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Automotive Engineering: Automotive after sales

Code: TXN24S1

Bachelor of Engineering

Degree title:
Bachelor of Engineering, BEng

240 ects

4 years (240 cr)

Start semester:
Autumn 2024


The aim of the degree programme in automotive engineering is to equip students with the skills to work in the automotive technology sector in the design, manufacture and aftermarket of vehicles.

It emphasises practical orientation, user-centered approach, learning by doing, problem-solving skills, collaboration skills, in-depth knowledge of professional subjects as well as managing internationalization. The optional courses support multidisciplinarity and ensure that graduates in automotive engineering have a solid and applied understanding of their field.

The areas of specialization in automotive engineering are:
- After-sales
- Vehicle design
- Automotive Electrics


Automotive engineering skills are based on electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and vehicle technology.
Upon graduation, students will
•know the basic structures, components and systems of vehicles
•knowledge of vehicle manufacturing techniques
•understand the dynamic behaviour of a car
•be able to describe and simulate vehicle systems using mathematics
•recognise the role of science in automotive applications
•understand the functioning of the engine
•can perform diagnostics and troubleshooting
•Know semiconductor technology and its main components
•Know the most common materials and chemicals and their properties of use


Student specializing in after sales understands basic of automotive engineering, car dealer business, after sales functions and customer services.

Show study timings by semester, study year or period

Code Name Credits (cr) 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 2027-2028 Autumn 2024 Spring 2025 Autumn 2025 Spring 2026 Autumn 2026 Spring 2027 Autumn 2027 Spring 2028 1. / 2024 2. / 2024 3. / 2025 4. / 2025 1. / 2025 2. / 2025 3. / 2026 4. / 2026 1. / 2026 2. / 2026 3. / 2027 4. / 2027 1. / 2027 2. / 2027 3. / 2028 4. / 2028
Common studies

(Choose all )

Introductory studies

(Choose all )

TX00BQ17 Orientation to Field and Studies 5
TX00EI19 Engineering Finnish and Communication Skills 5
TX00EE57 Engineering English and Communication Skills 5
TX00EE70 Engineering Swedish 5
TX00EE45 Mathematics 1 5
TX00EE46 Mathematics 2 5
TX00EE48 Physics 1 5
TX00EE49 Physics 2 5
TX00EI20 Application software, programming and reportage 5
TX00BP92 Industrial Business 5
Innovation project and swedish

(Choose all )

TX00BQ18 Introductory Project 5
XX00DZ39 Multidisciplinary Innovation Project 10
Mechanical engineering

(Choose all )

TX00BU63 Dynamics and its applications 5
TX00BU64 Hydraulics and pneumatics 5
TX00BV34 Material technology and manufacturing 5
TX00EG02 Technical drawing and CAD 5
TX00BU62 Statics 5
TX00EG24 Strength of materials 5
Professional Studies

(Choose all )

Combustion Engines

(Choose all )

TX00BU69 Introduction to basics of energy technology 5
TX00CQ10 Internal combustion engines 10
Vehicle Technology

(Choose all )

TX00EF83 Basics of Automated Mobility 5
TX00EF86 Automotive Electrical Systems Basics 5
TX00EF88 Automotive electrics 10
TX00EF89 Electric- and hybrid vehicles 5
TX00EF90 Tires and suspension 5
TX00EF92 Automotive safety equipment 5
TX00EF93 Powertrain and brakes 5
Specialisation studies

(Choose one )

Automotive after sales

(Choose all )

TX00EG03 After sales processes 1 5
TX00FE21 After sales processes 2 5
TX00EG05 After sales processes 3 5
TX00EG06 After sales business 1 5
TX00EG07 After sales business 2 5
TX00EG08 Automotive business 5
Elective studies

(Choose ects: 15)

Work placement

(Choose all )

TX00BQ40 Work Placement 1 15
TX00BQ41 Work Placement 2 15

(Choose all )

XX00EL75 Planning of the Thesis Work 5
XX00EL76 Execution of the Thesis Work 5
XX00EL77 Reporting of the Thesis and Maturity Test 5
Total 240 60 65 55 45 30 30 30 35 25 30 15 30 15 15 15 15 15 15 17.5 17.5 12.5 12.5 15 15 7.5 7.5 15 15

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.

amk::amk-tutkintojen kieliopinnot

AMK-tutkintoon johtavien opintojen tavoitteena on, että tutkinnon suorittaneella on riittävä viestintä- ja kielitaito oman alansa tehtäviin sekä kansainväliseen toimintaan ja yhteistyöhön. (Valtioneuvoston asetus ammattikorkeakoulusta 1129/2014, 4 §).

