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Technical Selling (5 cr)

Code: TX00CN65-3009

General information


29.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


10.01.2022 - 13.03.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of ICT


Karaportti 2

Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Degree programmes

  • Industrial Management


  • Anna Sperryn


  • TXQ20SCM
    Industrial Management, Supply Chain Management
  • TXQ20ICT
    Industrial Management, ICT Business


Students understand the role of selling in a company's business, and how selling adds value to the company and its customers. Students understand the linkage between selling process and customer's decision making process. Students know the procedures of systematic selling, and the relationship between selling and marketing. Students know the influence of an international context to the selling process and they know value based selling and customer relationship magnagement.


Technical selling (in international context)
Undestanding customer needs and influencing on customer perceptions
Customer's decision making processes
Sales process and its linkage to marketing and implementation
Management of customer relationship

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Students have achieved the course objectives fairly. Students will be able to identify, define and use the course subject area’s central concepts, models and is able to utilize the most common tools. The student understands the criteria and principles of the expertise development.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Students have achieved the course objectives well, even though the knowledge and skills need improvement in some areas. Students know the course concepts and models well and are able to justify their decisions. The students are able to apply their knowledge in new situations. The student understands the importance of expertise in the field of business and is able to analyze his/her own expertise and areas requiring further development.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Students have achieved the objectives of the course with excellent marks. Students master commendably the course subject area’s concepts, models and tools. Students are able to make justified and fluent analysis and to present concrete development measures. The students are well prepared to apply their knowledge in new situations. Students are able to analyze the business sector expertise and the evolvement of their own expertise.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Students have achieved the course objectives fairly. Students will be able to identify, define and use the course subject area’s central concepts, models and is able to utilize the most common tools. The student understands the criteria and principles of the expertise development.

Further information

In English