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Master's Degree Programme in Industrial Management (in English): Degree Programme in Industrial Management

Code: T1520S6

Master of Engineering

Degree title:
Master of Engineering, MEng

60 ects

1 years (60 cr)

Start semester:
Autumn 2020


The professional knowledge of the degree brings the student to the forefront of knowledge in the field of work Industrial Management, focused on service business or logistics management. Course methodology enhances critical awareness, analysis and cross-fertilization of interdisciplinary knowledge. The methodology fosters analytical and methodological skills as ways applied problem-solving aligned with systematic research. Professional competence development for co-creative team communication and international multi-site collaboration prepare the graduate for complex and unpredictable challenges that require novel strategic approaches in today's phenomena in business environment and society.

Master’s program in Industrial Management is a customer-focused, industry-relevant and interactive one-year Master’s program, built on the educational needs of current international business and industry. The MEng (Industrial Management) degree provides the participating student realistic opportunities to function as a thoughtful team leader and a proactive collaborator in professional networks understanding sustainability requirements in today's business environment. A Master of Engineering in Industrial Management is a competent management professional in his/her own field as well as in service business management or logistics management.

The program can be characterized by five principles. Industry-relevant competence development (1) in constructed in close interaction with stakeholders (companies, organizations, customers, alumni). The class itself is typically a diversity of 30 different companies, as participants with 3-10 years of experience are working while studying. Selected five focal industry-relevant competence areas, prioritized in the program are specified the curriculum.

The Master’s program in IM is centered round building the participants’ Research and development competences (2), developed systematic procedures involving typical research approaches for IM. The student’s Master’s Thesis solves a relevant problem identified in the company and constructs a solution applicable for the case organization. Knowledge transfer into status reports and reports improve the participants’ communication skills in development projects.

International competences (3) develop in Master’s in IM program by the default of its name: the themes relate to international business, analyzed by the case analyses of successful companies and best practice identified by international IM business research. Additionally, the culturally diverse class membership itself is an experiment of multicultural collaboration. International, diverse expert speakers bring in external perspectives. Interactive communication activities in various topics improve the students’ communication skills.

Fourthly, Master’s program in IM provides the participant with tools and competences for life-long learning (4). Personal competence assessment of professional development needs at the start of the program lead the participant to identify personality strengths and weaknesses, and build a professional development plan on the path to Leading self, team and organization. This involves a selection of the five key professional competences. Peer and mentor evaluation is used to guide the competence development.

Finally, the IM program broadens the engineering student´s expertise into areas of multidisciplinary integration (5). All of the courses represent more than one discipline alone, for the reason that all projects incorporate a variety of contents, competences and resources, and are thus integrated. Student backgrounds are mixed from IT to electronics, mechanical engineering, pharmacy etc. All the courses rely on collaborate teaching with several experts to promote. All research clinics rely on co-teaching and student mentoring from different disciplinary perspectives (IM, business, methodology, academic writing).

Industrial Management Master’s program is a one-year program with 60 European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) credits. The program content is built a holistic, integrated learning approach, which means that the instructed courses are interrelated, interconnected, and complementary to each other, and are studied in multiple pedagogical modes.

The program is committed to improving the professional competences of each participant to Master's level, EQF level seven (7). Study activities promote these three focal competence areas:
1. Analytical, research and process development skills;
2. Self, team and organizational leadership skills and
3. Management communication skills


The professional knowledge of the degree brings the student to the forefront of knowledge in the field of work Industrial Management, focused on service business. Course methodology enhances critical awareness, analysis and cross-fertilization of interdisciplinary knowledge. The methodology fosters analytical and methodological skills as ways applied problem-solving aligned with systematic research. Professional competence development for co-creative team communication and international multi-site collaboration prepare the graduate for complex and unpredictable challenges that require novel strategic approaches.

Show study timings by semester, study year or period

Code Name Credits (cr) 2020-2021 Autumn 2020 Spring 2021 1. / 2020 2. / 2020 3. / 2021 4. / 2021
Advanced Professional Studies

(Choose all )

T100DL49 Strategy, Management and Leadership 5
T100DL50 Performance management 5
T100CE29 Supply Chain Management 5
TY00CZ21 Business Process Development 5
Specialization studies in industrial services

(Choose all )

T100DR73 Customer Oriented Service Business 5
Specialization studies in Logistics Management

(Choose all )

T100DL55 Management and development of intralogistics 5
Elective Studies

(Choose ects: 5)

Master's Thesis

(Choose all )

TY00CE77 Master's Thesis; Research Methodology 15
TY00DN01 Applied Research and Development Skills 5
TY00CE75 Research Clinics 5
TY00CE76 Thesis Writing Clinics 5
Total 60 60 30 30 15 15 15 15

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.

