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Orientation to Studies in Building Services Systems (5 cr)

Code: TX00DK88-3006

General information


02.05.2019 - 26.08.2019


22.08.2019 - 31.12.2019

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Real Estate and Construction


Myllypurontie 1

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


0 - 100

Degree programmes

  • Building Services Engineering


  • Maria Iisa
  • Jarmo Tapio
  • Tuulaliina Asumalahti
  • Aamos Lemström


  • TXF19S1A
    Talotekniikan ryhmä A
  • TXF19S1
    Talotekniikan tutkinto-ohjelma päivä
  • TXF19S1B
    Talotekniikan ryhmä B


Upon completion of the course, the student is familiar with the key companies and actors in the field, as well as their functions. The student can list the phases and parties of a construction project, and is familiar with the major statutes and agreements, such as work safety regulations, labour legislation etc.
The student can list the parties and stages of construction process and know contracts and major documents in construction.
The student recognises his/her strengths and aspects in need of development, and knows how to develop his/her skills in learning and studying.
Furthermore, the student is able to plan his/her study path and to ensure the progress of his/her studies.
The student can write basic texts related to building services engineering. The student can discuss, both in writing and orally, the field and apply recommendations for communication. The student can use the most common office software.


Learning and study skills (1 ECTS): Key rules and regulations of Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences. Study practices, curricula and the planning of studies. Student services. Work safety. Practical training seminar.
Finnish language and communication (1 ECTS): Basics of professional communication. Finnish document standards and recommendations for communication, presentations.
Basics of computing (1 ECTS): Text processing and presentation graphics.
Introduction to construction industry (2 ECTS): Construction and society. Stages and parties in a construction process, and the duties of the parties. Contracts and major documents in construction. Work safety.

Location and time

Lähiopetus järjestetään Myllypuron kampuksella syyslukukaudella 2019.
Lisäksi opiskelija työskentelee itsenäisesti ja/tai pienryhmissä oppimistehtävien parissa.


Materiaalit ovat Moodlesta opintojakson työtilassa.

Teaching methods

Aktivoiva luennointi
Tehtäväohjattu työskentely

Employer connections

Toimialojen esittelyt ja yritysesittelyt ja yhdistysten esittäytyminen.

Exam schedules

Ei tenttejä.

International connections

Opintojakson aikana järjestetään kansainvälisyysinfo.

Completion alternatives

Aiemmin hankitun osaamisen osoittaminen, hyväksiluvun hakeminen vastaavan sisältöisten opintojen perusteella.
Opintojaksosta voi hakea hyväksilukua osittain tai kokonaan vastaavan tasoisilla ja sisältöisillä opinnoilla tai osoitettavissa olevalla osaamisella. Jos aiot hakea hyväksilukua, keskustele asiasta ensin opettajan kanssa.

Student workload

5 op on yhteensä keskimäärin 135h opiskelijan työtuntia, josta lähi- ja etäopetustunteja on yhteensä noin 60h.

Content scheduling

Opetus tarjotaan periodeilla 1. - 2. Opetus alkaa viikolla 35 lukujärjestyksen mukaisesti.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Student can act according to practices, rules and guidelines of Metropolia UAS. Student identifies her or his own strengts as a learner and knows what does it mean to study according to a plan. Student knows some tools for studying and learns to apply them in this context. Student knows what the study skills mean. Students participates in events orientating to the field of study.
The student can list the parties and stages of construction process and is familiar with the major statutes and contracts in construction industry.
The student is familiar with the major sources of information in the field. Furthermore, the student is able to draw up documents according to instructions.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

In addition to above, the student is able to apply the fundamental concepts and methods associated with the course to simple problems in natural and technical sciences.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

In addition to above, the student is able to apply the fundamental concepts and methods associated with the course to more demanding problems in natural and technical sciences.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Student can act according to practices, rules and guidelines of Metropolia UAS. Student identifies her or his own strengts as a learner and knows what does it mean to study according to a plan. Student knows some tools for studying and learns to apply them in this context. Student knows what the study skills mean. Students participates in events orientating to the field of study.
The student can list the parties and stages of construction process and is familiar with the major statutes and contracts in construction industry.
The student is familiar with the major sources of information in the field. Furthermore, the student is able to draw up documents according to instructions.

Assessment methods and criteria

Opintojakso arvioidaan asteikolla 0-5.
Hyväksyttyy suoritukseen kuuluu:
Aktiivinen osallistuminen opintojaksolle 1. - 2. periodin aikana sekä annettujen oppimistehtävien tekeminen.
Arviointi perustuu tehtäviin ja läsnäoloseurantaan.



Further information
