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Professionalism among radiographers (15 cr)

Code: SX00EA55-3004

General information


29.11.2021 - 31.01.2022


26.01.2022 - 25.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

15 op

Virtual portion

2 op

Mode of delivery

87 % Contact teaching, 13 % Distance learning


School of Rehabilitation and Examination


Myllypurontie 1

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


0 - 39

Degree programmes

  • Radiography and Radiotherapy


  • Mari Koski
  • Tuomas Vuokko
  • Sanna Törnroos
  • Ulla Nikupaavo

Teacher in charge

Ulla Nikupaavo


  • SXM22K2
    Radiografian ja sädehoidon tutkinto-ohjelma, monimuoto


The students
- are able to communicate fluently and efficiently in English in student and working life assignments in their field in Finland and abroad
- are able to use English to develop their professional skills and make use of English-language source material in their field.
- understand the significance of patient safety and safety culture in the work of a radiographer
- understand the basics of artificial intelligence and are familiar with AI-based applications in radiography
- are able to work according to the ethical principles of their field
- are able to work safely in the X-ray skills lab
- are fluent in the basic mathematics and medical physics required
- are familiar with the basic operation of X-ray equipment and learn how to use it
- understand the basics of imaging examination
- understand the importance of aseptic principles in radiography
- understand the key principles related to image quality and patient dose
- learn to assess their own professional expertise and development
- understand the diversity of the work community and learn to act as its member


Mathematics and physics
X-ray device and basics of imaging
Patient safety and safety culture
The basics of artificial intelligence
History and future of the radiographer
Patient information systems and patient information documentation
Asepsis and infection control
Workplace skills and diversity
Practical training at the UAS 3.5 ECTS
Learning about working life 1.5 ECTS

Location and time

Kevätlukukausi 2022
Lähi- ja etäopetus tilanteen mukaan


Luentomateriaali Moodlessa
Opettajien antama muu materiaali
Kliininen Radiologia (Sequeiros ym. 2016), saatavilla Oppiportista
Oppiportin materiaali
Kuvantamisen ja laiteopin työkirjat

Teaching methods

Assignment based learning
Group assignment
Learning at school in X-ray classes and nursing classes.
Work life internship 1.5 cr

Employer connections

Toteutuksesta osa tapahtuu työelämäharjoitteluna 1,5 op
Toteutuksesta osa tapahtuu harjoitteluna koululla intergroituna teoriaopetukseen 3,5 op

Exam schedules

Laiteopin tentti: ajankohta ja uusinnat ilmoitetaan myöhemmin
Englannin tentti: ajankohta ja uusinnat ilmoitetaan myöhemmin

Student workload

1 op = 27 h opiskelijan työtä

Further information

Matematiikan ja fysiikan osiot alkavat kertauksella koulussa opitusta ja päätyvät lopulta röntgenlaitteen suhteellisen perusteelliseen opiskeluun.
Röntgenlaitteesta ja säteilyfysiikasta on oma tenttinsä. Tentin arviointi on 0-5

Ammatillisen englannin osuudessa on pakollinen läsnäolo. Englannin osuudesta on oma tenttinsä. Tentin arviointi on 0-5.

Ryhmätehtävän Tekoäly radiografiassa arviointi on 0-5. Arviointikriteerit Metroplia AMKn osaamisen arviointikehikon "Alkuvaihe tai perusopinnot" mukaan.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Assessment criteria
For evaluation criteria, see the attachment.
Assessment criteria for beginners are applied.

English language evaluation criteria:
In communication situations related to their professional field, the student trusts their communication
skills enough to manage professional language use situations by asking questions to check any
unclear points, and thanks to their own short speeches are able to understand the other speaker's
communication in order to act appropriately. The student expresses their thoughts in a simple way
and for the most part coherently and reasonably understandably despite shortcomings in
professional language and making grammatical errors that make it difficult for the message to get
across. The student can produce simple texts of a specific format independently, and longer texts
by means of language tools.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

English language evaluation criteria:
In communication situations related to their professional field, the student trusts their communication
skills enough to manage language situations in the field as expected from a professional. The student
exchanges ideas on an equal basis with an independent language user, and if necessary, takes the
initiative to communicate in professional language use situations, taking into account to some extent
the other participants' language and cultural backgrounds and the circumstances. The student
expresses themselves, without delay, clearly and in detail, using professional vocabulary accurately.
The student pronounces English clearly so that the overall message is conveyed, and produces texts
for different purposes, without any of the occasional weak points in the language stopping the
message from getting across.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

English language evaluation criteria:
In communication situations related to their professional field, the student trusts their communication
skills to take part and take the initiative in language use situations in various communication
situations in the field, following the conventions. The student exchanges ideas clearly and fluently
on an equal basis with a skilful language user, and communicates, taking the initiative if necessary,
also in demanding professional language use situations, taking into account the other participants'
language and cultural backgrounds. The student expresses themselves efficiently and accurately,
using demanding professional vocabulary accurately. The student pronounces English clearly with
natural stress and rhythm so that the overall message is emphasised, and produces clear, wellstructured and compelling texts in various text types.

Assessment methods and criteria

Ryhmätehtävän arviointikriteerit Metroplia AMKn osaamisen arviointikehikon "Alkuvaihe tai perusopinnot" mukaan.