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Master's Degree Programme in Health Business Management (in English): L0525S6

Code: L0525S6

Degree title
Master of Business Administration
90 ects
2 years (90 cr)
Start semester
Autumn 2025
Teaching language


The Master’s Degree Programme in Health Business Management is a joint programme with students from Engineering, Business, and Health Care and Social Services. A multidisciplinary approach is needed in finding innovative solutions and business models to renew the sector and to provide sustainable services economically and efficiently, yet maintaining high quality and a human-oriented scope in all decision making. Whenever appropriate, the studies in this versatile degree programme will be linked with some of the four innovation hubs, with emphasis on the collaboration with Client-oriented Well-being and Health Services.

A special feature comes from the fact that this Master’s degree programme invites students from diverse backgrounds, professionally, educationally, as well as culturally. Business graduates, engineering graduates, as well as the largest group, graduates from Health Care and Social Services, will jointly tackle the various problem-solving situations and learning tasks. Sharing everyone’s expertise becomes an added value.

In one way or another, internationalisation lies at the core of any health business. The HBM Master’s graduates will possess excellent competences in managing and developing multicultural and international professional teams and networking communities.

Upon completion of the advanced professional studies, the student is capable of designing business innovations to the competitive advantage of organisations. Furthermore, the student is able to analyse the main drivers and trends in health business and to further develop business models. The student can also manage safety and quality processes in health business enterprises. Finally, the student is capable of planning, implementing and assessing the finances of a health business.

Sufficient research and development competence is established at an early stage of the studies as it is needed in planning and implementing perhaps the most rewarding part of the studies, namely the Master’s Thesis, 30 ECTS. Very often the development task comes from and is implemented in the organisation in which the Master’s student is employed. Upon completion of the RDI studies, the student can work as a development and project manager engaged in an organisation’s RDI activities.


The degree programme has good national and international networks and working life connections especially via research and development projects. The core curriculum is designed in close collaboration between the working life partners, students, regional employers and the teaching staff. Furthermore, networking with national and international partner institutions is essential.

Further information

Kopioitu opetussuunnitelmasta L0524S6, seuraavilla muutoksilla: tutkinnon nimeen on lisätty ylempi AMK ja suomenkielinen käännös Terveysalan liiketoiminnan johtaminen, 10 op opinnäytetyö opintojaksot S000EM83 Ideation and planning of the Master’s Thesis, S000EM84 Implementation of the Master’s Thesis, S000EM85 Report and assessment of the Master’s Thesis on korvattu yhdellä 30 op laajuisella uudella XX00FB87 Master’s Thesis -opintojaksolla, sekä sisällön kielitarkistuksia tehty.

Opetussuunnitelman vastuuhenkilö tutkintovastaava Eija Metsälä
Opetussuunnitelman ylläpitäjä koulutussuunnittelija Petra Heino


The skills and knowledge of students graduated from Metropolia University of Applied Sciences are described according to the NQF, National Qualifications Framework, and the recommendations of the Rectors' Conference of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences.

General competences: competence descriptions

Learning competence; the student
• is able to self-evaluate and develop one's expertise in a versatile and focused way; lifelong learning competence:
• is able to retrieve, analyse and produce information and evaluate it critically from the viewpoint of different fields
• is able to supervise and mentor others and to share one's expertise
• is capable of taking responsibility for collaborative learning in a target-oriented way.

Ethical competence; the student
• is able to take responsibility for the actions of a community and their consequences as well as to
evaluate the effects of the actions
• is able to apply the ethical principles of the subject field as an expert and as a developer of working life
• is able to make responsible and sustainable decisions, considering an individual and the community
• is able to contribute to the principles of equality in working life
• is able to contribute to the principles of sustainable development and social responsibility
• is able to lead socially influential activities based on ethical values.

Working community competence; the student
• is able to develop and lead the operation of a diverse and multidisciplinary work community and to improve its well-being and productivity
• is able to develop working life communication and interaction in a participatory way, taking diversity into account
• is able to apply technological possibilities in working life communication and interaction
• is able to create and lead networks and partnerships
• is capable of managing and supervising tasks and improving activities in complicated and
unpredictable environments
• is capable of working in demanding expert, entrepreneur, management and supervision tasks. as an expert or entrepreneur, and has abilities for management and supervision tasks.

Innovation competence; the student
• is able to create new knowledge and improve existing working methods by combining expertise from different fields
• is capable of managing projects
• is able to manage research, development and innovation projects and masters the methods of research and development work
• is able to develop innovative, customer-oriented, sustainable and cost-effective solutions.

