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Social Services: Social Services

Code: SXH20S1

Bachelor of Social Services and Health Care

Degree title:
Bachelor of Social Services

210 ects

3.5 years (210 cr)

Start semester:
Autumn 2020


The Degree Programme in Social Services follows the common principles of Metropolia’s Learner’s Path. Workplace-oriented teaching and learning take place in multicultural environments in the Metropolitan area. Programme teaching takes advantage of many different ways of learning such as exploratory and project-based learning. Studies also include the planning and implementation of projects that develop social services together with a team of experts. In the course of their studies, each student will participate in multidisciplinary courses and have the opportunity to choose up to 30 credits of elective courses from the social services degree programme and from other suitable degree programmes. The Learner's Path encourages students to join international activities such as international internships, exchange pro-grammes and projects. Because the Degree Programme in Social Services is conducted in both Finnish and English, all students will have the opportunity to complete part of their studies in English. Students may acquire the Competence in Early Childhood Education in Social Services by studying the required amount (60 credits) of early childhood education courses.
The degree programme in Social Services provides students with socio-pedagogical competence and innovative expertise in the social sector which work to meet the changing requirements of the Helsinki Metropolitan area. Bachelors of Social Services act confidently to promote social participation, equality and wellbeing in society. They work in cooperation with individuals and communities to prevent and reduce social deprivation and exclusion. They are capable of demonstrating their competence in their profession and committed to their ongoing development.
The foundation of professionalism for Bachelors of Social Services is built on the socio-pedagogical approach. Bachelors of Social Services are capable of analysing social phenomena and understand their significance to people’s lives and wellbeing. Combining pedagogical (education and learning) and social (societal) perspectives at work is emphasised in social pedagogy. The work is carried out in the daily lives of people of different ages in their own living environment. Bachelors of Social Services show competence in dialogue with different people, which requires appreciation of the diversity of their daily living. By means of socio-pedagogical competence, Bachelors of Social Services can influence a client’s functional ability and sense of empowerment. This expertise manifests itself, for example, in socio-cultural competence as well as client-oriented and participatory actions. Bachelors of Social Services are also capable of taking on tasks requiring development and leadership skills, promoting the social perspective within social services as well as multiprofessionalism and networking within the overlapping areas among welfare providers.
The degree programme is based on the competence areas of Bachelor of Social Services:
1. Ethical competence in social services
2. Communication and interaction competence
3. Counselling and guidance competence
4. Participatory and critical societal competence
5. Research and development competence
6. Work community and leadership competence

Show study timings by semester, study year or period

Code Name Credits (cr) 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 Autumn 2020 Spring 2021 Autumn 2021 Spring 2022 Autumn 2022 Spring 2023 Autumn 2023 1. / 2020 2. / 2020 3. / 2021 4. / 2021 1. / 2021 2. / 2021 3. / 2022 4. / 2022 1. / 2022 2. / 2022 3. / 2023 4. / 2023 1. / 2023 2. / 2023
Socio-Pedagogical Orientation

(Choose all )

SX00BU35 Introduction to Studying 5
SX00BU36 Professional Communication and IT Skills 5
SX00BR65 Introduction to Social Pedagogy 5
Work Environments of Bachelors of Social Services

(Choose all )

SX00BN91 Development of the Welfare State 5
SX00DL77 Work and Working Environments in Social Services 5
SX00DL63 Swedish at Work 5
Social Inclusion

(Choose 15)

SX00BO14 Individual Growth and Development 5
SX00BO80 Childhood Growth and Development 5
SX00BO15 Social Participation and Exclusion 5
SX00BZ93 Everyday Life of Families and Children in Finnish Society 5
SX00BO16 Individual and Community Counselling 5
Supporting Daily Life Through Social-Pedagogical Work

(Choose 15)

