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Design: 3D Animation and Visualization

Code: KXE24S1

Bachelor of Culture and Arts

Degree title:
Bachelor of Culture and Arts

240 ects

4 years (240 cr)

Start semester:
Autumn 2024


The curriculum of the Degree Program in Design is a knowledge-based. It is divided into the studies of the University of Applied Sciences, core requirement studies of the degree program and professional studies. The professional studies include courses in e.g. 3D animation and visualization, digital design, interior architecture, industrial design, textile design, motion graphics and visual communication design. The professional orientation is selected at the application stage. The professional studies also entail collaboration projects with business and industry. In addition, the studies consist of a work placement, elective studies and finally the Bachelor’s thesis.

The curriculum has been developed in co-operation with partners in business and industry and the students to meet the future requirements in the field of design and to incorporate comprehensive design thinking and its use in multi-disciplinary collaboration. The curriculum is based on the following aspects: mastering sustainable design, user-centered design, production and technology, design process, visual arts as well as developing skills in service design and building one´s professional identity.


The learning outcomes of the degree are grounded on the mastery of sustainable design, production and technology, the design process, visual and user-centred design and on the building of professional identity and service design skills. During the degree, it is possible to develop international skills in Finland or abroad.

Completion of the degree programme will enable students to work as service designers, designers, visualizers, interior designers, industrial designers, concept artists, compositors, user interface designers and usability experts, textile designers and other versatile experts in design and media.


The focus of studying 3D animation and visualization is learning by doing various practical exercises. In-depth study of 3D graphics tools with extensive courses that cover the most important work steps.

Show study timings by semester, study year or period

Code Name Credits (cr) 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 2027-2028 Autumn 2024 Spring 2025 Autumn 2025 Spring 2026 Autumn 2026 Spring 2027 Autumn 2027 Spring 2028 1. / 2024 2. / 2024 3. / 2025 4. / 2025 1. / 2025 2. / 2025 3. / 2026 4. / 2026 1. / 2026 2. / 2026 3. / 2027 4. / 2027 1. / 2027 2. / 2027 3. / 2028 4. / 2028
Core Curriculum

(Choose all )

KM00ES67 Academic and Communication Skills 5
KX00EE99 Professional English 5
KX00EE98 Professional Swedish 5
KM00BK91 Preparation for the Final Project 5
Core Courses in Visual Design, 3D

(Choose all )

KM00ER41 Graphic Design 5
KM00ER42 Photography 5
KM00ER43 Drawing, Painting and Composition 5
KM00ER44 Digital Sculpting 5
KM00ER45 Art History 5
Core Courses in 3D Animation and Visualization

(Choose all )

KM00ER46 3D Project, Still Image 15
KM00ER47 3D Characters 1 5
KM00ER48 3D Project, Moving Image 15
3D Character Animation and Post-processing

(Choose all )

KM00ER49 Pre-production 1 5
KM00ER50 Pre-production 2 5
KM00ER51 3D Project, Animated Film 15
KM00ER52 3D Project, Effects and Post-production 15
KM00ER53 Animation Production 5
3D Game Art

(Choose all )

KM00ER54 3D Project, Game 15
Multidisciplinary Courses in 3D Animation and Visualization

(Choose all )

KM00ER55 3D Characters 2 5
KM00ER56 Showreel 5
KM00ER57 Applied Multidisciplinary Project 5
KM00ER58 2D Animation 5
Elective Studies

(Choose ects: 15)

Innovation Project

(Choose all )

XX00DZ39 Multidisciplinary Innovation Project 10

(Choose all )

KM00BL68 Internship 1 15
KM00BL69 Internship 2 15
Specialization Project

(Choose all )

KM00ER60 Specialization Project 10
Bachelor's Thesis

(Choose all )

XX00EL75 Planning of the Thesis Work 5
XX00EL76 Execution of the Thesis Work 5
XX00EL77 Reporting of the Thesis and Maturity Test 5
Total 240 15 0 20 40 10 5 0 0 0 20 30 10 5 5 2.5 2.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 10 15 15 5 5

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.

amk::amk-tutkintojen kieliopinnot

AMK-tutkintoon johtavien opintojen tavoitteena on, että tutkinnon suorittaneella on riittävä viestintä- ja kielitaito oman alansa tehtäviin sekä kansainväliseen toimintaan ja yhteistyöhön. (Valtioneuvoston asetus ammattikorkeakoulusta 1129/2014, 4 §).

Professional English

Vieraan kielen kirjallinen ja suullinen taito, joka ammatin harjoittamisen ja ammatillisen kehityksen kannalta on tarpeellinen.

Professional English
Professional English
Second language (Finnish)

No attached course units

Second domestic language (Swedish)

Ruotsin kielen taito, joka julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta annetun lain (424/2003) mukaan vaaditaan korkeakoulututkintoa edellyttävään virkaan kaksikielisellä virka-alueella ja joka ammatin harjoittamisen ja ammatillisen kehityksen kannalta on tarpeellinen.

Professional Swedish
Professional Swedish
Not grouped
Academic and Communication Skills
Preparation for the Final Project
Art History
Art History
Orientation to Industrial Design
Working Communication
Colour Perception and Composition
Life Drawing and Painting
Drawing and Painting
Photography and Portfolio
Industrial Design
Design and Product Development Process
Material and Manufacturing Technology
User-centred Design and Ergonomics
User Interface Design
Professional Profile
Presentation Techniques
Design and Sculpture
3D CAD 1
3D CAD 2
Trends and Brand Strategies
Strategic Design and Design Leadership
Service Design
Product Design Project 1
Product Design Project 2
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Business Project
Practical Training I
Practical Training 2
Basics of Graphic Design and Technical Capabilities
Basics of Colour Perception and Composition
History of Visual Communication Design and Art
Layout of the Publication
Studio Photography
Visual Communication Theories
Portfolio and Professional Growth
Art History
Drawing, Painting and Composition
Visual Communication Theories
Bitmap Graphics
Vector Graphics
Information Visualization
Concept Art
3D Graphics
Fundamentals of Graphic Design and Typography
Graphical User Interfaces and Web Publishing
Motion Graphics
Fundamentals of Visual Design and Typography
GUI Design and Web Publishing
Publication Design
Digital Illustration
Principles of Animation
Basics of Motion Graphics
Broadcast Graphics
Advanced Studies in Motion Graphics
3D Animation
Fundamentals of Cinematic Storytelling
Audiovisual Production
Audiovisual Post-Production
Fundamentals of Cinematic Storytelling
Animation and Post-production Techniques
3D Graphics
3D Animation
Moving Graphics and Effects
Graphical User Interfaces and Web Publishing
Motion Graphics
Image and Illustration
Visual Communication Project
Visual Identity Design
User Experience Design
Visual Marketing Communication
Publication Layout Design
Image and Illustration
Visual Design Project
Digital User Interfaces
Visual Marketing Communications
Corporate Image Design
Product Image and Campaign Design
Service Design
Interactive Media
Interactive Mediaproduction - Project
Graphic Design
Drawing, Painting and Composition
Digital Sculpting
Art History
3D Project, Still Image
3D Characters 1
3D Project, Moving Image
Pre-production 1
Pre-production 2
3D Project, Animated Film
3D Project, Effects and Post-production
Animation Production
3D Project, Game
Concept Art
Design Thinking
Professional Project
Information Visualization
Typeface Design
Package Design
User-centered Web Design
Digital Marketing Production Methods
Character Design
Interactive Infographics
Advanced Video Techniques
XR Publishing
Game Engines
3D Characters 2
Applied Multidisciplinary Project
2D Animation
History of Digitalization
Digital Design in Society
User-Centred Design
Markup and Page Description Languages
User-Oriented Design Project
Fundamentals of Visual Design
Server Programming
Service Design
Creative Design
Front End Programming
Research-based Development
Ethics of Design
Business and Design
Design Thinking
Trends in Design
Digital design project
Interactive Web Technologies
New Technologies and Development Environments
Advanced Service Design
Advanced User Interface Design
Advanced Design Skills
Advanced Project
Live Graphics
Game Engines in Video Production
Virtual Production
Emerging Technologies
Specialization Project
Service Design
Campaign Design
Product Image
Information Visualization
Advanced Studies for a Visual Communication Designer
Applied Studies in Visual Communication Design
Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development
Advanced Professional Project
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Internship 1
Internship 2
Specialization Project
Textile Design
Textile Materials
Woven and Knitted Textile Structures
Presentation Techniques
Printed Textiles and Surface Design (CAD I)
Concept and Product Design (CAD II)
Woven Textiles and Production Management
Printed Textiles and Production Management
Knitted Textiles and Production Management
Graphic Design and Porfolio (CAD III)
Professional Profile (CAD IV)
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
International Project
Textiles for the Public Space
Professional Identity
Spatial Design 1: Housing
Spatial Design 2: Public Spaces
Furniture Design 1: Furniture
Furniture Design 2: Built-in Furniture
Lighting Design 1: Lighting Concept
Building Technology 1: Wood, concrete, steel structures and bathroom, fireplace, sauna
History of Interior Design and Decoration
Presentation Techniques in Design
Digital Tools
2D and 3D programmes
Data Modelling
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Spatial Design 3: Exhibition and Event Spaces
Building Technology 2: Rehabilitation
Lighting Design 2: Light in Space
Bachelor`s Thesis and Maturity Test
Bachelor`s Thesis and Maturity Test
Sustainable Design
Forecasting the Future
Marketing and Entrepreneurship in Design Field
History of Art and Design
Research Methodology and Writing
Planning of the Thesis Work
Execution of the Thesis Work
Reporting of the Thesis and Maturity Test

