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Master's Degree Programme in Creativity and Arts in Social and Health Fields (in English): Creativity and Arts in Social and Health Fields

Code: K1222S6

Degree title
Master of Culture and Arts
Master of Culture and Arts
Master of Culture and Arts
Master of Culture and Arts
Muotoilija (ylempi AMK), Master of Culture and Arts
Vestonomi (ylempi AMK)
Master of Culture and Arts
60 ects
1.5 years (60 cr)
Start semester
Autumn 2022
Teaching language


Graduates of the Master’s Programme are professionals specialised in the use of creativity and arts to promote health, well-being and inclusion. They can use the potential of creativity to support people’s lives and well-being, to promote the realization of cultural rights, to assess the effectiveness of activities and to reform professional practices, structures and thinking. Creativity and possibilities for its versatile expressions, as well as cultural activities and arts experiences, belong to everybody as part of a fulfilled and meaningful life.

CRASH - Creativity and Arts in Social and Health Fields - Master’s Degree programme provides the students with strong expertise in the use of creativity and arts to promote well-being, in developer, reformer, expert and managerial roles in different working environments, in culture and arts fields and, where applicable, also in national or international expert positions in social and health care. The degree does not qualify those with a Bachelor’s Degree in culture and arts fields to regulated professions in social and health care. Our graduates work as innovative reformers of multidisciplinary practices, providing solutions related to health, well-being, creativity and inclusion.

The programme is carried out as blended learning. The participants study in a multidisciplinary group consisting of experts from cultural, social and health fields. A special feature in CRASH Master’s Degree programme is multidisciplinary collaboration that starts at the outset of studies and continues throughout the programme. The students’ working communities contribute to the studies and new contacts will be created, for example, in the networks of Metropolia RDI projects and networks of other stakeholders. Learning is further supported by expert lectures, workshops, project and peer group work and guidance.

CRASH studies combine latest research with pragmatic working life development. Collaboration with international partners is an integral part of the programme, which opens up inspiring perspectives into international development of the field. University of the Arts Helsinki is also involved in CRASH collaboration: certain courses are jointly organized to the Metropolia Master’s Degree students and the Master’s Degree students of the University of the Arts Helsinki.


The planning of the Master’s Degree programme and the development of its curriculum are based on 1) experiential, expert and working life data; 2) research data and 3) national and international cooperation.

Working life data was collected in spring 2020 in workshops aimed at working life experts, stakeholders and educational organisations, and by interviews. The programme’s co-creation process was built on comprehensive dialogue that enabled the evolution of joint understanding of the function of the programme, and the expertise generated by it. Working life needs were also assessed by different surveys. In addition, the extensive background data of the programme fed into its structure, priorities, intended learning outcomes and the definition of current working life needs.

Cooperation with international partners was also intensive during the development of the programme. In Finland, the key cooperation partner was University of the Arts Helsinki. The RDI partnerships and networks created during the programme’s development phase will be further utilised in the working life projects and further development of the CRASH programme.

Further information

Opetussuunnitelma on kopioitu hyväksytystä opsista K1221S6


The student
• Is able to recognise how well-being, health and inclusion in society may be promoted by the use of creativity and arts.
• Is able to utilise creativity and arts to promote well-being, health and inclusion in different contexts.
• Is able to utilise evidence-based theoretical, practical and experiential information in professional practice and development.
• Is able to reform professional practices and organizational structures to find solutions to social challenges with the support of creativity and arts.
• Is able to implement and manage co-creation processes in multidisciplinary groups.
• Is able to communicate and operate in a convincing manner in international, multidisciplinary collaboration.

Show study timings by semester, study year or period

Code Name Credits (cr) 2022-2023 2023-2024 Autumn 2022 Spring 2023 Autumn 2023 1. / 2022 2. / 2022 3. / 2023 4. / 2023 1. / 2023 2. / 2023
Creativity, Culture, Arts and Well-being - Advanced-level Studies

(Choose all )

K000EM92 Creativity, Health and Well-being 10
K000EM94 Multidisciplinary Dialogue in Reconstructing Professional Knowledge 5
Developing the Use of Creativity and Arts in Promoting Health and Well-being

(Choose all )

K000EM98 Multidisciplinary Co-creation Project 5
XX00EJ16 Research Methods and Skills 5
K000EN00 Master’s Thesis 30
Elective Studies

(Choose ects: 5)

Total 60 45 10 30 15 10 15 15 7.5 7.5 5 5

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.

STRUCTURE Master (A18.12.2014/1129)

Asetuksen 18.12.2014/1129 mukainen rakenne. 2 § Opintojen rakenne Ylempään ammattikorkeakoulututkintoon johtaviin opintoihin kuuluu: 1) syventäviä ammattiopintoja; 2) vapaasti valittavia opintoja; 3) opinnäytetyö.

Master´s Thesis
Master’s Thesis
Advanced Professional Studies
Creativity, Health and Well-being
Multidisciplinary Dialogue in Reconstructing Professional Knowledge
Multidisciplinary Co-creation Project
Research Methods and Skills
Elective Studies

No attached course units

Not grouped

Code Name Credits (cr)
Creativity, Culture, Arts and Well-being - Advanced-level Studies

(Choose all )

K000EM92 Creativity, Health and Well-being 10
K000EM94 Multidisciplinary Dialogue in Reconstructing Professional Knowledge 5
Developing the Use of Creativity and Arts in Promoting Health and Well-being

(Choose all )

K000EM98 Multidisciplinary Co-creation Project 5
XX00EJ16 Research Methods and Skills 5
K000EN00 Master’s Thesis 30
Elective Studies

(Choose ects: 5 )

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