SX00DL78 First Internship 5
SX00DL79 Supporting Everyday Life in Socio-pedagogical Work 10
SX00DL80 Supporting Daily Life in Early Education 10
Empowerment in Socio-Pedagogical Work

(Choose all )

SX00BO25 Empowering, Ethics and Work Challenges 10
SX00BO33 Internship in Voluntary Work 5
Diverse Lives

(Choose 15)

SX00BO49 Child Protection 5
SX00BX94 Mental Health and Substance Abuse 5
SX00DL75 Disability and Chronic Illness 5
SX00BO81 Special Needs Support in Early Education 5
Social Protection and Client Counselling

(Choose all )

SX00DL76 Case Management 10
SX00BU37 Basics of Research and Development 5
Socio-pedagogical Work with Clients

(Choose all )

SX00BO59 Second Internship 15
Deepening of Multi-Disciplinary Competence

(Choose all )

XX00DZ39 Multidisciplinary Innovation Project 10
SX00BU38 Advanced Research and Development 5
Elective Module and Elective Studies

(Choose 30)

SX00BZ76 Special Education in Different Phases of Life 5
Diverse Social Councelling

(Choose 15)

0 - 15
SX00DL73 Social Councelling with Adults 5
SX00DL74 The Impact of Changes in Social Security on Everyday Life 5
SX00BZ82 Abusive Behaviour and Domestic Violence 5
Sociocultural Animation

(Choose 15)

0 - 15
SX00DL72 Socio-pedagogical Community Work 5
SX00DL66 Creative Methods 5
SX00DL67 Community Animation 5
Socio-Pedagogical Work with Families

(Choose 15)

0 - 15
SX00BZ80 Youth as a Phase of Life 5
SX00BZ81 Work with Families 5
SX00BZ82 Abusive Behaviour and Domestic Violence 5
Early Education

(Choose 20)

SX00BZ77 Basics of Early Childhood Education 5
SX00BZ78 Learning in Early Childhood 5
SX00DL81 Pedagogical Activities in Early Childhood Education 10
Leadership and Development in Social Services

(Choose all )

SX00EL01 Planning of the Bachelor’s Thesis 5
SX00BO76 Leadership and Development of the Work Community 5
SX00EL03 Implementing the Bachelor’s Thesis 5
Professional Development of the Bachelor of Social Services

(Choose all )

SX00EL04 Reporting and Publication of the Bachelor’s Thesis 5
SX00BU39 Entrepreneurship in Welfare, Leadership and Service Production 5
SX00DT49 Third Internship 20
Total 210 80 65 100 30 30 50 35 30 50 50 30 15 15 25 25 15 20 22.5 7.5 15 35 10 40 20 10

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.

amk::amk-tutkintojen kieliopinnot

AMK-tutkintoon johtavien opintojen tavoitteena on, että tutkinnon suorittaneella on riittävä viestintä- ja kielitaito oman alansa tehtäviin sekä kansainväliseen toimintaan ja yhteistyöhön. (Valtioneuvoston asetus ammattikorkeakoulusta 1129/2014, 4 §).

Professional English

Vieraan kielen kirjallinen ja suullinen taito, joka ammatin harjoittamisen ja ammatillisen kehityksen kannalta on tarpeellinen.

Supporting Everyday Life in Socio-pedagogical Work
Supporting Daily Life in Early Education
Second language (Finnish)

No attached course units

Second domestic language (Swedish)

Ruotsin kielen taito, joka julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta annetun lain (424/2003) mukaan vaaditaan korkeakoulututkintoa edellyttävään virkaan kaksikielisellä virka-alueella ja joka ammatin harjoittamisen ja ammatillisen kehityksen kannalta on tarpeellinen.