Metropolia's Generic Competences::Bachelor's Degree, UAS

Metropolian johtoryhmä hyväksynyt 10.6.2019. Esityksen valmisteli työryhmä: Tapani Martti, Marjatta Kelo, Jenni Koponen, Taru Ruotsalainen, Elina Värtö, Tiina Kokko. Lähteinä on käytetty mm. ARENEn suositus tutkintojen yhteisten kompetenssien soveltamisesta ammattikorkeakouluissa (2010), Valtioneuvoston asetus tutkintojen ja muiden osaamiskokonaisuuksien viitekehyksestä 120/2017, Valtioneuvoston tulevaisuusselonteot 1 & 2 (2017-2018) sekä Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön tulevaisuuskatsaus 2018.

Ethical Competence

- is able to take responsibility for one's actions and their consequences as well as to evaluate the effects of one's actions
- is able to work according to the ethical principles of the subject field
- is able to take other people into account in one's work
- is able to apply the principles of equality
- is able to take account of the effects of disparities in one's work
- is able to apply the principles of sustainable development and understanding global responsibility of one's actions
- is capable of contributing to social change by means of one's expertise and ethical values

Preparation for the Final Project
Art History
Orientation to Industrial Design
Professional Profile
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Business Project
Practical Training I
Practical Training 2
Art History
Drawing, Painting and Composition
Fundamentals of Graphic Design and Typography
Fundamentals of Visual Design and Typography
Fundamentals of Cinematic Storytelling
Corporate Image Design
Service Design
Interactive Mediaproduction - Project
Art History
Concept Art
Design Thinking
Information Visualization
Package Design
Service Design
Ethics of Design
Design Thinking
Trends in Design
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Textile Design
Textile Materials
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
International Project
Professional Identity
Spatial Design 1: Housing
Spatial Design 2: Public Spaces
Furniture Design 1: Furniture
Furniture Design 2: Built-in Furniture
Lighting Design 1: Lighting Concept
Building Technology 1: Wood, concrete, steel structures and bathroom, fireplace, sauna
History of Interior Design and Decoration
Presentation Techniques in Design
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Spatial Design 3: Exhibition and Event Spaces
Building Technology 2: Rehabilitation
Lighting Design 2: Light in Space
Bachelor`s Thesis and Maturity Test
Bachelor`s Thesis and Maturity Test
Sustainable Design
Forecasting the Future
Marketing and Entrepreneurship in Design Field
Research Methodology and Writing
Innovation Competence

- is capable of creative problem-solving and development of working methods
- is able to work in projects
- is able to conduct research,development and innovation projects, applying existing knowledge in the field, current phenomena and methods to find human-centred solutions
- is able to find customer-oriented, sustainable and profitable solution

Preparation for the Final Project
Industrial Design
Design and Product Development Process
User-centred Design and Ergonomics
User Interface Design
Professional Profile
Strategic Design and Design Leadership
Service Design
Product Design Project 1
Product Design Project 2
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Business Project
Practical Training I
Practical Training 2
Visual Design Project
Visual Marketing Communications
Corporate Image Design
Interactive Mediaproduction - Project
Digital Sculpting
Pre-production 2
Animation Production
3D Project, Game
Professional Project
Information Visualization
Digital Marketing Production Methods
Character Design
Interactive Infographics
Advanced Video Techniques
XR Publishing
Game Engines
Applied Multidisciplinary Project
Research-based Development
Digital design project
New Technologies and Development Environments
Advanced Service Design
Advanced User Interface Design
Advanced Design Skills
Advanced Project
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Internship 1
Internship 2
Specialization Project
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
International Project
Textiles for the Public Space
Professional Identity
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Spatial Design 3: Exhibition and Event Spaces
Building Technology 2: Rehabilitation
Lighting Design 2: Light in Space
Bachelor`s Thesis and Maturity Test
Bachelor`s Thesis and Maturity Test
Sustainable Design
Forecasting the Future
Marketing and Entrepreneurship in Design Field
Multicultural Competence

- is able to work in a multicultural community and customer environment
- is able to take into account the effects of and opportunities for global development and phenomena in one's field
- possesses communicative competence necessary for one’s work and for professional development in the subject field

Professional English
Professional Swedish
Working Communication
Professional Swedish
Professional English
Professional Profile
Practical Training I
Practical Training 2
Art History
Art History
Advanced Project
Internship 1
Internship 2
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
International Project
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Forecasting the Future
History of Art and Design
Learning Competence

- lifelong learning skills: is ableto describe, self-evaluate and develop one's skills and learning approaches and methods
- is able to retrieve and analyse information and evaluate it critically
- is capable to take responsibility for collaborative learning and sharing knowledge in teams

Academic and Communication Skills
Professional English
Professional Swedish
Preparation for the Final Project
Art History
Orientation to Industrial Design
Working Communication
Professional Swedish
Professional English
Colour Perception and Composition
Life Drawing and Painting
Drawing and Painting
Photography and Portfolio
Industrial Design
Design and Product Development Process
User-centred Design and Ergonomics
User Interface Design
Professional Profile
Presentation Techniques
Design and Sculpture
Practical Training I
Practical Training 2
Visual Communication Theories
Fundamentals of Graphic Design and Typography
Graphical User Interfaces and Web Publishing
Motion Graphics
Fundamentals of Visual Design and Typography
GUI Design and Web Publishing
Publication Design
Digital Illustration
Fundamentals of Cinematic Storytelling
Graphic Design
Drawing, Painting and Composition
Art History
3D Project, Still Image
3D Characters 1
3D Project, Moving Image
3D Project, Animated Film
3D Project, Effects and Post-production
Concept Art
Design Thinking
Professional Project
Typeface Design
User-centered Web Design
Digital Marketing Production Methods
Game Engines
2D Animation
History of Digitalization
Markup and Page Description Languages
User-Oriented Design Project
Service Design
Digital design project
Internship 1
Internship 2
Specialization Project
Textile Design
Presentation Techniques
Graphic Design and Porfolio (CAD III)
Professional Profile (CAD IV)
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
International Project
Professional Identity
Spatial Design 1: Housing
Spatial Design 2: Public Spaces
Furniture Design 1: Furniture
Furniture Design 2: Built-in Furniture
Lighting Design 1: Lighting Concept
Building Technology 1: Wood, concrete, steel structures and bathroom, fireplace, sauna
History of Interior Design and Decoration
2D and 3D programmes
Data Modelling
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Spatial Design 3: Exhibition and Event Spaces
Building Technology 2: Rehabilitation
Lighting Design 2: Light in Space
Bachelor`s Thesis and Maturity Test
Bachelor`s Thesis and Maturity Test
Sustainable Design
Forecasting the Future
Marketing and Entrepreneurship in Design Field
History of Art and Design
Research Methodology and Writing
Technological Competence

- is able to utilise the opportunities provided by technology and digitalisation in one's profession
- is able to recognise the effects of technological development on one's work and professional tasks
- is able to participate in the development of technology used in one's field

