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Master`s Degree Programme in Clinical Expertise in Health Care and Social Services: S1521S6C Expertise in mental health care

Code: S1522S6

Master of Health Care

Degree title:
Master of Health Care (Biomedical Laboratory Science)
Master of Health Care (Emergency Care)
Master of Health Care (Physiotherapy)
Master of Health Care (Midwifery)
Master of Health Care (Optometry)
Master of Health Care (Radiography and Radiotherapy)
Master of Health Care (Nursing)
Master of Health Care (Oral Hygiene)
Master of Health Care (Public Health Nursing)
Master of Health Care (Occupational Therapy)

90 ects

2 years (90 cr)

Start semester:
Autumn 2022


Metropolia is a continuously renewable multidisciplinary learning community that educates sought-after employees with high-quality, versatile, and international professional skills developed under the principle of lifelong learning. The students’ knowledge and skills are built cooperatively in a fruitful interaction with professional life. Digital, local and international learning environments are used diversely. The unique and valuable qualities of each student are cherished. During the studies, innovations are produced to the needs of workplaces, clients, and society at large. Metropolia’s open way of working changes the surrounding society into a better place for us all.

Metropolia predicts future competence needs and encourages students to actively enhance their skills.Ylempään ammattikorkeakoulututkintoon johtavien opintojen yleisenä tavoitteena on antaa opiskelijalle mahdollisuus syventää teorian soveltamista käytäntöön, analyyttisia taitoja, projektin johtamisen sekä tutkimus- ja kehitystyöhön osallistumisen taitoja sekä sosiaalisia taitoja.

The general aims of the studies leading to a Master’s Degree are to increase the student's capability of applying theory into practice and to deepen his/her analytical and project leadership skills, his/her ability to participate in research and development work, and social skills. The purpose of the final project is to develop the ability to apply research knowledge into practice, to utilize the applicable methods in the development of working life, and to acquire skills required in demanding expert positions. The Master’s Degree improves the student’s ability to develop him/herself in current and future expert and leadership positions and promotes the student’s career development. The graduates are developers and reformers of working life, possessing the needed research and development knowledge.

The studies follow the Learner’s Path model of Metropolia where the main focus is on working life orientated learning, project-based learning and development of RDI, internationality, lifelong learning, and the multidisciplinary approach. The students represent working life and they have at least three years of working experience prior to studies. The students utilize their gained experience and working life connections during the studies and establish networks of experts with other students, various professionals within and outside the school, and alumni. During the studies, the students develop their self-assessment and self-management skills as well as international interaction and communication skills. Internationality is achieved through foreign guest lecturers and multidisciplinary international studies. The aim of the Master's Degree Programme is to provide the students with the extensive and profound knowledge of social and health care that is necessary for the development of working life and to equip them with the theoretical knowledge required for demanding expert and management positions or entrepreneurship. The studies also focus on good communicative and language skills that are necessary in professional life.

The goal of the Programme is to train clinical experts for different social and health care expert positions. The students are able to enhance and advance their expertise in their own field and reform and develop social and health care processes.

The education follows the competence descriptions of the European Qualification Framework (EQF) and the National Qualification Framework. The competence of Master’s degree in Health Care equals level 7. On level 7, the objective of the education is to provide extensive and profound theoretical knowledge that developing working life requires when working in demanding expert duties.


The skills and knowledge of students graduated from Metropolia University of Applied Sciences are described according to the NQF, National Qualifications Framework, and the recommendations of the Rectors' Conference of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences.

General competences: competence descriptions

Competences of learning
The student is able to:
• evaluate and develop his/her expertise in a versatile and goal-oriented manner;
• acquire, process, produce and critically evaluate information from the perspectives of different fields;
• take responsibility for the goal-oriented learning of the organization.

Ethical competences
The student is able to:
• take responsibility for the organization’s actions and their consequences;
• follow professional ethics as an expert and a developer of professional life;
• allow for the views of both the individual and the organization in his/her decisions;
• promote equality in the organization;
• promote the principles of sustainable development and social responsibility;
• base his/her leadership of socially important operations on ethical values.

