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Dispensing in Optometric Practice (5 cr)

Code: SX00DR99-3006

General information


29.11.2021 - 23.01.2022


14.03.2022 - 22.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Rehabilitation and Examination


Myllypurontie 1

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


0 - 25

Degree programmes

  • Optometry


  • Pia Mäkelä
  • Tanja Lehti
  • Päivi Eskola

Teacher in charge

Tanja Lehti


  • SXE22K1
    Optometrian tutkinto-ohjelma päivätoteutus


Knowledge base
Students are able to

• apply the basics of geometric optics to the human eye and image forming
• describe the specific structures and viewing limits of multifocal and occupational multifocal spectacles
• describe versatilely about the optometric field
• describe the most important regulations, recommendations and principles in the field
• describe the responsibilities and oblications in the optometric practice
• describe the significance of the patient / client and the KANTA patient record system
• describe how to act in case of damage, manufacturing error or in cases where the customer is unsatisfied with his / her spectacles

Students are able to
• work safely and professionally in an optometric practice
• introduce individual spectacle frame and lens solutions for different viewing needs at work, at home, and in hobbies
• explains the properties of different frames and lenses and how these affect the usability of the spectacles
• take measurements for spectacles also with measurement devices
• make an order for spectacle lenses
• measure the dioptric power of spectacles with various focimeters
• act in the event of an emergency


Spectacle lenses:
o presbyopic lens types
-taking measurements, history, types, optic structures, addition and progression, aberrations, design, measurements, marks, select multifocal lenses for patient´s needs
o special lenses
–occupational multifocal lenses, degressive design, lenses for hobbies
Optometric practice:
o working in an optometric practice
o customer encounter and mapping needs
o guidance on choosing spectacles and using new glasses, selecting, taking measurements, and adjusting spectacles
o ordering lenses
Optometric practice as a work place:
o registered optician and laws and acts
o ethical and high quality professional activity
o recommendations, guidelines and compliance in optometric field
o patient records and KANTA
o consumer law practices and patient injury and insurance
o employment contract
Patient responsibility:
o respect for patient's rights, dignity, independence
o forms of discrimination and avoidance of discrimination
o confidentiality of patient information
o disclosure of information if patient agrees or required by law
o providing treatment options based on clinical judgment regardless of personal commercial goals
o the patient's cultural perspective and level of background information
Quality assurance:
o patient satisfaction
o education and responsibility of employees
o continuous education
Maintenance and care of equipment:
o safety regulations and risk management: types of risks, risk avoidance strategies, continuity of care
Continuous professional development:
o the importance and need for further education
o options for maintaining and improving qualifications and skills
o optometric organizations and associations at national and international level
o development of quality standards
o the authorities regulate the profession of optometry
Emergency first aid

Location and time

Myllypuro Campus and Teams, 2. period Spring 2022


To be announced

Teaching methods

Learning assignments

Employer connections

Suomen Optometrian Ammattilaiset ry., edustajan vierailu tilanteen niin salliessa.

Exam schedules

Web-based exam: xx.xx.2021 on campus
Exam xx.xx.2021 on Campus is possible, on web if needed.
I retake: Autumn 2022
II retake: Autumn 2022
Dates for retakes to be announced later

International connections

International expertise -event 16.3.2022

Completion alternatives


Student workload

5 credits = 135 hours work for student
First Aid: practical lessons 8 h + assignments
Moodle: approx. 30 h
Spectacle lenses: approx. 40 h (lessons and assignments)
Internationality: approx. 10 h (lessons and assignments)
Dispensing in Optometric Practice: approx. 25 h (lessons and assignments)
Independent working: approx. 24 h

Further information

If the student has individualized educational support arrangements, shall this student contact the teacher of the course immediately after the end of the registration period (or latest before the start of the course.)

First Aid -course compulsory

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Student is able to:
- Display learning in core content
- Use individual professional concepts correctly
- Find information for a specific situation
- Distinguish between non-theoretical and theoretical information
- Act in individual professional situations as instructed
- Display learning in his professional field
- Show that he has achieved the targets for core competence
- Follow safety instructions
- Display learning in the ethical principles of his professional field
- Operate as a member of a student group

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Student is able to:
- Display an understanding of concepts and professional knowledge in the field
- Assess and limit the amount of information needed
- Operate well in typical professional duties and contexts
- Operate in a multicultural environment
- Operate safely
- Act according to professional ethics
- Operate in a student group

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Student is able to:
- Use concepts and knowledge in his field systematically
- Assess and use various information sources
- Apply professional information in professional assignments
- Work in various duties in a variety of operating environments
- Act independently and responsibly in professional contexts
- To take safety issues into consideration in his action
- Argue his choices on the basis of professional ethics
- Organise the activities of a group of students

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Student is able to:
- Display learning in core content
- Use individual professional concepts correctly
- Find information for a specific situation
- Distinguish between non-theoretical and theoretical information
- Act in individual professional situations as instructed
- Display learning in his professional field
- Show that he has achieved the targets for core competence
- Follow safety instructions
- Display learning in the ethical principles of his professional field
- Operate as a member of a student group

Assessment methods and criteria

Continuing assessment, assignments, Moodle-activity.
Grade determines by exam.


Spectacle application and manufacturing.