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Special features and topical themes of hospital emergency care, intensive care and high-dependency care (optional)Laajuus (5 cr)

Code: S000DT45


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish


The student gains insight and analyzes the new and wide-ranging challenges of hospital emergency, intensive and high-dependency care units and knows how to utilize them as a basis for development activities. The student gains more competence in emergency, intensive and high-dependency care and knows how to analyze and use various care recommendations as a basis for one’s own actions. The student is proficient in the different methods and protocols improving patient safety and safety culture and knows how to apply them to practice.


- Hospital emergency care, intensive care and high-dependency care processes
- Nursing interventions in emergency, intensive and high-dependency care
- Leadership and the role of shift manager in the workplace community
- Health technology in emergency, intensive and high-dependency care
- Ethical situations
- Multiprofessionalism and networking in emergency, intensive and high-dependency care

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student demonstrates competence in the basic content of the unit, but there are deficiencies in his/her individual ability to find and interpret information and to integrate the learned content with the context of the workplace.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student demonstrates good competence in the content of the unit. She/he is able to find information actively and interpret it in relation to the work environment. The student is able to analyze the learned content and apply it to the context of the workplace.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student demonstrates great and wide-ranging competence in the content of the unit. She/he displays outstanding competence in finding relevant information. The student’s decision-making skills demonstrate independence, responsibility and the ability to guide others. His/her ability to apply the learned content to the context of the workplace is creative and comprehensive.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Pass: The student demonstrates competence in the basic content of the unit (in reference to the assessment criteria). However, independent search for information, interpretation and the ability to integrate the learned content with the context of the workplace prove inadequate.

Further information

Recognition of prior learning
The study unit may be accredited based on previously acquired competence if the student has completed similar studies and/or the student has a long experience of a demanding managerial role equalling the same level of experience. Documented proof is required of the previously acquired competence.