Competences of organizational leadership
The student is able to:
• improve operating procedures and work well-being;
• develop multidisciplinary communication and interaction;
• apply information and communications technology (ICT) to his/her work;
• create networks and partnerships;
• lead and reform operations in complex and unexpected situations;
• work in demanding expert and managerial positions or as an entrepreneur.

Innovation competences
The student is able to:
• create new knowledge and reform operating procedures by combining knowledge from different fields;
• lead projects;
• lead research, development and innovation projects and apply research and development methods;
• promote customer-oriented, sustainable and cost-effective practices.

International competences
The student is able to:
• communicate internationally in his/her work and in development projects;
• function in international environments;
• anticipate the effects and opportunities of internationalization in his/her field.

Degree-specific competences

Competence descriptions

Social and health care competences
The student is able to:
• utilize extensive and highly specialized social and health care skills and knowledge;
• apply the concepts and methodology of social and health care to his/her independent reflection and/or development of the professional field;
• function in the diverse and changing environments of social and health care.

Expert and managerial competences
The student is able to:
• follow high ethical standards in expert and managerial work;
• develop evidence-based practices in expert positions;
• work in expert and managerial positons in diverse organizations;
• evaluate the results and success of expert work.

Service competences
The student is able to:
• create social and health care services in cooperation with clients and other interest groups;
• apply and combine know-how from different fields in service production;
• lead, develop and evaluate the changing processes and service chains of social and health care and create new, innovative services and methods;
• meet the demanding challenges of service business.


The student is able to evaluate mental health care practices in a critical way and provide grounds for their evidence-based development. The student is able to systematically search for, utilise and assess condensed research information about mental health care. The student is able to critically evaluate the importance of research data in the development of and decision-making concerning mental health care practices. The student is familiar with and able to utilise key digital services and technological solutions in mental health nursing. The student can identify factors contributing to the development and creation of mental health nursing services. The student is able to manage, develop and evaluate critically the changing processes and service chains in mental health nursing, and to develop new, effective services and methods. The student internalises the theoretical and strategic basis and active role in management in the sector. The student is able to predict changes in the sector and be active in developing the organisation's operation and the working community. The student is familiar with the specific characteristics and diversity of multidisciplinary actors within social welfare and health care, both in the public and private sectors. The student is able to act in work communities and contribute to their development in the proper legal and socially responsible manner, and in adherence to high ethical principles. The student can motivate and encourage people to create change and to act independently. The student is able to develop multicultural mental health care services.

Show study timings by semester, study year or period

Code Name Credits (cr) 2022-2023 2023-2024 Autumn 2022 Spring 2023 Autumn 2023 Spring 2024 1. / 2022 2. / 2022 3. / 2023 4. / 2023 1. / 2023 2. / 2023 3. / 2024 4. / 2024
Research and Development

(Choose all )

S000CO36 Project Management and Developmental Research 5
XX00EJ16 Research Methods and Skills 5
Change Agent for the Services of the Future

(Choose ects: 25)

S000EH88 Corporate Culture Reform and the Expert 5
S000DJ83 Evidence-based Practices and Management 5
S000DJ80 Digitalization and Enterprise Resource Planning in Health Care and Social Services 5
S000DJ81 Development of Customer-Oriented Services 5
S000DJ82 Development of Quality and Safety Management Processes 5
Expertise in Mental Health Care

(Choose ects: 20)

S000EM67 Development of multidisciplinary practice in mental health care 5
S000EM68 Mental health care as support for health promotion 5
S000EM69 Comprehensive competence in mental health nursing 5
S000EM70 Current issues in mental health management 5
Master’s Thesis

(Choose all )

S000EM83 Ideation and planning of the Master’s Thesis 10
S000EM84 Implementation of the Master’s Thesis 10
S000EM85 Report and assessment of the Master’s Thesis 10
Elective and Optional Studies

(Choose ects: 5)

Total 90 45 20 20 25 10 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 5 5 5 5

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.

