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Innovation Project (Summer Course) (10 cr)

Code: XX00BH18-3318

General information


01.12.2018 - 21.02.2019


27.05.2019 - 31.07.2019

Number of ECTS credits allocated

10 op

RDI portion

10 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health Care

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


20 - 90

Degree programmes

  • Biomedical Laboratory Science
  • Public Health Nursing
  • Degree Programme in Emergency Care
  • Nursing (in Finnish)
  • Oral Hygiene
  • Radiography and Radiotherapy
  • Midwifery
  • Degree Programme in Nursing


  • Hannu Puhakka
  • Anu Leppänen
  • Hannele Hokkanen

Teacher in charge

Hannele Hokkanen

Scheduling groups

  • Avoin amk: Opintojakso (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)

Small groups

  • Avoin amk: Opintojakso


On completion of the course the student can
- Develop practical, creative and innovative solutions, practices and services with multidisciplinary partners to meet the diverse needs in the Helsinki Metropolitan area.
The student participates in project or network-based work and applies his or her expertise in regional, national or international development work.
- Use his or her personal skills and abilities to work and collaborate in multidisciplinary teams.
- Create a culture of cooperation and negotiation with the team members and other actors.
- Use his or her skills in problem solving, collaboration and communication to support the social development and joint decision making of the team.


Project and innovation work: brainstorming, planning, implementing, assessing, communicating, publishing, product development and marketing.
Cooperative skills, interest group activities and networking.
Innovative work methods.
Areas of communal development skills: development processes, coordinating and managing development, reforming the development concepts.


1. Ulla Vehkaperä, Kaarina Pirilä ja Marianne Roivas ( toim.) 2013. Innostu ja Innovoi. Käsikirja innovaatiopintoihin. Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulu julkaisusarja. Saatavilla sähköisesti
2. Ruuska, Kai 2007. Projektiviestintä – väline ja voimavara. Teema-artikkeli. Hytky 3. 13 - 15.
Artikkeli löytyy toteutuksen dokumenteista, jolle olet ilmoittautunut.
Hyödyllsitä on tutustua:

Teaching methods

Interactiv lectures
group work, work shop
quided assigment
project work
AC- coaching
The student confirms his / her place in the course implementation by being present in the course orientation. If a student is unable to participate in the orientation due to illness, he / she confirms his / her place with the course implementation by sending a confirmation message to teacher in charge.

Employer connections


Exam schedules


International connections


Completion alternatives


Student workload

1op= 27 hours of student work
10 op= 270 hours

Content scheduling

Opintojakson kesto 27.5 - 31.7.2019 + palautekeskustelu 15.8-19
Perusteet eli teoria koostuu lähipäivistä ja tehtävistä ja se sisällytetään projektityöhön.
Opintojakso on intensiivitoteutus ja lähipäiviin edellytettään osallistumista.
Opintojakso sisältää kasvotusten tapahtuvaa yhteisohajusta , ac ohjausta ja itsenäistä projektityöskentelyä oman projektiryhmän toteutussuunnitelman mukaisesti.
Alustava ohjelma. Muutokset mahdollisia. Ohjelma tarkentuu kurssin kuluessa yhteisuunnittelulla. Tarkka ohjelma tulee toteutuksen Oma työtilaan ilmoittautumisen päätyttyä. Opintojakso sisältää myös tietotekniikkan ja viestinnän työpajoja, jotka alustavasti ohjelmassa.
Ajankohta: 27.5.–31.7.2018 + 15.8-18
Opettajat: lehtori Anu Leppänen, yliopettaja Hannu Puhakka ja lehtori Hannele Hokkanen.
Kurssi on intensiivitoteutus ja vaatii aktiivista panosta.
Päivä Aika Aihe
Ma 27.5 8.30-12 Info ja orientaatioperusta, projektikohtainen työskentely alkaa (lähiopetus)
Ti 28.5 8.30-16 Projektien ideointi ja projektiaihioiden muodostaminen (lähiopetus)
Roolien muodostaminen ja esittäminen (esim. projektipäällikkö)
Ke 29.5 9-15 Itsenäinen työskentely ja yhteisohjaus (lähiopetus)
31.5 Itsenäinen projketityöskentely projektiryhmän sopimalla tavalla
3.6 itsenäinen projektityöskentely projektiryhmän sopimalla tavalla
4.6 9-16 ap. Projektiaiheen esittely: yhteisohjaus (lähiopetus) ja ryhmäkohtaista työskentelyä iltapäivä
5.6 Itsenäinen projektityöskentely projektiryhmän sopimalla tavalla
6.6 Itsenäinen projektityöskentely projektiryhmän sopimalla tavalla
7.6 Viestintä/tietotekniikka pajat (lähiopetus)
10.6 Itsenäinen työskentely /Projektisuunnitelman palautus OMA:an
12.6 9-12 Coaching projektiryhmittäin (lähiopetus)
13.6 Itsenäinen projketityöskentely
14.6 9- 14 Coaching kaikki yhdessä. Hissipuhe 2 min. (lähiopetus)
17.6 9-14 Itsenäinen projketityöskentely
18.6 - 21.6 Itsenäinen projketityöskentely
25.6 e-posteri tallenus kommentointia varten
26.6 Itsenäinen työskentely / Ohjaajan päivystysaika klo 9-12
27.6 Itsenäinen projektityöskentely
28.6 9- 12 j a 12- 16 Coaching ap yhdessä ja iltapv. tarv. ohjaus projketiryhmittäin (lähiopetus)
1.7 -6.7 Itsenäinen projektityöskentely
31.7 Projektityöskentelyn tuotokset palutettuna + teorian tehtävät+ työaikaseuranta, itsearviointi
15.8 9-13 Arviointi ja palautekeskustelu (lähiopetus)