Industrial Design
Design and Product Development Process
Material and Manufacturing Technology
User-centred Design and Ergonomics
User Interface Design
Professional Profile
3D CAD 1
3D CAD 2
Product Design Project 1
Product Design Project 2
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Business Project
Practical Training I
Practical Training 2
Graphical User Interfaces and Web Publishing
Motion Graphics
GUI Design and Web Publishing
Publication Design
Digital Illustration
Animation and Post-production Techniques
3D Graphics
3D Animation
Moving Graphics and Effects
Graphic Design
Digital Sculpting
3D Project, Still Image
3D Characters 1
3D Project, Moving Image
Pre-production 1
3D Project, Effects and Post-production
Animation Production
3D Project, Game
Package Design
Digital Marketing Production Methods
3D Characters 2
2D Animation
User-Centred Design
User-Oriented Design Project
Fundamentals of Visual Design
Server Programming
Service Design
Creative Design
Front End Programming
Research-based Development
Digital design project
Interactive Web Technologies
New Technologies and Development Environments
Advanced Service Design
Advanced User Interface Design
Advanced Design Skills
Textile Design
Woven and Knitted Textile Structures
Presentation Techniques
Printed Textiles and Surface Design (CAD I)
Concept and Product Design (CAD II)
Woven Textiles and Production Management
Printed Textiles and Production Management
Knitted Textiles and Production Management
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Digital Tools
2D and 3D programmes
Data Modelling
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Bachelor`s Thesis and Maturity Test
Sustainable Design
Forecasting the Future
Working Community Competence

- is able to operate as a memberof a multidisciplinary work community, taking into account the diversity and promoting the wellbeing of the community
- is able to communicate and interact in working life
- is able to create personal working life connections and to operate in professional networks
- is capable of making decisions in unexpected situations
- is able to apply the principles of organisational management and leadership in working life, and work independently as an expert of one’s field
- is able to work as an entrepreneur
- is able to work in a customer-oriented way
- is able to adjust one's actions in reaching long-term objectives

Preparation for the Final Project
Working Communication
Professional Swedish
Professional English
Photography and Portfolio
Professional Profile
Trends and Brand Strategies
Product Design Project 1
Product Design Project 2
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Business Project
Practical Training I
Practical Training 2
Publication Layout Design
Image and Illustration
Visual Design Project
Digital User Interfaces
Visual Marketing Communications
Corporate Image Design
Product Image and Campaign Design
Service Design
Interactive Media
Interactive Mediaproduction - Project
Pre-production 1
Animation Production
3D Project, Game
Professional Project
Information Visualization
Package Design
Applied Multidisciplinary Project
Digital Design in Society
User-Oriented Design Project
Research-based Development
Business and Design
Digital design project
Advanced Service Design
Advanced User Interface Design
Advanced Design Skills
Advanced Project
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Internship 1
Internship 2
Specialization Project
Graphic Design and Porfolio (CAD III)
Professional Profile (CAD IV)
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Spatial Design 3: Exhibition and Event Spaces
Building Technology 2: Rehabilitation
Lighting Design 2: Light in Space
Bachelor`s Thesis and Maturity Test
Bachelor`s Thesis and Maturity Test
Forecasting the Future
Marketing and Entrepreneurship in Design Field
Not grouped
Art History
Basics of Graphic Design and Technical Capabilities
Basics of Colour Perception and Composition
History of Visual Communication Design and Art
Layout of the Publication
Studio Photography
Visual Communication Theories
Portfolio and Professional Growth
Bitmap Graphics
Vector Graphics
Information Visualization
Concept Art
3D Graphics
Principles of Animation
Basics of Motion Graphics
Broadcast Graphics
Advanced Studies in Motion Graphics
3D Animation
Fundamentals of Cinematic Storytelling
Audiovisual Production
Audiovisual Post-Production
Graphical User Interfaces and Web Publishing
Motion Graphics
Image and Illustration
Visual Communication Project
Visual Identity Design
User Experience Design
Visual Marketing Communication
Live Graphics
Game Engines in Video Production
Virtual Production
Emerging Technologies
Specialization Project
Service Design
Campaign Design
Product Image
Information Visualization
Advanced Studies for a Visual Communication Designer
Applied Studies in Visual Communication Design
Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development
Advanced Professional Project
Planning of the Thesis Work
Execution of the Thesis Work
Reporting of the Thesis and Maturity Test

STRUCTURE Bachelor (A18.12.2014/1129)

Asetuksen 18.12.2014/1129 mukainen rakenne. 2 § Opintojen rakenne Ammattikorkeakoulututkintoon johtaviin opintoihin kuuluu: 1) perus- ja ammattiopintoja; 2) vapaasti valittavia opintoja; 3) ammattitaitoa edistävää harjoittelua; 4) opinnäytetyö.

Professional Studies
Industrial Design
Design and Product Development Process
Material and Manufacturing Technology
User-centred Design and Ergonomics
User Interface Design
Professional Profile
Presentation Techniques
Design and Sculpture
3D CAD 1
3D CAD 2
Trends and Brand Strategies
Strategic Design and Design Leadership
Service Design
Product Design Project 1
Product Design Project 2
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Business Project
Basics of Graphic Design and Technical Capabilities
Layout of the Publication
Visual Communication Theories
Portfolio and Professional Growth
Bitmap Graphics
Vector Graphics
Information Visualization
Concept Art
3D Graphics
Fundamentals of Graphic Design and Typography
Graphical User Interfaces and Web Publishing
Motion Graphics
Fundamentals of Visual Design and Typography
GUI Design and Web Publishing
Publication Design
Digital Illustration
Principles of Animation
Basics of Motion Graphics
Broadcast Graphics
Advanced Studies in Motion Graphics
3D Animation
Fundamentals of Cinematic Storytelling
Audiovisual Production
Audiovisual Post-Production
Fundamentals of Cinematic Storytelling
Animation and Post-production Techniques
3D Graphics
3D Animation
Moving Graphics and Effects
Graphical User Interfaces and Web Publishing
Motion Graphics
Image and Illustration
Visual Communication Project
Visual Identity Design
User Experience Design
Visual Marketing Communication
Publication Layout Design
Image and Illustration
Visual Design Project
Digital User Interfaces
Visual Marketing Communications
Corporate Image Design
Product Image and Campaign Design
Service Design
Interactive Media
Interactive Mediaproduction - Project
Digital Sculpting
3D Project, Still Image
3D Characters 1
3D Project, Moving Image
Pre-production 1
Pre-production 2
3D Project, Animated Film
3D Project, Effects and Post-production
Animation Production
3D Project, Game
Concept Art
Design Thinking
Professional Project
Information Visualization
Typeface Design
Package Design
User-centered Web Design
Digital Marketing Production Methods
Character Design
Interactive Infographics
Advanced Video Techniques
XR Publishing
Game Engines
3D Characters 2
Applied Multidisciplinary Project
2D Animation
User-Centred Design
Markup and Page Description Languages
User-Oriented Design Project
Fundamentals of Visual Design
Server Programming
Service Design
Creative Design
Front End Programming
Research-based Development
Ethics of Design
Business and Design
Design Thinking
Trends in Design
Digital design project
Interactive Web Technologies
New Technologies and Development Environments
Advanced Service Design
Advanced User Interface Design
Advanced Design Skills
Advanced Project
Live Graphics
Game Engines in Video Production
Virtual Production
Emerging Technologies
Specialization Project
Service Design
Campaign Design
Product Image
Information Visualization
Advanced Studies for a Visual Communication Designer
Applied Studies in Visual Communication Design
Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development
Advanced Professional Project
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Specialization Project
Textile Design
Textile Materials
Woven and Knitted Textile Structures
Presentation Techniques
Printed Textiles and Surface Design (CAD I)
Concept and Product Design (CAD II)
Woven Textiles and Production Management
Printed Textiles and Production Management
Knitted Textiles and Production Management
Graphic Design and Porfolio (CAD III)
Professional Profile (CAD IV)
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
International Project
Textiles for the Public Space
Professional Identity
Spatial Design 1: Housing
Spatial Design 2: Public Spaces
Furniture Design 1: Furniture
Furniture Design 2: Built-in Furniture
Lighting Design 1: Lighting Concept
Building Technology 1: Wood, concrete, steel structures and bathroom, fireplace, sauna
History of Interior Design and Decoration
Presentation Techniques in Design
Digital Tools
2D and 3D programmes
Data Modelling
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Spatial Design 3: Exhibition and Event Spaces
Building Technology 2: Rehabilitation
Lighting Design 2: Light in Space
Work Placement
Practical Training I
Practical Training 2
Internship 1
Internship 2
Bachelor´s Thesis
Bachelor`s Thesis and Maturity Test
Bachelor`s Thesis and Maturity Test
Planning of the Thesis Work
Execution of the Thesis Work
Reporting of the Thesis and Maturity Test
Core Requirement Studies
Academic and Communication Skills
Professional English
Professional Swedish
Preparation for the Final Project
Art History
Art History
Orientation to Industrial Design
Working Communication
Professional Swedish
Professional English
Colour Perception and Composition
Life Drawing and Painting
Drawing and Painting
Photography and Portfolio
Basics of Graphic Design and Technical Capabilities
Basics of Colour Perception and Composition
History of Visual Communication Design and Art
Studio Photography
Art History
Drawing, Painting and Composition
Visual Communication Theories
Graphic Design
Drawing, Painting and Composition
Art History
History of Digitalization
Digital Design in Society
Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development
Sustainable Design
Forecasting the Future
Marketing and Entrepreneurship in Design Field
History of Art and Design
Research Methodology and Writing
Elective Studies

