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Nursing of Chronically Ill PatientsLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: SX00BN34


5 op


- can evaluate the care needs of a patient suffering from national diseases as well as plan, implement and evaluate client-oriented nursing using evidence-based knowledge
- can evaluate the care needs of a patient suffering from national diseases by means of appropriate clinical and physiological evaluations and instruments as well as respond to them with assistive methods of nursing
- can support the resources of patients and their significant others considering their cultural background
- understand the significance of close multiprofessional cooperation and care path for the client-oriented care of the chronically ill.


Client-oriented and coherent care path of patients suffering from national diseases
Supporting resources of patients suffering from national diseases and their significant others in a client-oriented way throughout the care path
Nursing of patients suffering from circulatory, respiratory and metabolic diseases, major care protocols and procedures and assistive methods
Documentation of nursing and basics of reporting
Major national diseases and internal conditions

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Evaluating competences evaluation criteria novice/beginner is used.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

- osaa etsiä tietoa yksittäiseen tilanteeseen
- osoittaa perehtyneisyyttä alan tietoperustaan
- erottaa arkitiedon tutkitusta tiedosta
- osaa toimia yksittäisissä ammatillisissa tilanteissa ohjeistuksen mukaisesti
- pyrkii toimimaan asiakaslähtöisesti
- osoittaa saavuttaneensa riittävät tiedot pystyäkseen toimimaan ammatillisissa tilanteissa
- osoittaa perehtyneisyyden ammattialan eettisiin periaatteisiin
- osaa toimia työryhmän jäsenenä
- kykenee arvioimaan omia vahvuuksiaan ja kehittymistarpeitaan