Swedish at Work
Not grouped
Introduction to Studying
Professional Communication and IT Skills
Introduction to Social Pedagogy
Development of the Welfare State
Work and Working Environments in Social Services
Individual Growth and Development
Childhood Growth and Development
Social Participation and Exclusion
Everyday Life of Families and Children in Finnish Society
Individual and Community Counselling
First Internship
Empowering, Ethics and Work Challenges
Internship in Voluntary Work
Child Protection
Mental Health and Substance Abuse
Disability and Chronic Illness
Special Needs Support in Early Education
Case Management
Basics of Research and Development
Second Internship
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Advanced Research and Development
Special Education in Different Phases of Life
Social Councelling with Adults
The Impact of Changes in Social Security on Everyday Life
Abusive Behaviour and Domestic Violence
Socio-pedagogical Community Work
Creative Methods
Community Animation
Youth as a Phase of Life
Work with Families
Abusive Behaviour and Domestic Violence
Basics of Early Childhood Education
Learning in Early Childhood
Pedagogical Activities in Early Childhood Education
Planning of the Bachelor’s Thesis
Leadership and Development of the Work Community
Implementing the Bachelor’s Thesis
Reporting and Publication of the Bachelor’s Thesis
Entrepreneurship in Welfare, Leadership and Service Production
Third Internship

Sosiaalialan ammattikorkeakoulutuksen kompetenssit 2016

Asiakastyön osaaminen

- osaa luoda ammatillisen vuorovaikutus- ja yhteistyösuhteen sekä arvioida asiakkaan palvelutarpeita
- osaa tukea yksilöiden kasvua ja kehitystä sekä perheiden arkea ja perheenjäsenten keskinäisiä suhteita
- osaa osallistaen suunnitella, toteuttaa ja arvioida asiakkaan palveluprosessin
- tunnistaa hyvinvoinnin suojaavia- ja riskitekijöitä sekä osaa soveltaa ennalta ehkäisevän työn ja varhaisen tukemisen näkökulmia
- osaa tavoitteellisesti, voimavaraistaen ja osallisuutta tukien ohjata asiakkaita, asiakasryhmiä ja yhteisöjä
- osaa soveltaa ja arvioida asiakastyön teoreettisia työorientaatioita ja menetelmiä
- osaa toimia kulttuurisensitiivisesti ja moninaisuutta tukien asiakastyössä sekä edistää kulttuurien välistä vuoropuhelua
- osaa tehdä ohjaustyötä erilaisissa sähköisissä toimintaympäristöissä ja ohjata asiakkaita e-Palvelujen käytössä
- osaa arvioida asiakastyötä ja dokumentoida sitä asiakaslähtöisesti

Professional Communication and IT Skills
Work and Working Environments in Social Services
Swedish at Work
Individual Growth and Development
Childhood Growth and Development
Social Participation and Exclusion
Everyday Life of Families and Children in Finnish Society
Individual and Community Counselling
First Internship
Supporting Everyday Life in Socio-pedagogical Work
Supporting Daily Life in Early Education
Empowering, Ethics and Work Challenges
Child Protection
Mental Health and Substance Abuse
Disability and Chronic Illness
Special Needs Support in Early Education
Case Management
Second Internship
Social Councelling with Adults
The Impact of Changes in Social Security on Everyday Life
Abusive Behaviour and Domestic Violence
Socio-pedagogical Community Work
Creative Methods
Community Animation
Youth as a Phase of Life
Work with Families
Abusive Behaviour and Domestic Violence
Basics of Early Childhood Education
Learning in Early Childhood
Pedagogical Activities in Early Childhood Education
Third Internship
Kriittinen ja osallistava yhteiskuntaosaaminen

- kykenee ammatilliseen kriittiseen reflektioon
- osaa analysoida epätasa-arvoa, huono-osaisuutta sekä hyvinvointia tuottavia kansallisia ja globaaleja rakenteita ja prosesseja sekä ehkäistä syrjäytymistä
- kykenee puolustamaan haavoittuvassa asemassa olevien ja vaiennettujen ihmisten etuja sekä tuomaan poliittiseen päätöksentekoon ja vastuullisille toimijoille tietoa kohtuuttomista elämäntilanteista
- tuntee julkishallinnollisen päätöksentekojärjestelmän ja osaa toimia sen toimintaperiaatteiden mukaan
- osaa edistää kansalaisten osallisuutta ja osallistumisen mahdollisuuksia sekä kykenee vaikuttamistyöhön eri toimijoiden kanssa