No attached course units

Not grouped

Design (Bachelor, UAS)::competences (2020)

Merja Kosonen / lk 30.1.2020

Sustainable Design Competence
Colour Perception and Composition
Industrial Design
Design and Product Development Process
Material and Manufacturing Technology
User-centred Design and Ergonomics
User Interface Design
Professional Profile
Presentation Techniques
3D CAD 1
3D CAD 2
Service Design
Product Design Project 1
Product Design Project 2
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Business Project
Practical Training I
Practical Training 2
Layout of the Publication
Visual Communication Theories
Portfolio and Professional Growth
Information Visualization
Fundamentals of Graphic Design and Typography
Fundamentals of Visual Design and Typography
Visual Identity Design
Visual Marketing Communication
Publication Layout Design
Image and Illustration
Visual Marketing Communications
Corporate Image Design
Product Image and Campaign Design
Service Design
3D Project, Still Image
3D Project, Moving Image
Pre-production 1
3D Project, Animated Film
Animation Production
3D Project, Game
Design Thinking
Package Design
User-centered Web Design
Digital Marketing Production Methods
Applied Multidisciplinary Project
History of Digitalization
Digital Design in Society
User-Centred Design
User-Oriented Design Project
Service Design
Creative Design
Research-based Development
Ethics of Design
Business and Design
Design Thinking
Trends in Design
Digital design project
New Technologies and Development Environments
Advanced Service Design
Advanced User Interface Design
Advanced Design Skills
Advanced Project
Campaign Design
Product Image
Advanced Studies for a Visual Communication Designer
Applied Studies in Visual Communication Design
Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Internship 1
Internship 2
Specialization Project
Textile Design
Textile Materials
Woven and Knitted Textile Structures
Printed Textiles and Surface Design (CAD I)
Concept and Product Design (CAD II)
Woven Textiles and Production Management
Printed Textiles and Production Management
Knitted Textiles and Production Management
Professional Profile (CAD IV)
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
International Project
Textiles for the Public Space
Professional Identity
Spatial Design 1: Housing
Spatial Design 2: Public Spaces
Furniture Design 1: Furniture
Furniture Design 2: Built-in Furniture
Lighting Design 1: Lighting Concept
Building Technology 1: Wood, concrete, steel structures and bathroom, fireplace, sauna
History of Interior Design and Decoration
Digital Tools
2D and 3D programmes
Data Modelling
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Spatial Design 3: Exhibition and Event Spaces
Building Technology 2: Rehabilitation
Lighting Design 2: Light in Space
Bachelor`s Thesis and Maturity Test
Bachelor`s Thesis and Maturity Test
Sustainable Design
Marketing and Entrepreneurship in Design Field
Planning of the Thesis Work
Execution of the Thesis Work
Reporting of the Thesis and Maturity Test
User-centred Design Competence
Orientation to Industrial Design
Colour Perception and Composition
Industrial Design
Design and Product Development Process
Material and Manufacturing Technology
User-centred Design and Ergonomics
User Interface Design
Professional Profile
3D CAD 1
3D CAD 2
Trends and Brand Strategies
Strategic Design and Design Leadership
Service Design
Product Design Project 1
Product Design Project 2
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Business Project
Practical Training I
Practical Training 2
Basics of Colour Perception and Composition
Layout of the Publication
Information Visualization
Graphical User Interfaces and Web Publishing
GUI Design and Web Publishing
Motion Graphics
Visual Communication Project
Visual Identity Design
Visual Marketing Communication
Publication Layout Design
Visual Design Project
Visual Marketing Communications
Product Image and Campaign Design
Service Design
Interactive Mediaproduction - Project
3D Characters 1
3D Project, Moving Image
Pre-production 2
3D Project, Effects and Post-production
Animation Production
3D Project, Game
Design Thinking
Information Visualization
Package Design
User-centered Web Design
Digital Marketing Production Methods
Interactive Infographics
3D Characters 2
Applied Multidisciplinary Project
2D Animation
History of Digitalization
Digital Design in Society
User-Centred Design
Markup and Page Description Languages
User-Oriented Design Project
Server Programming
Service Design
Creative Design
Front End Programming
Research-based Development
Ethics of Design
Business and Design
Design Thinking
Trends in Design
Digital design project
Interactive Web Technologies
New Technologies and Development Environments
Advanced Service Design
Advanced User Interface Design
Advanced Design Skills
Advanced Project
Service Design
Campaign Design
Product Image
Information Visualization
Advanced Studies for a Visual Communication Designer
Applied Studies in Visual Communication Design
Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Internship 1
Internship 2
Specialization Project
Textile Design
Woven and Knitted Textile Structures
Printed Textiles and Surface Design (CAD I)
Concept and Product Design (CAD II)
Woven Textiles and Production Management
Printed Textiles and Production Management
Knitted Textiles and Production Management
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
International Project
Textiles for the Public Space
Professional Identity
Spatial Design 1: Housing
Spatial Design 2: Public Spaces
Furniture Design 1: Furniture
Furniture Design 2: Built-in Furniture
Lighting Design 1: Lighting Concept
Building Technology 1: Wood, concrete, steel structures and bathroom, fireplace, sauna
History of Interior Design and Decoration
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Spatial Design 3: Exhibition and Event Spaces
Building Technology 2: Rehabilitation
Lighting Design 2: Light in Space
Bachelor`s Thesis and Maturity Test
Bachelor`s Thesis and Maturity Test
Design Process Competence
Academic and Communication Skills
Professional English
Professional Swedish
Preparation for the Final Project
Art History
Art History
Orientation to Industrial Design
Working Communication
Professional Swedish
Professional English
Photography and Portfolio
Industrial Design
Design and Product Development Process
Material and Manufacturing Technology
User-centred Design and Ergonomics
User Interface Design
Professional Profile
Presentation Techniques
Design and Sculpture
3D CAD 1
3D CAD 2
Trends and Brand Strategies
Strategic Design and Design Leadership
Service Design
Product Design Project 1
Product Design Project 2
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Business Project
Practical Training I
Practical Training 2
Basics of Graphic Design and Technical Capabilities
History of Visual Communication Design and Art
Layout of the Publication
Portfolio and Professional Growth
Art History
Drawing, Painting and Composition
Visual Communication Theories
Vector Graphics
Concept Art
3D Graphics
Motion Graphics
GUI Design and Web Publishing
Basics of Motion Graphics
Broadcast Graphics
Advanced Studies in Motion Graphics
3D Animation
Audiovisual Production
Audiovisual Post-Production
Animation and Post-production Techniques
Moving Graphics and Effects
Image and Illustration
Visual Identity Design
Visual Marketing Communication
Publication Layout Design
Image and Illustration
Digital User Interfaces
Product Image and Campaign Design
Service Design
Interactive Mediaproduction - Project
Graphic Design
Drawing, Painting and Composition
Digital Sculpting
Art History
3D Project, Still Image
3D Characters 1
3D Project, Moving Image
Pre-production 1
Pre-production 2
3D Project, Animated Film
3D Project, Effects and Post-production
Animation Production
3D Project, Game
Design Thinking
Package Design
User-centered Web Design
Digital Marketing Production Methods
Interactive Infographics
3D Characters 2
Applied Multidisciplinary Project
2D Animation
Digital Design in Society
User-Centred Design
Markup and Page Description Languages
User-Oriented Design Project
Fundamentals of Visual Design
Server Programming
Service Design
Creative Design
Front End Programming
Research-based Development
Ethics of Design
Design Thinking
Trends in Design
Digital design project
Interactive Web Technologies
New Technologies and Development Environments
Advanced Service Design
Advanced User Interface Design
Advanced Design Skills
Advanced Project
Live Graphics
Game Engines in Video Production
Virtual Production
Specialization Project
Service Design
Campaign Design
Product Image
Advanced Studies for a Visual Communication Designer
Applied Studies in Visual Communication Design
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Internship 1
Internship 2
Specialization Project
Textile Design
Woven and Knitted Textile Structures
Presentation Techniques
Printed Textiles and Surface Design (CAD I)
Concept and Product Design (CAD II)
Woven Textiles and Production Management
Printed Textiles and Production Management
Knitted Textiles and Production Management
Professional Profile (CAD IV)
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
International Project
Textiles for the Public Space
