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Electronics (15 cr)

Code: TX00BV41-3011

General information


17.04.2020 - 24.05.2020


01.06.2020 - 31.07.2020

Number of ECTS credits allocated

15 op

Virtual portion

15 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


(2016-2018) Automotive and Mechanical Engineering


  • Leiritie 1
  • Eerikinkatu 36

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


0 - 400

Degree programmes

  • Automotive Engineering


  • Vesa Linja-aho

Teacher in charge

Vesa Linja-aho


Student knows


1...9 Digitaltechnology and batteries

Location and time

Kurssi toteutetaan täysin verkko-opintoina.


Luentotallenteen ja tehtävät teoriatiivistelmineen. Kurssilla käytetään oppikirjana Kimmo Silvosen teosta Elektroniikka ja sähkötekniikka (Gaudeamus 2018), jonka suosittelen tavalla tai toisella hankkimaan.

Tätä kirjoitettaessa paperikirjan saa edullisimmin Adlibriksestä hintaan 29 € ja sähköisen kirjan, joka on vesileimattu pdf ilman drm-suojausta, suoraan kustantajan verkkokaupasta hintaan 20 €). . Kirjaa on muutama kappale saatavilla myös Metropolian kirjastossa e-kirjana (kuten myös paperikirjana, joskin kirjasto on toistaiseksi suljettu).

Teaching methods

Videoluennot ja pakolliset viikoittaiset harjoitustehtävät simulointiharjoituksineen.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Students have achieved the course objectives fairly. Students will be able to identify, define and use the course subject area’s concepts and models. The student understands the criteria and principles of the expertise development

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Students have achieved the course objectives well, even though the knowledge and skills need improvement on some areas. Students are able to define the course concepts and models and are able to justify the analysis. The student is able to apply their knowledge in study and work situations. The student understands the importance of expertise in the field of repair shops and is able to analyze his/her own expertise.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Students have achieved the objectives of the course with excellent marks. Students master commendably the course subject area’s concepts and models. Students are able to make justified and fluent analysis and to present concrete development measures. The students are well prepared to apply their knowledge in study and work situations. Students are able to analyze the evolvement of their own expertise.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Students have achieved the course objectives fairly. Students will be able to identify, define and use the course subject area’s concepts and models. The student understands the criteria and principles of the expertise development.

Assessment methods and criteria

Kurssi arvioidaan viikoittaisten tehtävien pisteiden perusteella, erillistä tenttiä ei järjestetä.