Multicultural competence; the student
• is capable of managing and developing multicultural, international networks and working communities
• is able to predict the effects of and opportunities for global development and phenomena in one’s own field
• is capable of demanding international communication and interaction.

Technological competence; the student
• is able to apply technological opportunities in management, expert and development work
• is able to predict the effects of technological development on one's field, work and operating environment
• is capable of promoting technological development and its utilisation in one's field.

Degree-specific competences, competence descriptions

Social and health care competences

The student
• is able to utilise extensive and highly specialised social and health care skills and knowledge
• can apply the concepts and methodology of social and health care to their independent reflection and/or the development of the professional field
• is able to function in the diverse and changing environments of social and health care.

Managerial competences

The student
• is able to follow high ethical standards in managerial work
• implements strategic competence
• is able to work in managerial positions in diverse organizations
• can evaluate the results and success of management.

Service competences

The student
• is able to create desired social and health care services in cooperation with clients and other interest groups
• can apply and combine know-how from different fields in service production
• can apply market knowledge and marketing communication skills
• is able to participate in service procurement and tendering processes
• meets the demanding challenges of service business.

Business competences

The student
• is able to use the most important business processes, procedures and tools of health care and social services strategically and operationally
• can develop organisation's business processes, procedures and tools in the changing environment.

Show study timings by semester, study year or period

Code Name Credits (cr) 2025-2026 2026-2027 Autumn 2025 Spring 2026 Autumn 2026 Spring 2027 1. / 2025 2. / 2025 3. / 2026 4. / 2026 1. / 2026 2. / 2026 3. / 2027 4. / 2027
Research and Development Skills

(Choose all )

XX00EJ16 Research Methods and Skills 5
S000FK64 Advanced Research Methods and Project Management Tools 5
S000FD35 Service Innovations and Design 5
Assessing and Managing Safety and Quality in Health Business

(Choose all )

S000DK77 Safety and Quality Processes and Management in Social and Health Care 5
S000FK63 Assessing Health Care Services and Technologies 5
Sustainable Health Business Management

(Choose all )

S000FD14 Sustainable Business Models & Health Economics 5
S000DR77 Marketing Processes and Solutions in Health Business 5
S000DR75 Strategy, Management and Leadership in Health Business 5
S000DR76 Human Resource Management in a Changing Environment 5
S000FV96 Financial Accounting 5
Master Thesis

(Choose all )

XX00FB87 Master’s Thesis 30
Elective Studies

(Choose ects: 10)

Total 90 40 10 20 20 10 0 10 10 10 10 5 5 0 0

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.

STRUCTURE Master (A18.12.2014/1129)

Asetuksen 18.12.2014/1129 mukainen rakenne. 2 § Opintojen rakenne Ylempään ammattikorkeakoulututkintoon johtaviin opintoihin kuuluu: 1) syventäviä ammattiopintoja; 2) vapaasti valittavia opintoja; 3) opinnäytetyö.

Master´s Thesis

No attached course units

Advanced Professional Studies
Research Methods and Skills
Advanced Research Methods and Project Management Tools
Service Innovations and Design
Safety and Quality Processes and Management in Social and Health Care
Assessing Health Care Services and Technologies
Sustainable Business Models & Health Economics
Marketing Processes and Solutions in Health Business
Strategy, Management and Leadership in Health Business
Human Resource Management in a Changing Environment
Elective Studies

No attached course units

Not grouped
Financial Accounting
Master’s Thesis

ARENE 2022::UAS shared competences::Master’s degree

Replaces the “Metropolia's Generic Competences::Master's Degree” -matrix. Heidi Rontu/31.8.2022


The graduating student assesses and promotes the realisation of ethical principles and values of their field of profession, taking equality and non-discrimination into account.
- Is able to promote ethically sustainable activities and the realisation of ethical reflection in their different operating environments.
- Promotes the realisation of the ethical principles and values of their field.
- Makes decisions taking individual, communal and societal perspectives into account.
- Promotes the realisation of diversity and accessibility.
- Implements the principles of responsible conduct of research and promotes their application in their work community.
- Is able to manage societally influential activities based on ethical values.

Research Methods and Skills
Advanced Research Methods and Project Management Tools
Service Innovations and Design
Safety and Quality Processes and Management in Social and Health Care
Assessing Health Care Services and Technologies
Sustainable Business Models & Health Economics
Marketing Processes and Solutions in Health Business
Strategy, Management and Leadership in Health Business
Human Resource Management in a Changing Environment
Master’s Thesis
Proactive development

The graduating student is able to manage the development of new solutions that anticipate the future and produces new information using different research and development methods.
- Produces new information and reforms operating methods, combining competence in different fields.
- Is able to implement research, development and innovation projects and apply different research and development methods.
- Is able to develop new customer-oriented, sustainable and economically viable solutions, anticipating the future.
- Is able to analyse the current situation and anticipate the future of their field and changes in the operating environment.

