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Advanced Professional Project (10 cr)

Code: KI00CM71-3003

General information


09.09.2019 - 17.01.2020


06.01.2020 - 30.04.2020

Number of ECTS credits allocated

10 op

RDI portion

10 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Media, Design and Conservation


Hämeentie 135

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


1 - 12

Degree programmes

  • Degree Programme in Conservation


  • Tannar Ruuben
  • Kirsi Perkiömäki

Teacher in charge

Tannar Ruuben


  • KXA16S1MK
    Maalaustaiteen konservointi


The final year project is a project carried out for a customer, as commissioned work or a development project where the student utilizes his/her previously acquired skills, applies his/her know-how and theoretical studies to a practical planning task or to a visual project. The student will be able to reflect on his/her learning, report, cooperate with his/her customer, work unsupervised and manage the project.


- Data collection.
- Applying theoretical knowledge into practice.
- Creative planning process and managing planning methods.
- Customer communication.
- Problem solving.
- Working independently.
- Reflection and project reporting.
- Professional presentation.


Ohjaavan lehtorin (lehtoreiden) osoittama ja itsenäisesti koottu kirjallisuus ja referenssimateriaalit

Teaching methods

Opiskelija toteuttaa itsenäisesti suunnittelemansa ja hyväksytyn projektin, joka liittyy oleellisena osana opinnäytetyöhön. Tarvittaessa käytetään koulutusohjelman lehtoreiden ohjausta. Projektin tavoitteena on kehittää ja osoittaa opiskelijan valmiuksia soveltaa tietojaan ja taitojaan ammattiopintoihin liittyvässä käytännön asiantuntijatehtävässä.

Opinnäytetyöhön liittyvä projekti jonka aikana toteutetaan materiaalianalyysit, valokuvaus ( mm röntgen) ja muut tutkimusosiot

Employer connections

Projektin kohteena on työelämän kautta saatu teos / esine (työelämän edustajan kanssa tehty sopimus) mihin syventävä ammatillinen projekti kohdistuu ja mitä tutkitaan soveltuvin menetelmin.

Exam schedules

Ei tenttiä

Completion alternatives

Ei valinnaista suoritustapaa

Student workload

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö on 40 tuntia viikossa. Ohjaus on sovittava etukäteen lehtorin(lehtoreiden) kanssa ja ohjausajat sekä tulokset kirjataan projektin edistymisraporttiin

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student has reached a satisfactory level on the project assignments.
The student's capacity to formulate relevant problems associated with wholeness is limited. The reasoning is weak and the student has many gaps in his/her knowledge. Student has not given enough attention to the subject and the result of the project is unsatisfactory.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student has reached a good level on the project assignments.
The student is able to understand the basic topics of the project. The reasoning is valid and the student has no gaps in his/her knowledge. The student is able to master the conservation and/or research process.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student has fullfilled the objectives of the project fully. The student has reached an excellent level in her/his assignments.
The student masters the topics and the process of the advanced professional project and its prerequisites, and is able to apply theoretical studies to practical work. The reasoning is professional and the student can validate the causes and effects of his/her choices.
Student masters the overall of subject in both theory and practice.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The student has reached a satisfactory level on the project assignments.
The student's capacity to formulate relevant problems associated with wholeness is limited. The reasoning is weak and the student has many gaps in his/her knowledge. Student has not given enough attention to the subject and the result of the project is unsatisfactory.


Four years' studies in the degree programme in conservation.

Further information

The project is a substantial part of the thesis work.