Further information

KURSSI ON INTENSIIVIKURSSI; Aktiivista osallistumista edellytetään koko opintojakson ajan.
Kesto 27.5 - 31.7.2019+ 15.8-19
Opintojakso edellyttää läsnäoloa lähipaivinä .
Projektiryhmät työskentelevät itsenäisesti projekti- ja työsuunnitelman mukaisesti pitäen työaikaseurantaa.
Opintojaksolle mahtuu 90 opiskelijaa, joista paikkaa on 10 varattu avoimen AMK opiskelijoille.
Tutkinto-opiskelijalta edellytetään 50 op edestä opintoja. Muutama paikka varataan valmistuville opiskelijoille, joilta puuttuu vain innovaatio-opinnot.
Opintojaksolle hyväksytyille ilmoitetaan paikasta helmikuun lopussa.
Peruutuspaikat täytetään ilmoittautumisjärjestyksessä.
Kursille hyväksytään ilmoittautumisjärjestyksessä jos op täyttyvät.
HUOM! Aikataulu muutokset mahdollisia

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student knows the principles of project and network-based work.
The student recognizes his/her own project- and network-based work competences.
The student uses co-operation and communication skills in cooperative development processes and decision making.
The student can develop together with the other actors solutions and modes of operation to meet the multi-faceted needs of the residents of the Helsinki metropolitan area.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student uses the principles of project and network-based work in regional, national or international development oriented work.
The student uses his or her co-operation and communication skills well in cooperative development processes and decision making.
The student helps to set-up a cooperative negotiation culture with other actors in the field. The student uses his/her personal skills and abilities to contribute to the work of a multidisciplinary team.
The student develops together with the other actors practical, creative and innovative solutions, modes of operation or services to meet the multi-faceted needs of the residents of the Helsinki metropolitan area.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student's ability to use principles of project and network-based work in regional, national or international development oriented work is on a high level.
The student is able to analyse and develop his/her co-operation and communication skills in cooperative development processes and decision making.
The student understands cooperative negotiation culture and helps to build it with the other actors.
The student is able to analyse and develop his/her professional competence and put it in the service of a multidisciplinary team.
The student develops together with the other actors practical, creative and innovative solutions, modes of operation or services to meet the multi-faceted needs of the residents of the Helsinki metropolitan area.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The student knows the principles of project and network-based work.
The student recognizes his/her own project- and network-based work competences.
The student uses co-operation and communication skills in cooperative development processes and decision making.
The student can develop together with the other actors solutions and modes of operation to meet the multi-faceted needs of the residents of the Helsinki metropolitan area.

Assessment methods and criteria

Continuos evaluatio
Active participation for intensive course
theory+projectwork= innovationproject 10 op

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

The student knows principles of project and network-based work. The student recognizes his/her own project- and network-based work competences. The student uses co-operation and communication skills in cooperative development process´and decision making. The student can develop together with other actors solutions and modes of operation to meet the multi-faceted needs of the residents of the Helsinki metropolitan area.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

The student uses the principles of project and network-based work in regional, national or international development oriented work. The student uses his or her co-operation and communication skills well in cooperative development processes and decision making. The student helps to set-up a cooperative negotiation culture with other actors in the field. The student uses his/her personal skills and abilities to contribute to the work of a multidisciplinary team. The student develops together with the other actors practical, creative and innovative solutions, modes of operation or services to meet the multi-faceted needs of the residents of the Helsinki metropolitan area.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student's ability to use principles of project and network-based work in regional, national or international development oriented work is on a high level. The student is able to analyse and develop his/her co-operation and communication skills in cooperative development processes and decision making. The student understands cooperative negotiation culture and helps to build it with the other actors. The student is able to analyse and develop his/her professional competence and put it in the service of a multidisciplinary team. The student develops together with the other actors practical, creative and innovative solutions, modes of operation or services to meet the multi-faceted needs of the residents of the Helsinki metropolitan area.

Further information

Assessment is focused on the work carried out during the course, the gained knowledge upon the completion of the course, meeting the course goals and creating innovative solutions.