Research Methods and Skills
Advanced Research Methods and Project Management Tools
Service Innovations and Design
Safety and Quality Processes and Management in Social and Health Care
Assessing Health Care Services and Technologies
Sustainable Business Models & Health Economics
Marketing Processes and Solutions in Health Business
Strategy, Management and Leadership in Health Business
Human Resource Management in a Changing Environment
Financial Accounting
Master’s Thesis
Internationality and multiculturalism

The graduating student is able to develop and manage multicultural and international operating environments and networks.
- Is able to develop operating methods that take multiculturalism into account in their work community.
- Is able to anticipate the impacts and opportunities of global development and phenomena.
- Is able to interact, communicate and develop activities internationally in their own field.

Research Methods and Skills
Advanced Research Methods and Project Management Tools
Service Innovations and Design
Safety and Quality Processes and Management in Social and Health Care
Assessing Health Care Services and Technologies
Sustainable Business Models & Health Economics
Marketing Processes and Solutions in Health Business
Strategy, Management and Leadership in Health Business
Human Resource Management in a Changing Environment
Master’s Thesis
Sustainable development

The graduating student develops and manages sustainable and responsible operating methods in their work and promotes sustainable change in their work community and society.
- Is able to apply the knowledge and future visions of sustainable development comprehensively as a basis for sustainable solutions.
- Is able to analyse and assess systemic dependencies of complex multidisciplinary problems and the different dimensions of solutions
- Is able to manage the search, implementation and establishment of sustainable solutions and operating models in their work

Advanced Research Methods and Project Management Tools
Service Innovations and Design
Safety and Quality Processes and Management in Social and Health Care
Assessing Health Care Services and Technologies
Sustainable Business Models & Health Economics
Marketing Processes and Solutions in Health Business
Strategy, Management and Leadership in Health Business
Human Resource Management in a Changing Environment
Financial Accounting
Master’s Thesis
Learning to learn

The graduating student promotes their own and their community's continuous learning and competence development, drawing on knowledge from different fields and the opportunities of digitalisation.
- Is able to assess and develop their expertise diversely and in a goal-oriented manner at different stages of their career and life.
- Is able to acquire, critically assess and produce information while taking into account the perspectives of different fields.
- Is able to develop and manage goal oriented, continuous learning in their community.

Advanced Research Methods and Project Management Tools
Service Innovations and Design
Safety and Quality Processes and Management in Social and Health Care
Assessing Health Care Services and Technologies
Sustainable Business Models & Health Economics
Marketing Processes and Solutions in Health Business
Strategy, Management and Leadership in Health Business
Human Resource Management in a Changing Environment
Master’s Thesis
Operating in a workplace

The graduating student is able to develop and manage their work community and reforms working life. - Is able to develop and manage multidisciplinary teams and work communities.
- Is able to develop the communication and interaction culture of work communities.
- Is able to develop and manage the comprehensive well-being of a work community.
- Utilises the opportunities of technology and digitalisation in development and management.
- Promotes the resilience of a work community.

Research Methods and Skills
Advanced Research Methods and Project Management Tools
Service Innovations and Design
Safety and Quality Processes and Management in Social and Health Care
Assessing Health Care Services and Technologies
Sustainable Business Models & Health Economics
Marketing Processes and Solutions in Health Business
Strategy, Management and Leadership in Health Business
Human Resource Management in a Changing Environment
Financial Accounting
Master’s Thesis
Not grouped

Code Name Credits (cr)
Research and Development Skills

(Choose all )

XX00EJ16 Research Methods and Skills 5
S000FK64 Advanced Research Methods and Project Management Tools 5
S000FD35 Service Innovations and Design 5
Assessing and Managing Safety and Quality in Health Business

(Choose all )

S000DK77 Safety and Quality Processes and Management in Social and Health Care 5
S000FK63 Assessing Health Care Services and Technologies 5
Sustainable Health Business Management

(Choose all )

S000FD14 Sustainable Business Models & Health Economics 5
S000DR77 Marketing Processes and Solutions in Health Business 5
S000DR75 Strategy, Management and Leadership in Health Business 5
S000DR76 Human Resource Management in a Changing Environment 5
S000FV96 Financial Accounting 5
Master Thesis

(Choose all )

XX00FB87 Master’s Thesis 30
Elective Studies

(Choose ects: 10 )

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