Professional English

Vieraan kielen kirjallinen ja suullinen taito, joka ammatin harjoittamisen ja ammatillisen kehityksen kannalta on tarpeellinen.

Engineering English and Communication Skills
Second language (Finnish)

No attached course units

Second domestic language (Swedish)

Ruotsin kielen taito, joka julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta annetun lain (424/2003) mukaan vaaditaan korkeakoulututkintoa edellyttävään virkaan kaksikielisellä virka-alueella ja joka ammatin harjoittamisen ja ammatillisen kehityksen kannalta on tarpeellinen.

Engineering Swedish
Not grouped
Orientation to Field and Studies
Engineering Finnish and Communication Skills
Mathematics 1
Mathematics 2
Physics 1
Physics 2
Application software, programming and reportage
Industrial Business
Introductory Project
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Dynamics and its applications
Hydraulics and pneumatics
Material technology and manufacturing
Technical drawing and CAD
Strength of materials
Introduction to basics of energy technology
Internal combustion engines
Basics of Automated Mobility
Automotive Electrical Systems Basics
Automotive electrics
Electric- and hybrid vehicles
Tires and suspension
Automotive safety equipment
Powertrain and brakes
After sales processes 1
After sales processes 2
After sales processes 3
After sales business 1
After sales business 2
Automotive business
Programming and Embedded systems
Data Bus Technology and Diagnostics
Electronics Design
Mathematics 3
Truck and bus technology
Vehicle testing and analysis
Vehicle modelling and simulation
Mathematics 3
Machine elements
3D modeling and CAE
Work Placement 1
Work Placement 2
Planning of the Thesis Work
Execution of the Thesis Work
Reporting of the Thesis and Maturity Test

STRUCTURE Bachelor (A18.12.2014/1129)

Asetuksen 18.12.2014/1129 mukainen rakenne. 2 § Opintojen rakenne Ammattikorkeakoulututkintoon johtaviin opintoihin kuuluu: 1) perus- ja ammattiopintoja; 2) vapaasti valittavia opintoja; 3) ammattitaitoa edistävää harjoittelua; 4) opinnäytetyö.

Professional Studies
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Dynamics and its applications
Hydraulics and pneumatics
Material technology and manufacturing
Technical drawing and CAD
Strength of materials
Introduction to basics of energy technology
Internal combustion engines
Basics of Automated Mobility
Automotive Electrical Systems Basics
Automotive electrics
Electric- and hybrid vehicles
Tires and suspension
Automotive safety equipment
Powertrain and brakes
After sales processes 1
After sales processes 3
After sales business 1
After sales business 2
Automotive business
Programming and Embedded systems
Data Bus Technology and Diagnostics
Electronics Design
Mathematics 3
Truck and bus technology
Vehicle testing and analysis
Vehicle modelling and simulation
Mathematics 3
Machine elements
3D modeling and CAE
Work Placement
Work Placement 1
Work Placement 2
Bachelor´s Thesis
Planning of the Thesis Work
Execution of the Thesis Work
Reporting of the Thesis and Maturity Test
Core Requirement Studies
Orientation to Field and Studies
Engineering Finnish and Communication Skills
Engineering English and Communication Skills
Engineering Swedish
Mathematics 1
Mathematics 2
Physics 1
Physics 2
Application software, programming and reportage
Industrial Business
Introductory Project
Elective Studies

No attached course units

Not grouped
After sales processes 2

ARENE 2022::UAS shared competences::Bachelor’s degree

Replaces the Metropolia's Generic Competences::Bachelor's Degree, UAS” -matrix.. Heidi Rontu/31.8.2022


The graduating student adheres to the ethical principles and values of their field of profession, taking the principles of equality and non-discrimination into account.
- Is able to take responsibility for their own actions and their consequences and reflects on them in accordance with the ethical principles and values of their field.
- Takes others into account and promotes equality and non-discrimination.
- Take into account the realisation of diversity and accessibility in their actions.
- Understands the principles of responsible conduct of research and adheres to them.
- Is able to influence society based on ethical values.

