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Customer in social and health care (5 cr)

Code: SX00EB60-3003

General information


29.11.2021 - 12.12.2021


10.01.2022 - 13.03.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

80 % Contact teaching, 20 % Distance learning


School of Rehabilitation and Examination


Myllypurontie 1

Teaching languages

  • Svenska
  • Finnish


0 - 28

Degree programmes

  • Oral Hygiene


  • Ulla Marjosola
  • Gunilla Blom
  • Anne Lipasti

Teacher in charge

Ulla Marjosola


  • SXP21S1
    Suun terveydenhuollon tutkinto-ohjelma päivä


- understand the meaning of customer insight in social and health services
- take into account the active role of the customer as the user and developer of services and the impact of customer experience
- understand the central principles of service business, such as
• the concept of freedom of choice in social and health services
• the importance of profiling in the development and production of services
• the possibilities of service design in the productization of services
-are able to evaluate customer experience and make use of it in developing services
- master customer service, guidance and teaching in different contexts as working method belonging to their profession (in Finnish and Swedish)
- are able to plan, implement and evaluate guidance and teaching in a customer-oriented manner in Finnish and Swedish in cooperation with other experts
- are able to use existing customer-oriented guiding and teaching material in Finnish and Swedish, and produce new.
- are able to guide patients to use appropriate social and health care services
- achieve verbal and written skills required by the legislation of universities of applied sciences (1129/2014, 7 §) in another domestic language (Swedish or Finnish as a second language) required for work in their field.
- are able to communicate in Swedish both verbally and in writing in the working environment of their field and as a member of a multidisciplinary work community taking ethically into account different actors (in Finland and in the Nordic countries)
OR in Finnish (S2) in Finland, taking into account the cultural and linguistic premises from those participating in communication situation.


Customer insight and customer experience
Customer as an operator: encountering and hearing the customer, different needs, profiling and customer groups
Freedom of choice as a customer opportunity
Service design in planning customer experience
Affirmation of good customer experience at critical points in the multi-professional service chain
Customer service and patient guidance and teaching
Guidance and teaching process: assessment, planning, implementation (methods, forms and contents), evaluation and recording
Use of customer service, guidance and teaching materials in a customer-oriented and goal-oriented manner
Swedish (alternatively Finnish as a second language)

Location and time

Spring 2022


Opettajan laatimat tehtävät ja MATERIAALIT ovat Tekijänoikeuslain (404/61) mukaisia teoksia, joihin opettajalla on tekijänoikeus. Tehtäviä JA MATERIAALEJA ei saa käyttää muuten kuin omissa opinnoissaan. Niiden julkinen levittäminen on sallittua vain opettajan luvalla.

Client service and counseling: DUODECIM oppiportti online course: Asiakaspalvelu terveydenhuollossa
The other material will be given at Moodle and independent information search
Swedish: Will be given at OMA

Teaching methods

Online teaching
Independent studies
Group work
Online studies

Employer connections

Practice of Client service in HyMy-villages service center.

Exam schedules

To be announced

International connections


Completion alternatives


Student workload

Client service and counseling: 2 ECTS= 54h
Swedish/Finnish: 3 ECTS= 82h
- if the student has studied in Swedish: Finnish
- if the student has no earlier Swedish studies: Finnish

Content scheduling

Study work and exams

Further information

Compulsory attendance at the orientation lectures.
The student will present possible RPL decisions in the principal lecture via email

Students must confirm their attendance for a course implementation by being present when tuition begins or in another manner agreed with the lecturer; for example, by returning the first course assignment. Students who are unable to attend the first teaching session due to illness may also confirm their attendance by informing the lecturer of this in advance.
Orientation compulsory.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Assessment criteria: 0–5
Assessment framework, see the appendix.
Assessment criteria for beginner/advanced level are applied.

Assessment methods and criteria

Written and oral learning assignments
Client service and counseling: passed/improved
Swedish: oral and written skills separately on the scale 1-5