Introduction to Social Pedagogy
Development of the Welfare State
Social Participation and Exclusion
Everyday Life of Families and Children in Finnish Society
Individual and Community Counselling
Supporting Everyday Life in Socio-pedagogical Work
Supporting Daily Life in Early Education
Empowering, Ethics and Work Challenges
Internship in Voluntary Work
Child Protection
Mental Health and Substance Abuse
Disability and Chronic Illness
Special Needs Support in Early Education
Case Management
Second Internship
Special Education in Different Phases of Life
Social Councelling with Adults
The Impact of Changes in Social Security on Everyday Life
Abusive Behaviour and Domestic Violence
Socio-pedagogical Community Work
Creative Methods
Community Animation
Youth as a Phase of Life
Work with Families
Abusive Behaviour and Domestic Violence
Basics of Early Childhood Education
Third Internship
Sosiaalialan eettinen osaaminen

- osaa toimia ihmis- ja perusoikeussäädösten, sosiaalialan arvojen ja ammattieettisten periaatteiden mukaisesti
- ymmärtää oman ihmiskäsityksensä ja arvomaailmansa merkityksen asiakastyössä
- osaa toimia arvoristiriitoja sisältävissä tilanteissa eettisesti perustellusti
- osaa edistää yhdenvertaisuutta ja tasa-arvoa
- osaa asettua yhteiskunnalliselta asemaltaan haavoittuvassa asemassa olevien yksilöiden ja ryhmien puolelle

Introduction to Social Pedagogy
Work and Working Environments in Social Services
Social Participation and Exclusion
Everyday Life of Families and Children in Finnish Society
Individual and Community Counselling
Supporting Everyday Life in Socio-pedagogical Work
Supporting Daily Life in Early Education
Empowering, Ethics and Work Challenges
Internship in Voluntary Work
Child Protection
Mental Health and Substance Abuse
Disability and Chronic Illness
Special Needs Support in Early Education
Case Management
Second Internship
Special Education in Different Phases of Life
Social Councelling with Adults
The Impact of Changes in Social Security on Everyday Life
Abusive Behaviour and Domestic Violence
Socio-pedagogical Community Work
Creative Methods
Community Animation
Youth as a Phase of Life
Work with Families
Abusive Behaviour and Domestic Violence
Basics of Early Childhood Education
Third Internship
Sosiaalialan palvelujärjestelmäosaaminen

- osaa jäsentää hyvinvointiin ja kestävään kehitykseen liittyviä paikallisia ja globaaleja haasteita sekä niiden vaikutuksia sosiaali- ja terveydenhuoltoon
- tuntee alan juridisen säädöspohjan ja osaa soveltaa keskeistä lainsäädäntöä
- hallitsee sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon sekä kasvatus- ja koulutuspalvelujen järjestämisen ja tuottamisen tavat sekä niiden ohjauksen ja valvonnan
- tuntee sosiaaliturvan ja hyvinvointipalvelujärjestelmät julkisella, yksityisellä ja kolmannella sektorilla sekä hallitsee sosiaaliturvaohjauksen
- osaa sovittaa yhteen palveluita tarvelähtöisesti ja toimia muutoksen eteenpäin viejänä
- osaa toimia aktiivisena sosiaalialan asiantuntijana ja perustella asiakkaan etua sekä moniammatillisessa että monialaisessa yhteistyössä

