Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Korjaus- ja jälleenrakennus (5 op)

Toteutuksen tunnus: TZ1BB06-3009

Toteutuksen perustiedot


02.12.2021 - 31.12.2021


01.01.2022 - 31.07.2022


5 op




Kiinteistö- ja rakennusala


Myllypurontie 1


  • Englanti


  • Master's Degree Programme in Construction and Real Estate Management


  • Hannu Hakkarainen


Hannu Hakkarainen


  • T1721S6
    Master's Degree Programme in Construction and Real Estate Management, ylempi


The student is able to understand:
-the possibilities of building preservation focused on history of architecture, building materials and structures
-structures and materials in buildings that are renovated
-the needs and methods for renovation,
-deterioration of building materials and structures
-phases of renovation process
-the importance of building maintenance.


-Importance of refurbishments of buildings
-Renovation and real estate markets in Finland
-Refurbishment needs of buildings
-Typical damages and defects in buildings
-Life cycle of buildings
-Repairing process of buildings
-History of architecture, building materials and structures in Europe, especially in Finland
-Conservation of buildings and renovation
-Condition survey and assessment of buildings and structures
-Condition survey and assessment reports
-Designing of repairings
-Failures and repairing of concrete, timber and steel structures and rendered facades
-Condition assessment of concrete structures and rendered facades
-Moisture and mould problems in buildings
-Indoor air problems
-Examples of renovation works
-Maintenance of buildings
-History of architecture and construction, written report and presentation
-Renovation of an old building, written report


Luentokalvot (jaossa Moodlessa)
Betonirakenteiden ja julkisivujen vaurioita, homeongelmia ja sisäilmaongelmia käsitteleviä artikkeleita (jaossa Moodlessa)
Mayine L. Yu: Skins, envelopes and enclosures, Concepts for designing building exteriors (sivut ilmoitetaan Moodlessa)


Luennot, 2 harjoitustehtävää, tentti

Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet

Moodle-tentti XX.4.2022 x-x (ilmoitetaan tässä lukujärjestysten valmistuttua)
Uusintakokeet XX.4. ja XX.5. x-x


Yhteistyö HTW:n kanssa



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

The student is able to:
-understand importance of refurbishments of buildings
-rename some methods to preserve old buildings
-list some typical damages and defects in buildings
-describe renovation process in basic level
-explain some methods for condition survey and assessment of buildings and structures
-give some examples for renovation methods of different defects in buildings
-make a presentation of a topic related to old buildings, building materials or renovation of them
-make a preliminary condition survey a building and suggest methods for assessment of some building structures

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

The student is able to:
-understand importance of refurbishments of buildings and analyze development in the future
-rename most common methods to preserve old buildings
-list typical damages and defects in buildings and reasons for them
-describe renovation process and stakeholders’ tasks in different phases
-explain methods for condition survey and assessment of buildings and structures
-give some examples for renovation methods of different defects in buildings
-make a presentation of a topic related to old buildings, building materials or renovation of them
-make a preliminary condition survey a building, write a report of it and suggest methods for assessment of some building structures

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

The student is able to:
-understand importance of refurbishments of buildings and analyze development in the future
-rename most common methods to preserve old buildings
-list typical damages and defects in buildings and reasons for them and understand e.g. chemical processes causing these damages
-describe renovation process and stakeholders’ tasks in different phases
-explain methods for condition survey and assessment of buildings and structures
-give examples for renovation methods of different defects in buildings and analyze their suitability in various situations
-make a presentation of a topic related to old buildings, building materials or renovation of them
-make a preliminary condition survey a building, analyze its results, write a comprehensive report of a survey and suggest methods for assessment of building structures

Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

The student is able to:
-understand importance of refurbishments of buildings
-rename some methods to preserve old buildings
-list some typical damages and defects in buildings
-describe renovation process in basic level
-explain some methods for condition survey and assessment of buildings and structures
-give some examples for renovation methods of different defects in buildings
-make a presentation of a topic related to old buildings, building materials or renovation of them
-make a preliminary condition survey a building and suggest methods for assessment of some building structures

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Harjoitustehtävät 40 % (20 %+20 %)
Tentti 60 %


English Level 2

