Master's Degree Programme in Osteopathy (ylempi AMK) (englanniksi): S2421S6
Opetussuunitelman tunnus: S2421S6
- Tutkintonimike
- Osteopaatti (ylempi AMK)
- Laajuus
- 90 op
- Kesto
- 2 vuotta (90 op)
- Aloituslukukausi
- Syksy 2021
- Opetuskieli
- englanti
This Master’s Degree programme in osteopathy is the first of a kind in the Nordic countries. Two schools – Skandinaviska Osteopathögskolan from Gothenburg, Sweden and Metropolia University of Applied Sciences from Helsinki, Finland – have joined their forces in order to create a special programme designed for osteopaths, who wish to enhance their professional skills, and collaborate with other healthcare practitioners in order to raise the quality and awareness for osteopathic care.
The programme is designed to provide a springboard for osteopaths in gaining the skills needed to engage in the fields of research, education, business development and societal or political engagement, depending on their own specific interests. The 2-year course aims to create a fulfilling path for osteopaths to expand, and develop their own synthesis of the contemporary osteopathic topics. This will contribute to developing a stronger professional identity, and raise awareness of osteopathic healthcare within society .
The programme focuses on the following:
Clinical aspect: exploring explanations for osteopathic treatment effects within an evidence informed and critical thinking perspective, and advanced practitioner skills
Research aspect: building a constructive forum for open inquiry, discussion and development through expanding knowledge on research methods and skills and creating a master’s thesis
Service and management aspect: developing an integrated, safe, person-centred approach to osteopathic service as a whole including skills in leadership, management and service design
The collaboration is further supported by embedding an evidence informed practice approach throughout the programme. The rationale here is that there is a necessity for the osteopathic profession to reflect upon its theoretical models, and integrate the most recent and relevant research.
In order to meet these goals the programme aims is to build a constructive forum for open inquiry, discussion, and development of novel theoretical constructs. Students will be encouraged to explore, and critically reflect, on explanations for osteopathic treatment effects within an evidence informed perspective. It is expected that students will draw upon evidence from other disciplines.
From the beginning of the programme there is a strong emphasis on developing good competence in research and development. These competences are supported throughout and culminate in a Master's Thesis. This significant piece of work is focussed on the interests of the students and is a very rewarding part of the programme.
At a time when person-centred health care is a central tenet of modern day health management, it is important that the osteopathic profession takes its place in contributing in an active and positive manner. The master's programme is designed to enable, support and engage osteopaths in navigating and applying this important movement within health care. This programme recognises and addresses the key competences required by the contemporary osteopath who wants to work within an integrative health care system.
This Master’s Degree Programme in Osteopathy collaborates with the Master’s Degree Programme in Health Business Management. This multidisciplinary approach is a core aspect of the programme. This collaboration encourages and supports communication between healthcare professionals, therefore, raising awareness of osteopathic practice across healthcare in general.
Opetussuunnitelman kehittäminen ja työelämäyhteistyö
The core curriculum has been designed in close collaboration between the two partner institutions, alumni and experts in the field. The curriculum has been inspected and approved by the advisory board of the Degree Programme in Osteopathy on 1.10.2020.
Opetussuunnitelma on uusi.
Ylläpitäjä koulutussuunnittelija Arja H. Moilanen
The programme is designed to provide a springboard for osteopaths in gaining the skills needed to engage in the fields of research, education, business development and societal or political engagement, depending on their own specific interests. The 2-year course aims to create a fulfilling path for osteopaths to expand, and develop their own synthesis of the contemporary osteopathic topics. This will contribute to developing a stronger professional identity, and raise awareness of osteopathic healthcare within society.
The skills and knowledge of students graduating from this programme as described according to the EQF, European Qualifications Framework and the recommendations of the Rectors' Conference of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences.
