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Basic Life Support in Prehospital Environment (5 cr)

Code: SX00EC79-3004

General information


02.05.2023 - 14.05.2023


14.08.2023 - 20.10.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health Care


Myllypurontie 1

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


20 - 35

Degree programmes

  • Degree Programme in Emergency Care


  • Tommy Mildh
  • Eini Koskimies
  • Satu Lindgren

Teacher in charge

Satu Lindgren


  • SXK22K2
    Ensihoidon tutkinto-ohjelma, monimuoto


The student:
- knows the principles of multiagency co-operation and relevant legislation related to the prehospital environment
- knows the principles of teamwork in the prehospital environment
- knows the process of the prehospital ambulance mission and understands occupational and patient safety as a part of that process
- is able to perform primary assessment and recognizes the need for additional and advanced units
- is able to perform secondary assessment and to start relevant prehospital treatment as well as consult medical control for treatment orders
- is able to provide BLS treatment for all typical prehospital patient groups and direct or transport these patients to the relevant medical facilities
- is able to use the government terrestrial trunk radio system and is aware of the prehospital communication standards
- is able to use all prehospital medical equipment related to patient assessment, emergency medical care and immobilization
- is aware of the reporting and charting principles in prehospital care


- emergency Medical Services legislation and multiagency co-operation in the prehospital field
- the prehospital patient care process
- occupational and patient safety in the prehospital environment
- prehospital call and transport codes
- government terrestrial trunk radio
- prehospital electronic charting system and communication in the prehospital environment
- prehospital BLS medical equipment related to assessment, emergency care and immobilization
- BLS medications
- 12-15 lead ECG in prehospital care and basics of interpretation
- primary and secondary assessment in prehospital care
- BLS level prehospital care of typical patient groups
- patient guidance and non-transports
- interfacility transports

Location and time

Participation in orientation lecture is mandatory. Time and place of the lectures/laborations/simulations can be found in the curriculum.

Teaching methods

E-Learning in Moodle
Calculation test

Employer connections

Kts. yst SX00EC84-3004 Perustason ensihoito harjoittelu 10 op
Ryhmät: SXK22K2 toteutussuunnitelma

Completion alternatives

Ei valinnaisia suoritustapoja. Mikäli opiskelija on työskennellyt pelastajana tai perustason ensihoitajana (lähihoitaja), voi hän saada teoriaopinnoista pedagogisen ratkaisun. Asiasta sovitaan opintojakson vastuuopettajan kanssa. Tämän opintojakson vastuuopettajana toimii Satu Lindgren

Further information

Opiskelija vahvistaa paikkansa opintojaksototeutuksella olemalla läsnä opetuksen alkaessa tai muutoin opettajan kanssa erikseen sovitulla tavalla, joka voi esimerkiksi olla ensimmäisen oppimistehtävän palautus. Jos opiskelija ei sairauden vuoksi pysty osallistumaan opetuksen alkuun, hän voi myös vahvistaa opiskelupaikkansa ilmoittamalla siitä opettajalle etukäteen.

HUOM! Opettajan laatimat tehtävät ja MATERIAALIT ovat Tekijänoikeuslain (404/61) mukaisia teoksia, joihin opettajalla on tekijänoikeus. Tehtäviä JA MATERIAALEJA ei saa käyttää muuten kuin omissa opinnoissaan. Niiden julkinen levittäminen on sallittua vain opettajan luvalla.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

See the attachment "Framework for evaluation criteria of competence"
Evaluating competences evaluation criteria competent/intermediate level is used.

Assessment methods and criteria

Tentti 100% (arviointi 0-5)
Lääkelaskukoe 100% (arviointi hyväksytty/hylätty)
Itsenäiset tehtävät (arviointi hyväksytty/hylätty)
Laboraatiot (hyväksytty-hylätty)


A minimum of 50 credits of clinical nursing studies.
The student and tutor teacher go through other recommended studies in the HOPS discussions.