Orientation to Field and Studies
Engineering Finnish and Communication Skills
Industrial Business
Introductory Project
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Basics of Automated Mobility
Automotive safety equipment
After sales business 2
Work Placement 1
Work Placement 2
Planning of the Thesis Work
Execution of the Thesis Work
Reporting of the Thesis and Maturity Test
Proactive development

The graduating student is able to develop solutions that anticipate the future of their own field, applying existing knowledge and research and development methods.
- Solves problem situations creatively and reforms operating methods together with others.
- Is able to work in projects in cooperation with actors of different fields.
- Is able to apply existing knowledge in the field in development and utilises research and development methods.
- Is able to seek customer-oriented, sustainable and economically viable solutions, anticipating the future of their field.

Orientation to Field and Studies
Industrial Business
Introductory Project
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Introduction to basics of energy technology
Internal combustion engines
Basics of Automated Mobility
Automotive Electrical Systems Basics
Automotive electrics
Electric- and hybrid vehicles
Tires and suspension
Automotive safety equipment
Powertrain and brakes
After sales processes 1
After sales processes 3
After sales business 1
After sales business 2
Automotive business
Programming and Embedded systems
Data Bus Technology and Diagnostics
Electronics Design
Truck and bus technology
Vehicle testing and analysis
Vehicle modelling and simulation
Work Placement 1
Work Placement 2
Planning of the Thesis Work
Execution of the Thesis Work
Reporting of the Thesis and Maturity Test
Internationality and multiculturalism

The graduating student is able to operate in multicultural and international operating environments and networks.
- Is familiar with the impacts of their cultural background on their activities and is able to develop operating methods that take multiculturalism into account in their work community.
- Is able to monitor and utilise the international development of their field in their work.
- Is able to communicate internationally in their work tasks.

Orientation to Field and Studies
Engineering English and Communication Skills
Engineering Swedish
Introductory Project
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
After sales processes 3
After sales business 2
Automotive business
Work Placement 1
Work Placement 2
Planning of the Thesis Work
Execution of the Thesis Work
Reporting of the Thesis and Maturity Test
Sustainable development

The graduating student is familiar with the principles of sustainable development, promotes their implementation and acts responsibly as a professional and a member of society.
- Is able to use information related to their field in finding, implementing and establishing sustainable solutions and operating models.
- Understands sustainability challenges, their interdependencies and the various aspects of issues and problem

Orientation to Field and Studies
Introductory Project
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Hydraulics and pneumatics
Material technology and manufacturing
Technical drawing and CAD
Introduction to basics of energy technology
Internal combustion engines
Basics of Automated Mobility
Automotive Electrical Systems Basics
Automotive electrics
Electric- and hybrid vehicles
Tires and suspension
Automotive safety equipment
Powertrain and brakes
After sales processes 1
After sales processes 3
After sales business 1
After sales business 2
Automotive business
Programming and Embedded systems
Data Bus Technology and Diagnostics
Electronics Design
Truck and bus technology
Vehicle testing and analysis
Vehicle modelling and simulation
Machine elements
3D modeling and CAE
Work Placement 1
Work Placement 2
Planning of the Thesis Work
Execution of the Thesis Work
Reporting of the Thesis and Maturity Test
Learning to learn

The graduating student recognises the strengths and development areas of their competence and learning methods, and they utilise the opportunities communities and digitalisation provide in their learning.
- Assesses and develops their competence and learning methods in different learning environments.
- Is able to acquire, critically assess and appropriately apply the national and international knowledge base and practices of their field.
- Also takes responsibility for group learning and sharing what has been learned.