Professional Communication and IT Skills
Development of the Welfare State
Social Participation and Exclusion
Everyday Life of Families and Children in Finnish Society
Supporting Everyday Life in Socio-pedagogical Work
Supporting Daily Life in Early Education
Child Protection
Mental Health and Substance Abuse
Disability and Chronic Illness
Special Needs Support in Early Education
Case Management
Second Internship
Special Education in Different Phases of Life
Social Councelling with Adults
The Impact of Changes in Social Security on Everyday Life
Abusive Behaviour and Domestic Violence
Youth as a Phase of Life
Work with Families
Abusive Behaviour and Domestic Violence
Basics of Early Childhood Education
Entrepreneurship in Welfare, Leadership and Service Production
Tutkimuksellinen kehittämis- ja innovaatio-osaaminen

- kykenee innovatiiviseen ongelmaratkaisuun ja verkostotyöhön sosiaalialan kehittämisessä
- osaa kehittää kumppanuuslähtöisesti asiakastyön menetelmiä, työkäytäntöjä sekä palveluprosesseja
- osaa suunnitella, toteuttaa ja arvioida kehittämishankkeita
- osaa soveltaa tutkimus- ja kehittämismenetelmiä toimintakäytäntöjen kehittämiseksi
- osaa tuottaa ja arvioida tietoa hyvinvoinnin edistämiseksi
- osaa toimia tutkimus- ja kehittämistyön eettisten periaatteiden ja ohjeiden mukaisesti

Basics of Research and Development
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Advanced Research and Development
Third Internship
Työyhteisö-, johtamis- ja yrittäjyysosaaminen

- osaa toimia yhteistyökykyisesti monialaisessa tiimissä ja työyhteisöissä sekä kansainvälisissä ympäristöissä
- osaa toimia työyhteisön lähijohtajana
tuntee keskeisen työlainsäädännön ja edistää työturvallisuutta
- osaa johtaa itseään sekä edistää omaa ja työyhteisön työhyvinvointia
- osaa arvioida työn laatua, tuloksia ja vaikutuksia
- tuntee talouden ja strategisen johtamisen merkityksen omassa työssään
- tuntee sosiaalialan yrittäjätoiminnan perusedellytykset

Introduction to Studying
Professional Communication and IT Skills
Work and Working Environments in Social Services
Leadership and Development of the Work Community
Entrepreneurship in Welfare, Leadership and Service Production
Not grouped
Planning of the Bachelor’s Thesis
Implementing the Bachelor’s Thesis
Reporting and Publication of the Bachelor’s Thesis

STRUCTURE Bachelor (A18.12.2014/1129)

Asetuksen 18.12.2014/1129 mukainen rakenne. 2 § Opintojen rakenne Ammattikorkeakoulututkintoon johtaviin opintoihin kuuluu: 1) perus- ja ammattiopintoja; 2) vapaasti valittavia opintoja; 3) ammattitaitoa edistävää harjoittelua; 4) opinnäytetyö.

Professional Studies
Individual and Community Counselling
Supporting Everyday Life in Socio-pedagogical Work
Supporting Daily Life in Early Education
Empowering, Ethics and Work Challenges
Child Protection
Mental Health and Substance Abuse
Disability and Chronic Illness
Special Needs Support in Early Education
Case Management
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Advanced Research and Development
Special Education in Different Phases of Life
Social Councelling with Adults
The Impact of Changes in Social Security on Everyday Life
Abusive Behaviour and Domestic Violence
Socio-pedagogical Community Work
Creative Methods
Community Animation
Youth as a Phase of Life
Work with Families
Abusive Behaviour and Domestic Violence
Basics of Early Childhood Education
Learning in Early Childhood
Pedagogical Activities in Early Childhood Education
Leadership and Development of the Work Community
Entrepreneurship in Welfare, Leadership and Service Production
Work Placement
First Internship
Internship in Voluntary Work
Second Internship
Third Internship
Bachelor´s Thesis