Professional Identity
Spatial Design 1: Housing
Spatial Design 2: Public Spaces
Furniture Design 1: Furniture
Furniture Design 2: Built-in Furniture
Lighting Design 1: Lighting Concept
Building Technology 1: Wood, concrete, steel structures and bathroom, fireplace, sauna
Presentation Techniques in Design
Digital Tools
2D and 3D programmes
Data Modelling
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Spatial Design 3: Exhibition and Event Spaces
Building Technology 2: Rehabilitation
Lighting Design 2: Light in Space
Bachelor`s Thesis and Maturity Test
Bachelor`s Thesis and Maturity Test
Sustainable Design
Forecasting the Future
Marketing and Entrepreneurship in Design Field
History of Art and Design
Research Methodology and Writing
Planning of the Thesis Work
Execution of the Thesis Work
Reporting of the Thesis and Maturity Test
Production and Technology Competence
Academic and Communication Skills
Working Communication
Colour Perception and Composition
Photography and Portfolio
Industrial Design
Design and Product Development Process
Material and Manufacturing Technology
User-centred Design and Ergonomics
User Interface Design
Product Design Project 1
Product Design Project 2
Business Project
Practical Training I
Practical Training 2
Basics of Graphic Design and Technical Capabilities
Layout of the Publication
Bitmap Graphics
Vector Graphics
Concept Art
3D Graphics
Fundamentals of Graphic Design and Typography
Graphical User Interfaces and Web Publishing
Motion Graphics
Fundamentals of Visual Design and Typography
GUI Design and Web Publishing
Publication Design
Digital Illustration
Broadcast Graphics
Advanced Studies in Motion Graphics
3D Animation
Fundamentals of Cinematic Storytelling
Audiovisual Production
Audiovisual Post-Production
Fundamentals of Cinematic Storytelling
Animation and Post-production Techniques
3D Graphics
3D Animation
Moving Graphics and Effects
Motion Graphics
Image and Illustration
Visual Communication Project
Visual Identity Design
Publication Layout Design
Visual Design Project
Digital User Interfaces
Visual Marketing Communications
Corporate Image Design
Product Image and Campaign Design
Interactive Media
Interactive Mediaproduction - Project
Digital Sculpting
3D Project, Still Image
3D Characters 1
3D Project, Moving Image
Pre-production 1
Pre-production 2
3D Project, Animated Film
3D Project, Effects and Post-production
Animation Production
3D Project, Game
Professional Project
Information Visualization
User-centered Web Design
Digital Marketing Production Methods
Interactive Infographics
Advanced Video Techniques
XR Publishing
Game Engines
3D Characters 2
Applied Multidisciplinary Project
2D Animation
User-Centred Design
Markup and Page Description Languages
User-Oriented Design Project
Server Programming
Service Design
Creative Design
Front End Programming
Design Thinking
Trends in Design
Digital design project
Interactive Web Technologies
New Technologies and Development Environments
Advanced User Interface Design
Advanced Design Skills
Advanced Project
Live Graphics
Game Engines in Video Production
Virtual Production
Specialization Project
Service Design
Product Image
Information Visualization
Advanced Studies for a Visual Communication Designer
Applied Studies in Visual Communication Design
Internship 1
Internship 2
Specialization Project
Textile Materials
Woven and Knitted Textile Structures
Printed Textiles and Surface Design (CAD I)
Concept and Product Design (CAD II)
Woven Textiles and Production Management
Printed Textiles and Production Management
Knitted Textiles and Production Management
Graphic Design and Porfolio (CAD III)
Professional Profile (CAD IV)
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
International Project
Textiles for the Public Space
Professional Identity
Spatial Design 2: Public Spaces
Furniture Design 2: Built-in Furniture
Lighting Design 1: Lighting Concept
Building Technology 1: Wood, concrete, steel structures and bathroom, fireplace, sauna
History of Interior Design and Decoration
Digital Tools
2D and 3D programmes
Data Modelling
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Spatial Design 3: Exhibition and Event Spaces
Building Technology 2: Rehabilitation
Lighting Design 2: Light in Space
Bachelor`s Thesis and Maturity Test
Bachelor`s Thesis and Maturity Test
Sustainable Design
Marketing and Entrepreneurship in Design Field
Planning of the Thesis Work
Execution of the Thesis Work
Reporting of the Thesis and Maturity Test
Visual Competence
Art History
Orientation to Industrial Design
Colour Perception and Composition
Life Drawing and Painting
Drawing and Painting
Photography and Portfolio
Industrial Design
Design and Product Development Process
User Interface Design
Professional Profile
Presentation Techniques
Design and Sculpture
3D CAD 1
3D CAD 2
Product Design Project 1
Product Design Project 2
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Business Project
Practical Training I
Practical Training 2
Basics of Graphic Design and Technical Capabilities
Basics of Colour Perception and Composition
History of Visual Communication Design and Art
Layout of the Publication
Visual Communication Theories
Drawing, Painting and Composition
Bitmap Graphics
Vector Graphics
Information Visualization
Concept Art
3D Graphics
Fundamentals of Graphic Design and Typography
Graphical User Interfaces and Web Publishing
Motion Graphics
Fundamentals of Visual Design and Typography
GUI Design and Web Publishing
Publication Design
Digital Illustration
Principles of Animation
Basics of Motion Graphics
Broadcast Graphics
Advanced Studies in Motion Graphics
3D Animation
Fundamentals of Cinematic Storytelling
Audiovisual Production
Audiovisual Post-Production
Fundamentals of Cinematic Storytelling
Animation and Post-production Techniques
3D Graphics
3D Animation
Moving Graphics and Effects
Motion Graphics
Image and Illustration
Visual Identity Design
Visual Marketing Communication
Publication Layout Design
Image and Illustration
Visual Design Project
Digital User Interfaces
Visual Marketing Communications
Corporate Image Design
Product Image and Campaign Design
Service Design
Interactive Media
Interactive Mediaproduction - Project
Graphic Design
Drawing, Painting and Composition
Digital Sculpting
3D Project, Still Image
3D Characters 1
3D Project, Moving Image
Pre-production 1
Pre-production 2
3D Project, Animated Film
3D Project, Effects and Post-production
Animation Production
3D Project, Game
Concept Art
Design Thinking
Professional Project
Information Visualization
Typeface Design
Package Design
User-centered Web Design
Digital Marketing Production Methods
Character Design
Interactive Infographics
Advanced Video Techniques
XR Publishing
3D Characters 2
Applied Multidisciplinary Project
2D Animation
User-Centred Design
User-Oriented Design Project
Fundamentals of Visual Design
Service Design
Creative Design
Ethics of Design
Design Thinking
Trends in Design
Digital design project
Advanced Service Design
Advanced User Interface Design
Advanced Design Skills
Advanced Project
Live Graphics
Game Engines in Video Production
Virtual Production
Specialization Project
Product Image
Information Visualization
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Internship 1
Internship 2
Specialization Project
Textile Design
Woven and Knitted Textile Structures
Presentation Techniques
Printed Textiles and Surface Design (CAD I)
Concept and Product Design (CAD II)
Woven Textiles and Production Management
Printed Textiles and Production Management
Knitted Textiles and Production Management
Graphic Design and Porfolio (CAD III)
Professional Profile (CAD IV)
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
International Project
Textiles for the Public Space
Professional Identity
Spatial Design 1: Housing
Spatial Design 2: Public Spaces
Furniture Design 1: Furniture
Furniture Design 2: Built-in Furniture
Lighting Design 1: Lighting Concept
Building Technology 1: Wood, concrete, steel structures and bathroom, fireplace, sauna
History of Interior Design and Decoration
Presentation Techniques in Design
Digital Tools
2D and 3D programmes
Data Modelling
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Spatial Design 3: Exhibition and Event Spaces
Building Technology 2: Rehabilitation
Lighting Design 2: Light in Space
Bachelor`s Thesis and Maturity Test
Not grouped
Studio Photography
Graphical User Interfaces and Web Publishing
User Experience Design
Emerging Technologies
Advanced Professional Project

ARENE 2022::UAS shared competences::Bachelor’s degree

Replaces the Metropolia's Generic Competences::Bachelor's Degree, UAS” -matrix.. Heidi Rontu/31.8.2022


The graduating student adheres to the ethical principles and values of their field of profession, taking the principles of equality and non-discrimination into account.
- Is able to take responsibility for their own actions and their consequences and reflects on them in accordance with the ethical principles and values of their field.
- Takes others into account and promotes equality and non-discrimination.
- Take into account the realisation of diversity and accessibility in their actions.
- Understands the principles of responsible conduct of research and adheres to them.
- Is able to influence society based on ethical values.

