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Orientation to Studies and Profession (5 cr)

Code: TM00CA38-3006

General information


02.05.2019 - 25.08.2019


22.08.2019 - 31.12.2019

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Real Estate and Construction


Myllypurontie 1

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


0 - 50

Degree programmes

  • Degree Programme in Construction Site Management


  • Tuulaliina Asumalahti
  • Aamos Lemström


  • TXI19S1A
    Rakennusalan työnjohdon tutkinto-ohjelma päivä, LVI-tekniikan suuntautuminen


On completion of the course the student knows the relevance of his or her field to the society and knows major companies and other parties operating in the field.
The student can act in his or her academic environment appropriately.
The student has a general understanding of career opportunities in the field and the contents of the study programme.
The student learns to use the most important instructions related to the field.
The student can recognise his or her strengths as a student.
The student can set goals for his or her studying and make study plans.
The student understands learning and learning-skills.
The student learns to use different study strategies and techniques.
The student can explain s/he is studying and for what kinds of tasks this study program prepares him/her.
The student can read texts related to the professional field and use professional terminology.
The student can explain the meaning of construction for the society, list the branches of the construction industry, list the parties involved in a construction project and their tasks, list the phases of a construction project and their main contents and schedules, and explain how costs are formed.


The field, major companies, important parties and career opportunities
The most important instructions related to the field
Study practices and the study environment
The most important learning outcomes and contents of the study programme, the curriculum, and degree regulations
Learning and study skills
The role of construction in the society, the stages of a construction project and parties involved, principles of making construction agreements and most important documents, the costs of construction, schedules, occupational safety, quality and environmental protection.

Location and time

Materials are in Finnish in Oma-portal


Materiaalit löytyvät Omasta, opintojakson työtilasta.

Teaching methods

Aktivoiva luento
Tehtäväohjattu opetus

Employer connections

Yritysesittelyt, työmaavierailu, harjoitteluinfo, yhdistysten esittäytyminen.

Exam schedules

Rakentamistalouden perusteiden tentti järjestetään marraskuussa 2019. Uusinta (2 kpl) on mahdollista keväällä.

International connections

Opintojakson aikana järjestetään kansainvälisyysinfo.

Completion alternatives

Aiemmin hankitun osaamisen osoittaminen, hyväksiluvun hakeminen vastaavan sisältöisten opintojen perusteella.
Opintojaksosta voi hakea hyväksilukua osittain tai kokonaan vastaavan tasoisilla ja sisältöisillä opinnoilla tai osoitettavissa olevalla osaamisella. Jos aiot hakea hyväksilukua, keskustele asiasta ensin opettajan kanssa.

Student workload

Opetusta on joka viikko keskimäärin 2 - 4h.
5 op on keskimäärin 135h opiskelijan työtuntia, josta lähiopetustunteja on yhteensä noin 50 - 60h
(Opiskelijalle vapaaehtoinen työturvallisuuskorttikoulutus tarjotaan keväällä, 8h).

Content scheduling

Opetus tarjotaan syksyllä 2019, periodit 1 ja 2.
Opintojakson tarkempi jaksotus löytyy opintojakson työtilasta, Omasta.

Further information

Opetus alkaa viikolla 35, lukujärjestyksen mukaisesti.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Assessment is based on criteria Accepted/Failed. Marks will not be given.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Assessment is based on criteria Accepted/Failed. Marks will not be given.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Assessment is based on criteria Accepted/Failed. Marks will not be given.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Student is able to work efficiently in studying environment. Student will become familiar with some employment prospects in the field and contents of the degree in outline and is able to advise others of these.

Student knows what is the meaning of learning and learning skills in practice. He knows how to estimate and develop one´s own learning and studying. He is able to set goals in his/her studies and is able to make studyplans.

Student is able to tell, what he is studying and what he will become when he will be qualified. He/she is able to write exercise report and is able to apply some language planning quidelines in his texts. He/she is able to interpret texts on his/her own branch and is able to use some central vocabulary of technology.

Student can list and define the essential headlines of the fundamentals in building economy and apply the terms and things learnt.

Assessment methods and criteria

Hyväksyttyyn opintojakson suorittamiseen kuuluu:
Aktiivinen osallistuminen ohjelman mukaisesti järjestettäville tunneille 1. - 2. periodin aikana sekä oppimistehtävien tekeminen.
Rakentamistalouden osuudesta järjestetään tentti.
Muiden osuuksien arviointi tehdään oppimistehtävien ja osittain myös läsnäoloseurannan perusteella.
Opintojaksosta voi hakea kokonaista tai osittaista hyväksilukua vastaavan tasoisilla ja sisältöisillä opinnoilla.
Opintojakso arvioidaan hyväksytty / hylätty.

