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Transforming Human-Oriented Client Services (5 cr)

Code: SX00EQ95-3001

General information


29.11.2021 - 12.12.2021


01.01.2022 - 22.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Wellbeing


Myllypurontie 1

Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Degree programmes

  • Master's Degree Programme in Social Services


  • Markus Neuvonen
  • Minna Lanne-Eriksson
  • Saila Nevanen

Teacher in charge

Saila Nevanen


  • S0921S6
    Sosiaalialan tutkinto-ohjelma ylempi


Students identify key social developments that promote and threaten individual well-being, such as changes in the structures and values of society. They are able to assess the impact of societal changes and decision-making on the lives and everyday lives of individuals and communities based on research data. They are familiar with work, services, work practices and methods in a versatile way that improve social well-being and are able to assess their applicability and effectiveness in the everyday lives of individuals and communities. They are able to develop work and services in cooperation and in a human-oriented manner, taking into account the needs of service users.


Ecological, social and economic prerequisites for the well-being of individuals and communities. Cultural diversity from the point of view of individuals and communities. The current situation and challenges of wellbeing services now and in the future. Co-developing and research with different parties. Innokylä. Renewing services and their current inclusive development methods, such as service design, benchmarking, lean etc. Opportunities provided by digitalisation in the work and development of the social field.

Location and time




Teaching methods


Employer connections


Exam schedules


International connections


Completion alternatives


Student workload


Content scheduling


Further information


Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Special expertise in the field of social services:

• analyses critically and considers the value foundation of global society and the operating environment of local society and its social policy as well as the needs of the population
• masters the value foundation and methods of the chosen area of expertise in detail and knows how to apply them to work
• promotes the social welfare of children, young people and families in multifaceted partnership and decreases ill-being and factors affecting it in collaboration with clients and the population

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Special expertise in the field of social services:

analyses critically and considers the value foundation of global society and the operating environment of local society and its social policy and the needs of the population from various perspectives
• masters the value foundation and methods of the chosen area of special expertise in detail and is able to apply them flexibly in demanding situations
• promotes the social welfare of children, young people and families in multifaceted partnership and decreases ill-being and factors affecting it in collaboration with clients and the population and applies alternative modes of action

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Special expertise in the field of social services:

analyses critically and considers the value foundation of global society and the operating environments of local society and its social policy as well as the needs of the population from various perspectives using the latest national and international research knowledge
• masters the value foundation and methods of the chosen area of expertise in detail as well as is able to apply them flexibly to demanding and complex situations
• promotes the social welfare of children, young people and families in multifaceted partnership and decreases ill-being and factors affecting it in collaboration with clients and the population as well as applies alternative modes of action and renews them innovatively.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Special expertise in the field of social services:

• analyses critically and considers the value foundation of global society and the operating environment of local society and its social policy as well as the needs of the population
• masters the value foundation and methods of the chosen area of expertise in detail and knows how to apply them to work
• promotes the social welfare of children, young people and families in multifaceted partnership and decreases ill-being and factors affecting it in collaboration with clients and the population

Assessment methods and criteria