Preparation for the Final Project
Art History
Orientation to Industrial Design
Product Design Project 1
Product Design Project 2
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Business Project
Practical Training I
Practical Training 2
History of Visual Communication Design and Art
Visual Communication Theories
Portfolio and Professional Growth
Art History
Drawing, Painting and Composition
Visual Communication Theories
Fundamentals of Graphic Design and Typography
Visual Identity Design
Visual Marketing Communication
Corporate Image Design
Service Design
Interactive Mediaproduction - Project
Graphic Design
Drawing, Painting and Composition
Digital Sculpting
Art History
3D Project, Still Image
3D Characters 1
3D Project, Moving Image
Pre-production 1
Pre-production 2
3D Project, Animated Film
3D Project, Effects and Post-production
Animation Production
3D Project, Game
Concept Art
Design Thinking
Professional Project
Information Visualization
Typeface Design
Package Design
User-centered Web Design
Digital Marketing Production Methods
Character Design
Interactive Infographics
Advanced Video Techniques
XR Publishing
Game Engines
3D Characters 2
Applied Multidisciplinary Project
2D Animation
Digital Design in Society
Service Design
Ethics of Design
Design Thinking
Trends in Design
Advanced Project
Service Design
Campaign Design
Product Image
Advanced Studies for a Visual Communication Designer
Applied Studies in Visual Communication Design
Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Internship 1
Internship 2
Specialization Project
Textile Design
Textile Materials
Woven and Knitted Textile Structures
Woven Textiles and Production Management
Printed Textiles and Production Management
Knitted Textiles and Production Management
Graphic Design and Porfolio (CAD III)
Professional Profile (CAD IV)
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Textiles for the Public Space
Professional Identity
Spatial Design 1: Housing
Furniture Design 2: Built-in Furniture
Lighting Design 1: Lighting Concept
Building Technology 1: Wood, concrete, steel structures and bathroom, fireplace, sauna
History of Interior Design and Decoration
Presentation Techniques in Design
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Spatial Design 3: Exhibition and Event Spaces
Building Technology 2: Rehabilitation
Lighting Design 2: Light in Space
Bachelor`s Thesis and Maturity Test
Bachelor`s Thesis and Maturity Test
Marketing and Entrepreneurship in Design Field
Planning of the Thesis Work
Execution of the Thesis Work
Reporting of the Thesis and Maturity Test
Proactive development

The graduating student is able to develop solutions that anticipate the future of their own field, applying existing knowledge and research and development methods.
- Solves problem situations creatively and reforms operating methods together with others.
- Is able to work in projects in cooperation with actors of different fields.
- Is able to apply existing knowledge in the field in development and utilises research and development methods.
- Is able to seek customer-oriented, sustainable and economically viable solutions, anticipating the future of their field.

Product Design Project 1
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Practical Training I
Practical Training 2
Fundamentals of Visual Design and Typography
Motion Graphics
Visual Communication Project
Applied Multidisciplinary Project
Creative Design
Trends in Design
Emerging Technologies
Service Design
Campaign Design
Advanced Studies for a Visual Communication Designer
Applied Studies in Visual Communication Design
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Spatial Design 3: Exhibition and Event Spaces
Bachelor`s Thesis and Maturity Test
Sustainable Design
Forecasting the Future
Planning of the Thesis Work
Execution of the Thesis Work
Reporting of the Thesis and Maturity Test
Internationality and multiculturalism

The graduating student is able to operate in multicultural and international operating environments and networks.
- Is familiar with the impacts of their cultural background on their activities and is able to develop operating methods that take multiculturalism into account in their work community.
- Is able to monitor and utilise the international development of their field in their work.
- Is able to communicate internationally in their work tasks.

Academic and Communication Skills
Professional English
Professional Swedish
Working Communication
Professional Swedish
Professional English
Product Design Project 1
Product Design Project 2
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Practical Training I
Practical Training 2
History of Visual Communication Design and Art
Portfolio and Professional Growth
Art History
Visual Identity Design
Visual Marketing Communication
Art History
3D Project, Game
Concept Art
Design Thinking
Professional Project
Information Visualization
Typeface Design
Package Design
User-centered Web Design
Digital Marketing Production Methods
Character Design
Interactive Infographics
Advanced Video Techniques
XR Publishing
Game Engines
Emerging Technologies
Advanced Studies for a Visual Communication Designer
Applied Studies in Visual Communication Design
Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development
Internship 1
Internship 2
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
International Project
History of Interior Design and Decoration
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
History of Art and Design
Sustainable development

The graduating student is familiar with the principles of sustainable development, promotes their implementation and acts responsibly as a professional and a member of society.
- Is able to use information related to their field in finding, implementing and establishing sustainable solutions and operating models.
- Understands sustainability challenges, their interdependencies and the various aspects of issues and problem

Orientation to Industrial Design
Product Design Project 1
Product Design Project 2
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Practical Training I
Practical Training 2
Layout of the Publication
Visual Communication Theories
Visual Communication Theories
Information Visualization
Fundamentals of Graphic Design and Typography
Fundamentals of Visual Design and Typography
Publication Design
Fundamentals of Cinematic Storytelling
Animation and Post-production Techniques
Moving Graphics and Effects
Motion Graphics
Visual Identity Design
Visual Marketing Communication
Publication Layout Design
Image and Illustration
Visual Design Project
Visual Marketing Communications
Corporate Image Design
Product Image and Campaign Design
Service Design
Interactive Media
Interactive Mediaproduction - Project
Graphic Design
3D Project, Still Image
3D Characters 1
3D Project, Moving Image
Pre-production 1
Pre-production 2
3D Project, Animated Film
3D Project, Effects and Post-production
3D Project, Game
Digital Design in Society
Ethics of Design
Design Thinking
Trends in Design
Virtual Production
Emerging Technologies
Service Design
Product Image
Advanced Studies for a Visual Communication Designer
Applied Studies in Visual Communication Design
Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Building Technology 2: Rehabilitation
Sustainable Design
Planning of the Thesis Work
Execution of the Thesis Work
Reporting of the Thesis and Maturity Test
Learning to learn

The graduating student recognises the strengths and development areas of their competence and learning methods, and they utilise the opportunities communities and digitalisation provide in their learning.
- Assesses and develops their competence and learning methods in different learning environments.
- Is able to acquire, critically assess and appropriately apply the national and international knowledge base and practices of their field.
- Also takes responsibility for group learning and sharing what has been learned.

