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Disruptive IT Technologies in Business (5 cr)

Code: LC00EJ13-3002

General information


24.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


29.08.2022 - 20.11.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Business


Leiritie 1

Teaching languages

  • English


20 - 35

Degree programmes

  • Economics and Business Administration


  • Jukka Kaisla

Teacher in charge

Anne Perkiö


    Vapaastivalittavat, liiketalous
  • LB21M
    Incoming DD Münster 2nd year students
  • LB20L_BI
    Incoming DD La Rochelle 3rd year students Business Intelligence
  • LXD20S1
    Liiketalouden tutkinto-ohjelma päivä


The student recognizes the most significant emerging and disruptive IT technologies at the current moment. The student understands what opportunities and threats to business lie in new IT technologies. The student understands how emerging and disruptive IT technologies can transform businesses.


The contents of the course are based on the changing digital technology trends
-Current digital technology trends
-Impact of IT technology revolution on businesses and human lives, including information security and privacy protection
-Means to review opportunities and threats of new IT technologies in business

Teaching methods

OnePage method

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student has achieved the course objectives fairly. The student will be able to identify, define and use the course subject area’s concepts and models. The student understands the criteria and principles of the expertise development.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student has achieved the course objectives well, even though the knowledge and skills need improvement on some areas. The student is able to define the course concepts and models and are able to justify the analysis. The student is able to apply his/her knowledge in leisure, study and work situations. The student understands the importance of expertise in the field of business and is able to analyze his/her own expertise.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student has achieved the objectives of the course with excellent marks. The student masters commendably the course subject area’s concepts and models. The student is able to make justified and fluent analysis and to present concrete development measures. The student is well prepared to apply his/her knowledge in leisure, study and work situations. The student is able to analyze the business sector expertise and the development of his/her own expertise.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The student has achieved the course objectives fairly. The student will be able to identify, define and use the course subject area’s concepts and models. The student understands the criteria and principles of the expertise development.


Core Requirement Studies in Business