Orientation to Field and Studies
Engineering Finnish and Communication Skills
Mathematics 1
Mathematics 2
Physics 1
Physics 2
Application software, programming and reportage
Introductory Project
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Dynamics and its applications
Material technology and manufacturing
Technical drawing and CAD
Strength of materials
Mathematics 3
Mathematics 3
3D modeling and CAE
Work Placement 1
Work Placement 2
Planning of the Thesis Work
Execution of the Thesis Work
Reporting of the Thesis and Maturity Test
Operating in a workplace

The graduating student has versatile working life skills and is able to operate in work communities of their field.
- Is able to work constructively in a work community and promotes their own and their work community’s well-being.
- Is able to act professionally in communication and interaction situations at a workplace.
- Utilises the opportunities offered by technology and digitalisation in their work.
- Understands the complexity of changing working life and their own resilience in changing working life situations
- Has capabilities for an entrepreneurial approach.

Orientation to Field and Studies
Engineering Finnish and Communication Skills
Engineering English and Communication Skills
Engineering Swedish
Industrial Business
Introductory Project
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
After sales processes 1
After sales processes 3
After sales business 1
After sales business 2
Automotive business
Work Placement 1
Work Placement 2
Planning of the Thesis Work
Execution of the Thesis Work
Reporting of the Thesis and Maturity Test
Not grouped
After sales processes 2

Code Name Credits (cr)
Common studies

(Choose all)

Introductory studies

(Choose all)

TX00BQ17 Orientation to Field and Studies 5
TX00EI19 Engineering Finnish and Communication Skills 5
TX00EE57 Engineering English and Communication Skills 5
TX00EE70 Engineering Swedish 5
TX00EE45 Mathematics 1 5
TX00EE46 Mathematics 2 5
TX00EE48 Physics 1 5
TX00EE49 Physics 2 5
TX00EI20 Application software, programming and reportage 5
TX00BP92 Industrial Business 5
Innovation project and swedish

(Choose all)

TX00BQ18 Introductory Project 5
XX00DZ39 Multidisciplinary Innovation Project 10
Mechanical engineering

(Choose all)

TX00BU63 Dynamics and its applications 5
TX00BU64 Hydraulics and pneumatics 5
TX00BV34 Material technology and manufacturing 5
TX00EG02 Technical drawing and CAD 5
TX00BU62 Statics 5
TX00EG24 Strength of materials 5
Professional Studies

(Choose all)

Combustion Engines

(Choose all)

TX00BU69 Introduction to basics of energy technology 5
TX00CQ10 Internal combustion engines 10
Vehicle Technology

(Choose all)

TX00EF83 Basics of Automated Mobility 5
TX00EF86 Automotive Electrical Systems Basics 5
TX00EF88 Automotive electrics 10
TX00EF89 Electric- and hybrid vehicles 5
TX00EF90 Tires and suspension 5
TX00EF92 Automotive safety equipment 5
TX00EF93 Powertrain and brakes 5
Specialisation studies

(Choose one)

Automotive after sales

(Choose all)

TX00EG03 After sales processes 1 5
TX00FE21 After sales processes 2 5
TX00EG05 After sales processes 3 5
TX00EG06 After sales business 1 5
TX00EG07 After sales business 2 5
TX00EG08 Automotive business 5
Automotive Electrics

(Choose all)

TX00EF49 Electronics 10
TX00BU95 Programming and Embedded systems 5
TX00EF50 Data Bus Technology and Diagnostics 5
TX00EF51 Electronics Design 5
TX00EE47 Mathematics 3 5
Vehicle design

(Choose all)

TX00EF79 Truck and bus technology 5
TX00EF80 Vehicle testing and analysis 5
TX00EF81 Vehicle modelling and simulation 5
TX00EE47 Mathematics 3 5
TX00EG25 Machine elements 5
TX00BU68 3D modeling and CAE 5
Elective studies

(Choose ects: 15)

Work placement

(Choose all)

TX00BQ40 Work Placement 1 15
TX00BQ41 Work Placement 2 15

(Choose all)

XX00EL75 Planning of the Thesis Work 5
XX00EL76 Execution of the Thesis Work 5
XX00EL77 Reporting of the Thesis and Maturity Test 5