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User-centered Design (5 cr)

Code: TX00CF82-3014

General information


29.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


10.01.2022 - 13.03.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of ICT


Myllypurontie 1

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


0 - 40

Degree programmes

  • Information and Communication Technology


  • Vesa Ollikainen


  • TVT20-O


The student knows the generic structure and deployment of graphical user interfaces. The student is familiar with the factors that influence usability and usability standards. The student is able to evaluate the usability, performance and ease of learning of user interfaces.

The student acquires the ability to design and implement ergonomic, user friendly software applications taking into account the human-centered design principles.


Introduction to the ergonomics of computer user interfaces, the fundamentals of GUI's, usability, learnability, accessibility and performance. Introduction to human information processing.

User-centered design methods and design patterns.
Usability evaluation and UI testing as a technical matter as well as based on user-centered design principles.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student can define the concept of usability. He/she is familiar with the related standards. The student knows the key methods in user-centered design.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

In addition, the student can evaluate the usability from the point of view of human information processing capabilities. He/she knows the fundamentals of usability studies and is able to apply design patterns in designing his/her own user interfaces.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

In addition, the student can apply the methods of usability studies in various situations. The student is able to evaluate the accessibility in user interfaces. He/she is able to use automated tools for testing the functionality of a user interface.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The student can define the concept of usability. He/she is familiar with the related standards. The student knows the key methods in user-centered design.


Object-oriented programming.