No attached course units

Core Requirement Studies
Introduction to Studying
Professional Communication and IT Skills
Introduction to Social Pedagogy
Development of the Welfare State
Work and Working Environments in Social Services
Swedish at Work
Individual Growth and Development
Childhood Growth and Development
Social Participation and Exclusion
Everyday Life of Families and Children in Finnish Society
Basics of Research and Development
Elective Studies

No attached course units

Not grouped
Planning of the Bachelor’s Thesis
Implementing the Bachelor’s Thesis
Reporting and Publication of the Bachelor’s Thesis

Code Name Credits (cr)
Socio-Pedagogical Orientation

(Choose all)

SX00BU35 Introduction to Studying 5
SX00BU36 Professional Communication and IT Skills 5
SX00BR65 Introduction to Social Pedagogy 5
Work Environments of Bachelors of Social Services

(Choose all)

SX00BN91 Development of the Welfare State 5
SX00DL77 Work and Working Environments in Social Services 5
SX00DL63 Swedish at Work 5
Social Inclusion

(Choose 15)

SX00BO14 Individual Growth and Development 5
SX00BO80 Childhood Growth and Development 5
SX00BO15 Social Participation and Exclusion 5
SX00BZ93 Everyday Life of Families and Children in Finnish Society 5
SX00BO16 Individual and Community Counselling 5
Supporting Daily Life Through Social-Pedagogical Work

(Choose 15)

SX00DL78 First Internship 5
SX00DL79 Supporting Everyday Life in Socio-pedagogical Work 10
SX00DL80 Supporting Daily Life in Early Education 10
Empowerment in Socio-Pedagogical Work

(Choose all)

SX00BO25 Empowering, Ethics and Work Challenges 10
SX00BO33 Internship in Voluntary Work 5
Diverse Lives

(Choose 15)

SX00BO49 Child Protection 5
SX00BX94 Mental Health and Substance Abuse 5
SX00DL75 Disability and Chronic Illness 5
SX00BO81 Special Needs Support in Early Education 5
Social Protection and Client Counselling

(Choose all)

SX00DL76 Case Management 10
SX00BU37 Basics of Research and Development 5
Socio-pedagogical Work with Clients

(Choose all)

SX00BO59 Second Internship 15
Deepening of Multi-Disciplinary Competence

(Choose all)

XX00DZ39 Multidisciplinary Innovation Project 10
SX00BU38 Advanced Research and Development 5
Elective Module and Elective Studies

(Choose 30)

SX00BZ76 Special Education in Different Phases of Life 5
Diverse Social Councelling

(Choose 15)

0 - 15
SX00DL73 Social Councelling with Adults 5
SX00DL74 The Impact of Changes in Social Security on Everyday Life 5
SX00BZ82 Abusive Behaviour and Domestic Violence 5
Sociocultural Animation

(Choose 15)

0 - 15
SX00DL72 Socio-pedagogical Community Work 5
SX00DL66 Creative Methods 5
SX00DL67 Community Animation 5
Socio-Pedagogical Work with Families

(Choose 15)

0 - 15
SX00BZ80 Youth as a Phase of Life 5
SX00BZ81 Work with Families 5
SX00BZ82 Abusive Behaviour and Domestic Violence 5
Early Education

(Choose 20)

SX00BZ77 Basics of Early Childhood Education 5
SX00BZ78 Learning in Early Childhood 5
SX00DL81 Pedagogical Activities in Early Childhood Education 10
Leadership and Development in Social Services

(Choose all)

SX00EL01 Planning of the Bachelor’s Thesis 5
SX00BO76 Leadership and Development of the Work Community 5
SX00EL03 Implementing the Bachelor’s Thesis 5
Professional Development of the Bachelor of Social Services

(Choose all)

SX00EL04 Reporting and Publication of the Bachelor’s Thesis 5
SX00BU39 Entrepreneurship in Welfare, Leadership and Service Production 5
SX00DT49 Third Internship 20