STRUCTURE Master (A18.12.2014/1129)

Asetuksen 18.12.2014/1129 mukainen rakenne. 2 § Opintojen rakenne Ylempään ammattikorkeakoulututkintoon johtaviin opintoihin kuuluu: 1) syventäviä ammattiopintoja; 2) vapaasti valittavia opintoja; 3) opinnäytetyö.

Master´s Thesis
Ideation and planning of the Master’s Thesis
Implementation of the Master’s Thesis
Report and assessment of the Master’s Thesis
Advanced Professional Studies
Project Management and Developmental Research
Research Methods and Skills
Corporate Culture Reform and the Expert
Evidence-based Practices and Management
Digitalization and Enterprise Resource Planning in Health Care and Social Services
Development of Customer-Oriented Services
Development of Quality and Safety Management Processes
Development of Advanced Clinical Practitioner role in Palliative Care
Evidence Based Knowledge Management and Development in Palliative Care
Customer Guidance and Participation in Digital Services
Digital Pedagogy in Expert Work
Health Technology in Social and Health Care
Health Technology Project
Development of multidisciplinary practice in mental health care
Mental health care as support for health promotion
Comprehensive competence in mental health nursing
Current issues in mental health management
Elective Studies

No attached course units

Not grouped
Continuous Quality Improvement in the Clinical Laboratory
New Methods in the Clinical Laboratory
Expertise in Biomedical Laboratory Science
Mentoring and consulting in Pre-analytics and Clinical Laboratory Services
Developing Patient Centered and Patient Safe Clinical Radiography
Developing Radiographic Imaging, Treatments and Procedures in Clinical Radiography
Developing Quality Management and Safety Culture

Code Name Credits (cr)
Research and Development

(Choose all)

S000CO36 Project Management and Developmental Research 5
XX00EJ16 Research Methods and Skills 5
Change Agent for the Services of the Future

(Choose ects: 25)

S000EH88 Corporate Culture Reform and the Expert 5
S000DJ83 Evidence-based Practices and Management 5
S000DJ80 Digitalization and Enterprise Resource Planning in Health Care and Social Services 5
S000DJ81 Development of Customer-Oriented Services 5
S000DJ82 Development of Quality and Safety Management Processes 5
S000DS35 Development of Advanced Clinical Practitioner role in Palliative Care 5
S000DS39 Evidence Based Knowledge Management and Development in Palliative Care 5
Advanced Studies in Biomedical Laboratory Science

(Choose ects: 20)

S000CP02 Continuous Quality Improvement in the Clinical Laboratory 5
S000CP04 New Methods in the Clinical Laboratory 5
S000DZ69 Expertise in Biomedical Laboratory Science 5
S000DZ70 Mentoring and consulting in Pre-analytics and Clinical Laboratory Services 5
Advanced Studies in Radiography

(Choose ects: 20)

S000EA54 Developing Patient Centered and Patient Safe Clinical Radiography 5
S000CP00 Developing Radiographic Imaging, Treatments and Procedures in Clinical Radiography 10
S000CO99 Developing Quality Management and Safety Culture 5
Expertise in Digital Social and Health Services

(Choose ects: 20)

S000DJ84 Customer Guidance and Participation in Digital Services 5
S000DJ86 Digital Pedagogy in Expert Work 5
S000DJ87 Health Technology in Social and Health Care 5
S000DJ88 Health Technology Project 5
Expertise in Mental Health Care

(Choose ects: 20)

S000EM67 Development of multidisciplinary practice in mental health care 5
S000EM68 Mental health care as support for health promotion 5
S000EM69 Comprehensive competence in mental health nursing 5
S000EM70 Current issues in mental health management 5
Master’s Thesis

(Choose all)

S000EM83 Ideation and planning of the Master’s Thesis 10
S000EM84 Implementation of the Master’s Thesis 10
S000EM85 Report and assessment of the Master’s Thesis 10
Elective and Optional Studies

(Choose ects: 5)