Academic and Communication Skills
Professional English
Professional Swedish
Preparation for the Final Project
Art History
Orientation to Industrial Design
Working Communication
Professional Swedish
Professional English
Colour Perception and Composition
Life Drawing and Painting
Drawing and Painting
Photography and Portfolio
Industrial Design
Design and Product Development Process
Material and Manufacturing Technology
User-centred Design and Ergonomics
User Interface Design
Professional Profile
Presentation Techniques
Design and Sculpture
3D CAD 2
Trends and Brand Strategies
Strategic Design and Design Leadership
Service Design
Product Design Project 1
Product Design Project 2
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Business Project
Practical Training I
Practical Training 2
Basics of Graphic Design and Technical Capabilities
Basics of Colour Perception and Composition
History of Visual Communication Design and Art
Visual Communication Theories
Portfolio and Professional Growth
Drawing, Painting and Composition
Visual Communication Theories
Information Visualization
Fundamentals of Graphic Design and Typography
Graphical User Interfaces and Web Publishing
Motion Graphics
Fundamentals of Visual Design and Typography
GUI Design and Web Publishing
Publication Design
Digital Illustration
Graphic Design
Drawing, Painting and Composition
Digital Sculpting
3D Project, Still Image
3D Characters 1
3D Project, Moving Image
Pre-production 1
Pre-production 2
3D Project, Animated Film
3D Project, Effects and Post-production
Animation Production
3D Project, Game
Concept Art
Design Thinking
Professional Project
Information Visualization
Typeface Design
Package Design
User-centered Web Design
Digital Marketing Production Methods
Character Design
Interactive Infographics
Advanced Video Techniques
XR Publishing
Game Engines
3D Characters 2
Applied Multidisciplinary Project
2D Animation
History of Digitalization
Markup and Page Description Languages
User-Oriented Design Project
Service Design
Digital design project
Advanced Project
Internship 1
Internship 2
Specialization Project
Textile Design
Textile Materials
Woven and Knitted Textile Structures
Presentation Techniques
Printed Textiles and Surface Design (CAD I)
Concept and Product Design (CAD II)
Woven Textiles and Production Management
Printed Textiles and Production Management
Knitted Textiles and Production Management
Graphic Design and Porfolio (CAD III)
Professional Profile (CAD IV)
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
International Project
Textiles for the Public Space
Professional Identity
Spatial Design 1: Housing
Spatial Design 2: Public Spaces
Furniture Design 1: Furniture
Furniture Design 2: Built-in Furniture
Lighting Design 1: Lighting Concept
Building Technology 1: Wood, concrete, steel structures and bathroom, fireplace, sauna
History of Interior Design and Decoration
Presentation Techniques in Design
Digital Tools
2D and 3D programmes
Data Modelling
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Spatial Design 3: Exhibition and Event Spaces
Building Technology 2: Rehabilitation
Lighting Design 2: Light in Space
Bachelor`s Thesis and Maturity Test
Bachelor`s Thesis and Maturity Test
Sustainable Design
Forecasting the Future
Marketing and Entrepreneurship in Design Field
History of Art and Design
Research Methodology and Writing
Planning of the Thesis Work
Execution of the Thesis Work
Reporting of the Thesis and Maturity Test
Operating in a workplace

The graduating student has versatile working life skills and is able to operate in work communities of their field.
- Is able to work constructively in a work community and promotes their own and their work community’s well-being.
- Is able to act professionally in communication and interaction situations at a workplace.
- Utilises the opportunities offered by technology and digitalisation in their work.
- Understands the complexity of changing working life and their own resilience in changing working life situations
- Has capabilities for an entrepreneurial approach.

Preparation for the Final Project
Working Communication
Professional Swedish
Professional English
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Business Project
Practical Training I
Practical Training 2
Basics of Graphic Design and Technical Capabilities
Layout of the Publication
Portfolio and Professional Growth
Broadcast Graphics
Fundamentals of Cinematic Storytelling
Audiovisual Production
Audiovisual Post-Production
Motion Graphics
Image and Illustration
Visual Communication Project
Visual Identity Design
Visual Marketing Communication
Publication Layout Design
Image and Illustration
Visual Design Project
Digital User Interfaces
Visual Marketing Communications
Corporate Image Design
Product Image and Campaign Design
Service Design
Interactive Media
Interactive Mediaproduction - Project
Pre-production 1
Animation Production
3D Project, Game
Concept Art
Design Thinking
Professional Project
Information Visualization
Typeface Design
Package Design
User-centered Web Design
Digital Marketing Production Methods
Character Design
Interactive Infographics
Advanced Video Techniques
XR Publishing
Game Engines
Applied Multidisciplinary Project
User-Centred Design
User-Oriented Design Project
Research-based Development
Business and Design
Digital design project
Advanced Service Design
Advanced User Interface Design
Advanced Design Skills
Advanced Project
Live Graphics
Game Engines in Video Production
Virtual Production
Specialization Project
Service Design
Campaign Design
Product Image
Advanced Studies for a Visual Communication Designer
Applied Studies in Visual Communication Design
Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Internship 1
Internship 2
Specialization Project
Graphic Design and Porfolio (CAD III)
Professional Profile (CAD IV)
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
International Project
Textiles for the Public Space
Professional Identity
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Bachelor`s Thesis and Maturity Test
Bachelor`s Thesis and Maturity Test
Marketing and Entrepreneurship in Design Field
Not grouped
Art History
3D CAD 1
Studio Photography
Bitmap Graphics
Vector Graphics
Concept Art
3D Graphics
Principles of Animation
Basics of Motion Graphics
Advanced Studies in Motion Graphics
3D Animation
3D Graphics
3D Animation
Graphical User Interfaces and Web Publishing
User Experience Design
Fundamentals of Visual Design
Server Programming
Front End Programming
Interactive Web Technologies
New Technologies and Development Environments
Information Visualization
Advanced Professional Project

Code Name Credits (cr)
Core Curriculum

(Choose all)

KM00ES67 Academic and Communication Skills 5
KX00EE99 Professional English 5
KX00EE98 Professional Swedish 5
KM00BK91 Preparation for the Final Project 5
KM00BL00 Art History 5
KM00FO71 Entrepreneurship 5
KM00FP19 Art History 5
Basic Studies

(Choose all)

KX00EE96 Orientation to Industrial Design 5
KX00EE97 Working Communication 5
KX00EE98 Professional Swedish 5
KX00EE99 Professional English 5
Visual Studies

(Choose all)

KQ00BO36 Colour Perception and Composition 5
KQ00BO35 Life Drawing and Painting 5
KQ00BO34 Drawing and Painting 5
KQ00BO37 Photography and Portfolio 5
KX00EG57 Photography 5
Industrial Design, Professional Studies

(Choose all)

KQ00BT51 Industrial Design 5
KQ00BT52 Design and Product Development Process 5
KQ00BT53 Material and Manufacturing Technology 10
KX00EF38 User-centred Design and Ergonomics 5
KX00EF39 User Interface Design 5
KQ00BW45 Professional Profile 5
Industrial Design, CAD-studies and Visualization

(Choose all)

KQ00BT56 Presentation Techniques 5
KQ00BT57 Design and Sculpture 5
KX00EF40 2D CAD 5
KX00EF41 3D CAD 1 5
KX00EF42 3D CAD 2 5
Industrial Design and Business

(Choose all)

KQ00BT61 Trends and Brand Strategies 5
KQ00BT62 Strategic Design and Design Leadership 5
KQ00BW44 Service Design 5
Industrial Design, Project Studies

(Choose all)

KX00EF43 Product Design Project 1 10
KX00EF44 Product Design Project 2 10
XX00DZ39 Multidisciplinary Innovation Project 10
KX00EF45 Business Project 10
Practical Training

(Choose all)

KX00EF46 Practical Training I 15
KX00EF47 Practical Training 2 15
Elective Studies

(Choose ects: 15)

Introduction to Visual Communication Design

(Choose all)

KM00FQ45 Basics of Graphic Design and Technical Capabilities 10
KM00FQ46 Basics of Colour Perception and Composition 5
KM00FQ47 Typography 5
KM00FQ48 History of Visual Communication Design and Art 5
KM00FQ49 Layout of the Publication 10
KM00FQ50 Studio Photography 5
KM00FQ51 Visual Communication Theories 5
KM00FQ52 Portfolio and Professional Growth 5
Basic Studies of Visual Design

(Choose all)

KM00ER45 Art History 5
KM00ES05 Photography 5
KM00ES06 Drawing, Painting and Composition 5
KM00ER86 Portfolio 5
KM00ES07 Visual Communication Theories 5
KM00FP20 Bitmap Graphics 5
KM00FP21 Vector Graphics 5
KM00FP22 Typography 5
KM00FP23 Information Visualization 5
KM00FP24 Concept Art 5
KM00FP25 3D Graphics 5
Core Courses in Visual Design

(Choose all)

KM00ER87 Fundamentals of Graphic Design and Typography 15
KM00ER99 Graphical User Interfaces and Web Publishing 10
KM00ES00 Motion Graphics 5
KM00ES13 Fundamentals of Visual Design and Typography 15
KM00ES14 GUI Design and Web Publishing 15
KM00ES15 Publication Design 5
KM00ES16 Digital Illustration 5
Motion Graphics -Basic Studies

(Choose all)

KM00FP26 Principles of Animation 5
KM00FP27 Basics of Motion Graphics 5
KM00FP28 Broadcast Graphics 5
KM00FP29 Advanced Studies in Motion Graphics 5
KM00FP30 3D Animation 5
Audiovisual Studies

