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Jazz Skills (5 cr)

Code: KX00EZ76-3001

General information


28.11.2022 - 22.12.2022


01.01.2023 - 31.07.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching





Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Degree programmes

  • Music


  • Pekka Luukka
  • Markku Nikula
  • musiikki virtuaali

Teacher in charge

Pekka Luukka


  • KXF22S1
    Musiikin tutkinto-ohjelma päivä


After completing the course, the student is able to:
- clearly outline the development of jazz
- situate the history of jazz in the broader context of music history as a whole
- describe different eras and styles of jazz
- search for and find information about the history of jazz
- identify the aesthetics and characteristics of jazz through listening
- work independently and in groups
- apply knowledge critically and creatively to professional work.


Jazz Skills is divided into two parts: history and theory.

In the history portion, the student acquires a clear picture of the development of jazz from the early 20th century to the present day. The subject is examined from the perspectives of both individuals and bands, taking into account key events and aesthetics related to jazz. The course also outlines technological developments and the significance of jazz in a broader social context. Learning takes place through lectures, independent study and group work, and includes listening examples, written materials, and assignments.

In the theory portion, the aim is to give the student a clear picture of unique characteristics of jazz through listening examples, playing, singing and transcription.

Location and time

Jazzhistoria keskiviikkoisin 9.00 -10.30 AS522 ( ei zoomissa). Opettaja Pekka Luukka. Tunteja a90min kahdeksan (8) kertaa: 18.1, 25.1, 1.2, 8.2, 15.2, 1.3, 8.3, 22.3 ja 5.4 (tentti).
Esittäjien jazzhahmo-teoria keskiviikkoisin 13.00 - 14.30 AS412. Opettaja Pekka Luukka. Tunnit:18.1, 25.1, 1.2, 8.2, 15.2, 1.3, 8.3, 22.3 ja 5.4.
SolaopPopjazz-ryhmän teoriaosuus alkaa 20.1.2023 Opetus tapahtuu perjantaisin 14:45-16:15 lk AS417. Opettajana toimii Markku Nikula

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

To pass the course, the student is able to:
- identify the main artists, compositions and styles of jazz through listening examples
- recognize characteristics of different eras of jazz
- identify, search for and find information about the history of jazz and apply this knowledge critically and creatively to their own professional activities
- transcribe essential jazz repertoire for small ensembles
- work independently and in groups.

Assessment methods and criteria

Jazzhistoria: Osallistuminen luennoille, suoritetut kotitehtävät ja tentin hyväksytty suoritus. Tentin osat: Kirjallinen osuus ja kuuntelutehtävät.
Esittäjien jazzhahmoteoria: Kaksi itse tehtyä soolotranskriptiota seuraavista:
1. 12-tahdin blues tai molli-blues ( vähintään kaksi chorusta) tai Rhythm Changes ( vähintään yksi chorus). 2. Jazzstandardi ( vähintään yksi chorus).


For the theory section, the prerequisites are basic skills and knowledge of music theory, chord symbols, and proficiency in aural skills.