniammatillisessa terveysalan johtamisessa. Teoksessa Syväjärvi, Antti & Pietiläinen, Ville (toim.) Inhimillinen ja tehokas sosiaali- ja terveysjohtaminen. Tampere: Suomen Yliopistopaino Oy – Juvenes Print. 103-146. Saatavilla

Teaching methods

Video lectures
Peer review

Employer connections


Exam schedules


International connections


Completion alternatives


Student workload

Luennot, kirjallisuuteen perehtyminen ja webinaari/t 2cr

Oppimistehtävä A 2 cr

Oppimistehtävä B 1 cr

Content scheduling

Learning assignment A-Palliative care evidence-based competence development plan

Learning assignment B - Developing well-being at work for palliative care staff

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student demonstrates competence in the basic content of the course, but there are deficiencies in his/her ability to find and interpret information and to apply the learned content to the context of working life.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student demonstrates good competence in the content of the course. He/she is able to actively search for information and to identify its connection to working life. The student is able to analyse and apply the learned content to the context of working life.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student demonstrates versatile and extensive competence in the content of the course. He/she has an excellent ability to search for relevant information. The student’s solutions demonstrate independence, responsibility, and skills in guiding others. His/her ability to apply the learned content to the context of working life exhibits creativity and versatility.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The student demonstrates competence in the basic content of the course, but there are deficiencies in his/her ability to find and interpret information and to apply the learned content to the context of working life.

Assessment methods and criteria

The assessment of the course consists of the following learning tasks:

1. Learning assignment A. Evidence-based leadership and development in palliative care

(Rating fail (0) / satisfactory (1) - excellent (5).

2. Learning assignment B. Development of well-being at work of palliative care personnel

Rating fail (0) / satisfactory (1) - excellent (5).

The overall grade of the course emphasizes learning task A.

3. The overall assessment also includes the student's self-assessment and peer review, and participation in learning assignment A.

4. In addition, the student has told / given the course feedback.

Commendable K5


be able to review levels of palliative care management in an innovative way, reflecting them and the staff development needs they require, using organizational strategy, values ??and principles as well as societal and future projections

is able to analyze and justify future development needs of palliative care in cooperation with the organization and experts in the field and integrate them into the operational context, social context and previous knowledge base of education

is able to develop a plan for the development of the competence of palliative care staff in a systematic, structured and usable way

is able to critically evaluate a staff competence development plan and develop it to support the values, principles and needs of the organization

is able to take into account the specificities of the palliative care context in research and development

is able to develop and manage the well-being of nursing staff based on evidence

Good (3-4)


knows and reflects the levels of palliative care management and the staff development needs that they require, utilizing organizational strategy, values ??and principles, and partly social and future projections

is able to justify future development needs of palliative care in cooperation with the organization and experts in the field and integrate them into the operational context, social context and previous knowledge base of education

is able to map staff competence based on palliative care needs and draw up a plan for the development of an available staff competence

is able to evaluate the personnel competence development plan and strives to develop it to serve the values, principles and needs of the organization

is able to take into account the specificities of the palliative care context in research and development

is able to develop and manage the well-being of nursing staff in a controlled manner

Satisfactory (1-2)


knows the levels of palliative care management and seeks to mirror them and the staff development needs that they require in the organization's strategy, values ??and principles

is able to justify future development needs of palliative care in cooperation with the organization's practitioners and experts

is able to map staff competence based on palliative care needs and develop a plan for staff competence development

endeavors to evaluate the personnel competence development plan

seeks to take into account the specificities of the context of palliative care in research and development

endeavors to develop and manage the well-being of nursing staff

Fail (0)

The student does not achieve the learning objectives at level T1 in the course assignments

Further information

Recognition of prior learning

The student can apply for the recognition of prior learning and receive an approval for accreditation
for this course if he/she has acted in a key role in digitalisation-related service production or client
projects in social and health care, or in digitalising key processes, and/or has completed universitylevel
studies that correspond to the content of this course.