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Fundamentals of Storytelling (5 cr)

Code: KM00EO26-3002

General information


29.11.2021 - 31.01.2022


12.01.2022 - 18.02.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

2 op

Mode of delivery

60 % Contact teaching, 40 % Distance learning


School of Media, Design and Conservation


Hämeentie 135

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


10 - 25

Degree programmes

  • Film and Television


  • Johanna Wartio
  • Timo Lehti

Teacher in charge

Timo Lehti


  • KXC21S1
    Elokuvan ja television tutkinto-ohjelma, päivä
  • KXC21_B
    KXC21, ryhmä B


The students are acquainted with the role of storytelling has had in different epochs. They know the conventions of storytelling, the classical story structure and key dramaturgical concepts. The students know the key audiovisual program types, target audiences and distribution platforms. The students can compose content for different program types and platforms and do background research. The students can work in a group and present their ideas.


- Fundamentals of storytelling.
- Different program types.
- Target audiences and distribution platforms.
- The classical story structure, dramaturgical tools and key terminology.
- Working in a group.
- Idea processing, background research and the phases of process writing.


Selection of fairytales, plays and Aristotle's Poetics

+Lectures, plays, screenplays

Teaching methods

Contact teaching,
Distance learning,
Assignments in small groups,

Exam schedules

11th of February 2022 (or 16th of February 2022)

Student workload

Lähiopetus/etäopetus: 27-33 tuntia (aika, jolloin opettaja opettaa)
Projektit, ryhmätyöt: 70 tuntia (aika, jolloin opettaja ei paikalla)
Harjoitustehtävät: 27-33 tuntia (aineistoon tutustuminen, tehtävän tekeminen)
Tentti: 5 tuntia

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Students have acceptable participation in class and complete the assignments to a satisfactory standard. They are acquainted with narrative conventions and classic dramaturgical concepts. They can recognize classical narrative elements from an existing story and understand the key concepts of narrative structure. They can work as a member of a group.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Students actively participate in class and complete the assignments to a good standard. They are well familiar with the classical narrative conventions and dramaturgical concepts. They can work as a member of a group. They understand the fundamentals of process writing, and the significance of feedback.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Students actively participate in class and complete the assignments to an excellent standard. They have excellent mastery ofl the classical narrative conventions and dramaturgical concepts. They can work as a member of a group in a creative and constructive manner. They master the principles of process writing, and are able to give and receive feedback.

Assessment methods and criteria

Arviointimenetelmät: (pakollinen tieto)
Jatkuva arviointi
Osallistuminen/ Läsnäolovaatimus 80 %