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Managing and sharing construction data (5 cr)

Code: TX00FE97-3002

General information


06.05.2024 - 25.10.2024


02.09.2024 - 20.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Real Estate and Construction


Myllypurontie 1

Teaching languages

  • English


0 - 40

Degree programmes

  • Master's Degree Programme in Computing in Construction


  • Seppo Törmä

Teacher in charge

Seppo Törmä


  • T2424S6
    Master's Degree Programme in Computing in Construction, ylempi


The student can identify and explain different ways and their characteristics to manage and share construction data from file exchange and project banks to central or cloud-based services, common data environments and decentralised solutions. The student understands the requirements for data management in both in asset management and in construction projects, and the concerns of decentralisation, data ownership, ease of access, granularity of access, and sensitivity of data resulting in security and privacy needs. The student knows the relevant data management standards and their application areas. The student is familiar how different data storage technologies are used on construction sector. The student knows open data sources relevant to construction domain. The student knows and can use software tools to access, store and share construction data.


- Nature of data production and consumption over construction lifecycle
- Decentralised data, data ownership, and data sovereignty
- Overview of current data management and sharing approaches
- ISO 19650 standard for BIM-based information management
- ISO 21597 standard for exchange of interlinked datasets
- Open CDE standard from buildingSmart
- Sensitivity of construction data
- Access control approaches and interfaces
- Different variations of cryptosystems and related key management
- Storage of construction data: files, relational databases, no-sql databases, graph databases
- Data access based on queries or API requests
- Open data relevant to construction domain

Location and time

Period 1, Myllypuro campus


Freely available online materials and software tools and libraries, as identified during the course

Teaching methods

Lectures and exercises

Exam schedules

Exam at the end of the course
Re-exams on request

Student workload

5 credit point means 135 hours of work, which is divided into 50 hours of lectures, 45 hours of exercises and 40 hours of independent study

Content scheduling

Lectures and exercises are interleaved

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student has achieved the minimal objectives of the course. The student will be able to identify and explain the concepts and approaches related to construction data management and sharing. The student understands the sensitivity and management requirements of construction data. The student has completed the required learning exercises in minimum requirement level. The competencies acquired form the basis for the student to build his/her knowledge in management and sharing of construction domain data, eventually enabling a job position in system maintenance or software testing.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student has achieved the objectives of the course well, even though the knowledge and skills still need improvement in some areas. The student will be able to identify and explain the concepts and approaches related to construction data management and sharing. The student understands the sensitivity and management requirements of construction data. The student has completed the required learning exercises in good or satisfactory level. The student is able to create software solutions by programmatically accessing and processing construction data. The student has the capability to apply the knowledge in further studies and software development work related to construction data management and sharing.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student has achieved the objectives of the course with excellence. The student will be able to identify, explain and justify the concepts and approaches related to construction data management and sharing. The student understands the sensitivity and management requirements of construction data, and can evaluate the applicability of different solutions in given use scenarios. The student has completed the required learning exercises in the excellent or good level. The student is able to create software solutions by programmatically accessing construction data from different storage or data sharing sources, to link and combine different kinds of data, and to analyse and process it in interesting ways. The student has an excellent basis to apply the knowledge in further studies and in software development related to construction data management and sharing.

Assessment methods and criteria

Satisfactory (1): The student will be able to identify and explain the concepts and approaches related to construction data management and sharing. The student understands the sensitivity and management requirements of construction data. The student has completed the required learning exercises in minimum requirement level.

Good (3): In addition to the previous, the student understand the interrelations and applications of the concepts and approaches related to construction data management and sharing. The student understands the cybersecurity aspects relevant to construction sector. The student has completed the required learning exercises in good or satisfactory level.

Excellent (5): In addition to the previous, the student can evaluate the applicability of different solutions of data sharing, management, and cybersecurity in given use scenarios and utilize appropriate tools. The student has completed the required learning exercises in the excellent or good level.


Programming skills in Python and Javascript sufficient to
- implement simple algorithms,
- utilize libraries such as IfcOpenShell or That Open Engine, and
- access the APIs of systems providing data about built environment.