EQF European Qualifications Framework, Master’s level competencies
The learning outcomes relevant to Level 7 are highly specialized knowledge, some of which is at the forefront of knowledge in a field of work or study, as the basis for original thinking and/or research:
• critical awareness of knowledge issues in a field and at the interface between different fields
• specialized problem-solving skills required in research and/or innovation in order to develop new knowledge and procedures and to integrate knowledge from different fields
• manage and transform work or study contexts that are complex, unpredictable and require new strategic approaches
• take responsibility for contributing to professional knowledge and practice and/or for reviewing the strategic performance of teams
Valitse opintojen ajoitus-, rakenne- tai jäsentelynäkymä
Näytä opintojen ajoitukset lukuvuosittain, lukukausittain tai periodeittain
Tunnus | Opinnon nimi | Laajuus (op) | 2021-2022 | 2022-2023 | Syksy 2021 | Kevät 2022 | Syksy 2022 | Kevät 2023 | 1. / 2021 | 2. / 2021 | 3. / 2022 | 4. / 2022 | 1. / 2022 | 2. / 2022 | 3. / 2023 | 4. / 2023 |
S2421S6-1001 |
Tutkimus- ja kehittämisosaaminen
(Valitaan kaikki ) |
15 | ||||||||||||||
XX00EJ16 | Tutkimusmenetelmät ja -valmiudet | 5 | ||||||||||||||
S000EM86 | Syventävä kvantitatiivinen ja kvalitatiivinen kehittämisosaaminen | 10 | ||||||||||||||
S2421S6-1002 |
Osteopaattisen ammattiosaamisen ulottuvuudet
(Valitaan kaikki ) |
20 | ||||||||||||||
S000EM87 | Kudosten fysiologia | 5 | ||||||||||||||
S000EM88 | Neurotiede osteopaatin ammatilllisessa työskentelyssä | 5 | ||||||||||||||
S000EM89 | Kiputiede osteopaatin ammatillisessa työskentelyssä | 5 | ||||||||||||||
S000EM90 | Ajankohtaiset lähestymistavat osteopaattiseen käytäntöön | 5 | ||||||||||||||
S2421S6-1003 |
Palvelumuotoilu ja ihmislähtöinen terveydenhuolto
(Valitaan kaikki ) |
10 | ||||||||||||||
S000DK77 | Turvallisuus- ja laatuprosessien hallinta sosiaali- ja terveysalalla | 5 | ||||||||||||||
S000CF70 | Palveluinnovaatiot ja muotoilu | 5 | ||||||||||||||
S2421S6-1004 |
Osteopaatin syventävä ammattiosaaminen
(Valitaan kaikki ) |
10 | ||||||||||||||
S000EM91 | Psyko-emotionaalinen näkökulma osteopaatin asiantuntijatyössä | 5 | ||||||||||||||
S000DR75 | Strateginen johtaminen ja johtajuus terveysalalla | 5 | ||||||||||||||
S2421S6-1007 |
(Valitaan kaikki ) |
30 | ||||||||||||||
S000EM83 | Opinnäytetyön ideointi ja suunnittelu | 10 | ||||||||||||||
S000EM84 | Opinnäytetyön toteutus | 10 | ||||||||||||||
S000EM85 | Opinnäytetyön raportointi ja arviointi | 10 | ||||||||||||||
S2421S6-1006 |
Vapaasti valittavat opinnot
(Valitaan opintopisteitä: 5) |
5 | ||||||||||||||
Yhteensä | 90 | 45 | 40 | 20 | 25 | 20 | 20 | 10 | 10 | 12.5 | 12.5 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 |
Lukukausi- ja lukuvuosikohtaiset opintopistekertymät vaihtelevat valinnaisten ja vapaasti valittavien opintojen ajoituksesta johtuen.
RAKENNE Ylempi AMK-koulutus (A18.12.2014/1129)
Asetuksen 18.12.2014/1129 mukainen rakenne. 2 § Opintojen rakenne Ylempään ammattikorkeakoulututkintoon johtaviin opintoihin kuuluu: 1) syventäviä ammattiopintoja; 2) vapaasti valittavia opintoja; 3) opinnäytetyö.
VANHA: Metropolian yhteiset osaamiset::ylempi AMK-koulutus
Metropolian johtoryhmä hyväksynyt 10.9.2019. Esityksen valmisteli työryhmä: Tapani Martti, Marjatta Kelo, Kari Björn, Elina Värtö, Tiina Kokko. Lähteinä on käytetty mm. ARENEn suositus tutkintojen yhteisten kompetenssien soveltamisesta ammattikorkeakouluissa (2010), Valtioneuvoston asetus tutkintojen ja muiden osaamiskokonaisuuksien viitekehyksestä 120/2017, Valtioneuvoston tulevaisuusselonteot 1 & 2 (2017-2018) sekä Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön tulevaisuuskatsaus 2018.
Tunnus | Opinnon nimi | Laajuus (op) |
S2421S6-1001 |
Tutkimus- ja kehittämisosaaminen
(Valitaan kaikki ) |
15 |
XX00EJ16 | Tutkimusmenetelmät ja -valmiudet | 5 |
S000EM86 | Syventävä kvantitatiivinen ja kvalitatiivinen kehittämisosaaminen | 10 |
S2421S6-1002 |
Osteopaattisen ammattiosaamisen ulottuvuudet
(Valitaan kaikki ) |
20 |
S000EM87 | Kudosten fysiologia | 5 |
S000EM88 | Neurotiede osteopaatin ammatilllisessa työskentelyssä | 5 |
S000EM89 | Kiputiede osteopaatin ammatillisessa työskentelyssä | 5 |
S000EM90 | Ajankohtaiset lähestymistavat osteopaattiseen käytäntöön | 5 |
S2421S6-1003 |
Palvelumuotoilu ja ihmislähtöinen terveydenhuolto
(Valitaan kaikki ) |
10 |
S000DK77 | Turvallisuus- ja laatuprosessien hallinta sosiaali- ja terveysalalla | 5 |
S000CF70 | Palveluinnovaatiot ja muotoilu | 5 |
S2421S6-1004 |
Osteopaatin syventävä ammattiosaaminen
(Valitaan kaikki ) |
10 |
S000EM91 | Psyko-emotionaalinen näkökulma osteopaatin asiantuntijatyössä | 5 |
S000DR75 | Strateginen johtaminen ja johtajuus terveysalalla | 5 |
S2421S6-1007 |
(Valitaan kaikki ) |
30 |
S000EM83 | Opinnäytetyön ideointi ja suunnittelu | 10 |
S000EM84 | Opinnäytetyön toteutus | 10 |
S000EM85 | Opinnäytetyön raportointi ja arviointi | 10 |
S2421S6-1006 |
Vapaasti valittavat opinnot
(Valitaan opintopisteitä: 5 ) |
5 |