(Choose all)

KM00FP31 Fundamentals of Cinematic Storytelling 5
KM00FP32 Audiovisual Production 5
KM00FP33 Audiovisual Post-Production 5
KM00FP34 VFX-Production 15
Moving Image and Sound Production

(Choose all)

KM00ES17 Animation 5
KM00ES18 Fundamentals of Cinematic Storytelling 5
KM00ES19 Animation and Post-production Techniques 10
KM00ES20 3D Graphics 5
KM00ES21 3D Animation 5
KM00ES22 Moving Graphics and Effects 15
Acquiring Visual Communication Design Competence

(Choose all)

KM00FQ53 Graphical User Interfaces and Web Publishing 10
KM00FQ54 Motion Graphics 5
KM00FQ55 Image and Illustration 5
KM00FQ56 Marketing 5
KM00FQ57 Visual Communication Project 5
KM00FQ58 Visual Identity Design 10
KM00FQ59 User Experience Design 5
KM00FQ60 Visual Marketing Communication 10
Visual Design

(Choose all)

KM00ES01 Publication Layout Design 10
KM00ES02 Image and Illustration 5
KM00ES03 Visual Design Project 10
KM00ES04 Digital User Interfaces 5
Visual Design in Marketing

(Choose all)

KM00ES08 Visual Marketing Communications 10
KM00ES09 Corporate Image Design 10
KM00ES10 Marketing 5
KM00ES11 Product Image and Campaign Design 15
KM00ES12 Service Design 5
Interactive Media Production

(Choose all)

KM00ES23 Interactive Media 5
KM00ES24 Interactive Mediaproduction - Project 10
Core Courses in Visual Design, 3D

(Choose all)

KM00ER41 Graphic Design 5
KM00ER42 Photography 5
KM00ER43 Drawing, Painting and Composition 5
KM00ER44 Digital Sculpting 5
KM00ER45 Art History 5
Core Courses in 3D Animation and Visualization

(Choose all)

KM00ER46 3D Project, Still Image 15
KM00ER47 3D Characters 1 5
KM00ER48 3D Project, Moving Image 15
3D Character Animation and Post-processing

(Choose all)

KM00ER49 Pre-production 1 5
KM00ER50 Pre-production 2 5
KM00ER51 3D Project, Animated Film 15
KM00ER52 3D Project, Effects and Post-production 15
KM00ER53 Animation Production 5
3D Game Art

(Choose all)

KM00ER54 3D Project, Game 15
Multidisciplinary Courses in Visual Design

(Choose ects: 15)

KM00ER88 Drawing 5
KM00ER89 Concept Art 5
KM00ER90 Design Thinking 5
KM00ER91 Professional Project 5
KM00ER92 Information Visualization 5
KM00ER93 Typeface Design 5
KM00ER94 Package Design 5
KM00ER95 User-centered Web Design 5
KM00ER96 Digital Marketing Production Methods 5
KM00ER98 Copywriting 5
KM00ES25 Character Design 5
KM00ES26 Interactive Infographics 5
KM00ES27 Advanced Video Techniques 5
KM00ES28 XR Publishing 5
KM00ES29 Game Engines 5
KM00ES30 Advertising 5
Multidisciplinary Courses in 3D Animation and Visualization

(Choose all)

KM00ER55 3D Characters 2 5
KM00ER56 Showreel 5
KM00ER57 Applied Multidisciplinary Project 5
KM00ER58 2D Animation 5
Core Courses in Digital Design

(Choose all)

KM00EI62 History of Digitalization 5
KM00EI63 Digital Design in Society 5
Professional Core Courses in Digital Design

(Choose all)

KM00EI64 User-Centred Design 5
KM00EI65 Markup and Page Description Languages 5
KM00EI66 User-Oriented Design Project 10
KM00EI67 Fundamentals of Visual Design 5
KM00EI69 Server Programming 5
KM00EI71 Service Design 5
KM00EI72 Creative Design 10
KM00EI73 Front End Programming 5
KM00EI74 Research-based Development 10
KM00EI75 Ethics of Design 5
KM00EI77 Business and Design 5
KM00EI76 Design Thinking 5
KM00FT87 Trends in Design 5
KM00FT88 Digital design project 10
Advanced Digital Design Courses

(Choose ects: 30)

KM00EI78 Interactive Web Technologies 10
KM00EI79 New Technologies and Development Environments 10
KM00EI80 Advanced Service Design 10
KM00EI81 Advanced User Interface Design 10
KM00EI82 Advanced Design Skills 10
Multidisciplinary Courses in Digital Design

(Choose all)

KM00EI83 Advanced Project 15
Real-Time Graphics

(Choose all)

KM00FQ05 Live Graphics 5
KM00FQ06 Game Engines in Video Production 10
KM00FQ07 Virtual Production 5
Specialization Studies

(Choose all)

KM00FQ08 Showreel 5
KM00FQ09 Emerging Technologies 10
KM00FQ10 Specialization Project 10
Developing as a Designer

(Choose all)

KM00FQ61 Service Design 5
KM00FQ62 Campaign Design 5
KM00FQ63 Product Image 5
KM00FQ64 Information Visualization 5
Expertise in Visual Communication Design

(Choose all)

KM00FQ65 Advanced Studies for a Visual Communication Designer 10
KM00FQ66 Applied Studies in Visual Communication Design 5
KM00FQ67 Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development 5
KM00FQ68 Advanced Professional Project 5
Elective Studies

(Choose ects: 15)

Innovation Project

(Choose all)

XX00DZ39 Multidisciplinary Innovation Project 10

(Choose all)

KM00BL68 Internship 1 15
KM00BL69 Internship 2 15
Specialization Project

(Choose all)

KM00ER60 Specialization Project 10
Professional Studies in Textile Design

(Choose all)

KX00EF64 Textile Design 5
KX00EF65 Textile Materials 5
KX00EF66 Woven and Knitted Textile Structures 15
KX00EF67 Presentation Techniques 5
KX00EF68 Printed Textiles and Surface Design (CAD I) 15
KX00EF69 Concept and Product Design (CAD II) 5
KX00EF73 Woven Textiles and Production Management 10
KX00EF74 Printed Textiles and Production Management 10
KX00EF75 Knitted Textiles and Production Management 10
KX00EF76 Graphic Design and Porfolio (CAD III) 5
KX00EF77 Professional Profile (CAD IV) 5
Textile Design, Project Studies

(Choose all)

XX00DZ39 Multidisciplinary Innovation Project 10
KX00EF95 International Project 10
KX00EF96 Textiles for the Public Space 5
KX00EF97 Professional Identity 5
Professional Studies in Interior Architecture

(Choose all)

KX00EF98 Spatial Design 1: Housing 10
KX00EF99 Spatial Design 2: Public Spaces 10
KX00EG00 Furniture Design 1: Furniture 10
KX00EG01 Furniture Design 2: Built-in Furniture 10
KX00EG10 Lighting Design 1: Lighting Concept 5
KX00EG11 Materials 5
KX00EG12 Building Technology 1: Wood, concrete, steel structures and bathroom, fireplace, sauna 10
KX00EG14 History of Interior Design and Decoration 5
Interior Architecture, Digital Environment and Design Communications

(Choose all)

KX00EG15 Presentation Techniques in Design 5
KX00EG16 Digital Tools 5
KX00EG17 2D and 3D programmes 5
KX00EG18 Data Modelling 5
Advanced Studies in Interior Architecture

(Choose all)

XX00DZ39 Multidisciplinary Innovation Project 10
KX00EG19 Spatial Design 3: Exhibition and Event Spaces 10
KX00EG20 Building Technology 2: Rehabilitation 10
KX00EG21 Lighting Design 2: Light in Space 10
Final Project

(Choose all)

KX00EF48 Bachelor`s Thesis and Maturity Test 15
Bachelor´s Thesis

(Choose all)

KX00EF48 Bachelor`s Thesis and Maturity Test 15
Common Professional Studies in Design

(Choose all)

KX00EF04 Sustainable Design 5
KX00EF06 Forecasting the Future 5
KX00EF08 Marketing and Entrepreneurship in Design Field 5
KQ00BO38 History of Art and Design 5
KQ00BO88 Research Methodology and Writing 5
Bachelor's Thesis

(Choose all)

XX00EL75 Planning of the Thesis Work 5
XX00EL76 Execution of the Thesis Work 5
XX00EL77 Reporting of the Thesis and Maturity Test 5