LinkedIn Basics (3 op)
Toteutuksen tunnus: TT00FK11-3034
Toteutuksen perustiedot
- Ajoitus
01.01.2025 - 31.12.2025
Toteutus on käynnissä.
- Opintopistemäärä
- 3 op
- Lähiosuus
- 0 op
- Virtuaaliosuus
- 3 op
- Toteutustapa
- Etäopetus
- Yksikkö
- (2019-2024) ICT ja tuotantotalous
- Toimipiste
- Karaportti 2
- Opetuskielet
- englanti
- Paikat
- 0 - 5000
- Koulutus
- Tieto- ja viestintätekniikan tutkinto-ohjelma
- Vastuuopettaja
- Janne Salonen
- Opintojakso
- TT00FK11
LinkedIn is a place where relationships matter (the original LinkedIn slogan). It was developed primarily for professional networking. When you look at its mission statement, LinkedIn’s mission is simple: “Connect the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful.” This is not a website that requires a lot of constant work to be effective. It’s designed to work in the background and help you reach out to whomever you need while learning and growing yourself. The key is to set up your online identity, build your network, and steadily take advantage of the opportunities that most affect you or greatly interest you.
One of the benefits of LinkedIn is that after you connect with someone you know who also has an account on LinkedIn, you always have a live link to that person. Even when that person changes email addresses, you’ll always be able to send him or her a message through LinkedIn. In this sense, LinkedIn always keeps you connected with people in your network, regardless of how their lives change.
On this LinkedIn cCourse you will find out how you can use LinkedIn to help you achieve your personal and business objectives. You will discover how to create the ideal personal and business page and learn about the range of features and advertising options available to you.
We will show you how to create a great presence, how to build a large but targeted following and how to engage this following.
This training course is ideal for anyone who wants to use LinkedIn for a company or organisation. You should have some experience of using Social Media and ideally will already have a LinkedIn profile set-up.
- LinkedIn Account and Profile
- Navigating LinkedIn
- Getting Connected
-Managing Your Network
- Finding Employees, Jobs, and Companies
- LinkedIn Settings and Privacy
- LinkedIn for Business
Aika ja paikka
Online in Metropolia's Moodle. Course can be done in own pace.
Course is 100% online (self-study) course which can be done in own pace.
Course has 7 lessons which all have to go throw before you can do Final Exam.
Harjoittelu- ja työelämäyhteistyö
Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
Up to student her-/himself.
Sisällön jaksotus
Up to student her-/himself.
Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty
Study course lessons add exercises carefully, making sure that you fully understand the information. The exercises provide information about usage of LinkedIn functions.
At the end of each lesson, test your knowlege by taking a quiz. It contains ?10 multi-choice questions and its duration is 60 minutes. If your score is less than 600, rehearse the theory and retake the test. The retake limit is 3. (Note! The quiz is marked "passed" after 3 tries.)
Take the final test. If your score is less than 700, you need to retake it to pass the course. The retake limit is 3!
Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet
Study course lessons add exercises carefully, making sure that you fully understand the information. The exercises provide information about usage of LinkedIn functions.
At the end of each lesson, test your knowlege by taking a quiz. It contains ?10 multi-choice questions and its duration is 60 minutes. If your score is less than 600, rehearse the theory and retake the test. The retake limit is 3. (Note! The quiz is marked "passed" after 3 tries.)
Take the final test. If your score is less than 700, you need to retake it to pass the course. The retake limit is 3!