STRUCTURE Master (A18.12.2014/1129)

Asetuksen 18.12.2014/1129 mukainen rakenne. 2 § Opintojen rakenne Ylempään ammattikorkeakoulututkintoon johtaviin opintoihin kuuluu: 1) syventäviä ammattiopintoja; 2) vapaasti valittavia opintoja; 3) opinnäytetyö.

Master´s Thesis
Master's Thesis; Research Methodology
Applied Research and Development Skills
Research Clinics
Thesis Writing Clinics
Advanced Professional Studies
Strategy, Management and Leadership
Performance management
Supply Chain Management
Business Process Development
Customer Oriented Service Business
Management and development of intralogistics
Elective Studies

No attached course units

Not grouped

Metropolia's Generic Competences::Master's Degree, UAS

Metropolian johtoryhmä hyväksynyt 10.9.2019. Esityksen valmisteli työryhmä: Tapani Martti, Marjatta Kelo, Kari Björn, Elina Värtö, Tiina Kokko. Lähteinä on käytetty mm. ARENEn suositus tutkintojen yhteisten kompetenssien soveltamisesta ammattikorkeakouluissa (2010), Valtioneuvoston asetus tutkintojen ja muiden osaamiskokonaisuuksien viitekehyksestä 120/2017, Valtioneuvoston tulevaisuusselonteot 1 & 2 (2017-2018) sekä Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön tulevaisuuskatsaus 2018.

Ethical Competence

- is able to take responsibility for the actions of a community and their consequences as well as to evaluate the effects of the actions
- is able to apply the ethical principles of the subject field as an expert and as a developer of working life
- is able to make responsible and sustainable decisions, considering an individual and the community
- is able to contribute to the principles of equality in working life
- is able to contribute to the principles of sustainable development and social responsibility
- is able to leading socially influential activities based on ethical value

Strategy, Management and Leadership
Performance management
Supply Chain Management
Business Process Development
Customer Oriented Service Business
Management and development of intralogistics
Innovation Competence

- is able to create new knowledge and improve existing working methods by combining expertise from different fields
- is capable of managing projects
- is able to manage research,development and innovation projects and masters the methods of research and development work
-is able to develop innovative,customer-oriented, sustainable and cost-effective solutions

Master's Thesis; Research Methodology
Applied Research and Development Skills
Research Clinics
Thesis Writing Clinics
Multicultural Competence

- is capable of managing and developing multicultural,international networks and working communities
- is able to predict the effects of and opportunities for global development and phenomena in one’s own field
- is capable of demanding international communication and interaction

Strategy, Management and Leadership
Performance management
Supply Chain Management
Business Process Development
Customer Oriented Service Business
Management and development of intralogistics
Learning Competence

- lifelong learning competence:is able to self-evaluate and develop one's expertise in a versatile and focused way
- is able to retrieve, analyse and produce information and evaluate it critically from the viewpoint of different fields
- is able to supervise and mentor others and to share one's expertise
- is capable of taking responsibility for collaborative learning in a target-oriented way

Strategy, Management and Leadership
Performance management
Supply Chain Management
Business Process Development
Customer Oriented Service Business
Management and development of intralogistics
Master's Thesis; Research Methodology
Applied Research and Development Skills
Research Clinics
Thesis Writing Clinics
Technological Competence

- is able to apply technological opportunities in management, expert and development work
- is able to predict the effects of technological development on one's field, work and operating environment
- is capable of promoting technological development and its utilisation in one's field

Management and development of intralogistics
Working Community Competence

- is able to develop and lead the operation of a diverse and multidisciplinary work community and to improve its wellbeing and productivity
- is able to develop working life communication and interaction in a participatory way, taking diversity into account
- is able to apply technological possibilities in working life communication and interaction
- is able to create and lead networks and partnerships
- is capable of managing and supervising tasks and improving activities in complicated and unpredictable environments
- is capable of working in demanding expert, entrepreneur, management and supervision tasks as an expert or entrepreneur, and has abilities for management and supervision task

Strategy, Management and Leadership
Business Process Development
Not grouped

Code Name Credits (cr)
Advanced Professional Studies

(Choose all)

T100DL49 Strategy, Management and Leadership 5
T100DL50 Performance management 5
T100CE29 Supply Chain Management 5
TY00CZ21 Business Process Development 5
Specialization studies in industrial services

(Choose all)

T100DR73 Customer Oriented Service Business 5
Specialization studies in Logistics Management

(Choose all)

T100DL55 Management and development of intralogistics 5
Elective Studies

(Choose ects: 5)

Master's Thesis

(Choose all)

TY00CE77 Master's Thesis; Research Methodology 15
TY00DN01 Applied Research and Development Skills 5
TY00CE75 Research Clinics 5
TY00CE76 Thesis Writing Clinics 5