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Positive psychology (5 cr)

Code: SX00EP69-3001

General information


26.01.2021 - 07.02.2021


01.01.2021 - 31.07.2021

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Wellbeing


Myllypurontie 1

Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Degree programmes

  • Master's Degree Programme in Social Services


  • Niina Pietilä

Teacher in charge

Niina Pietilä


The student becomes acquainted with positive psychology as a science and has their own basic knowledge of the methods developed in the field and research in the field. The student masters the definitions of well-being in the areas of positive psychology, as well as theoretical knowledge and practical methods related to character strengths, emotions, positive interaction, mindset and resilience. The student is able to utilize the learned knowledge and methods in promoting their own well-being and apply what they have learned to working life.


Positive psychology as a discipline and definitions of well-being, strengths of character, positive and negative emotions, positive interaction, Mindset, ie the perception of oneself as a person and a learner, and resilience, i.e. coping with adversity. Planning a welfare-enhancing intervention alone, in pairs or in a small group.

Location and time

Verkossa, 1.2. - 20.4.2021


Ilmoitetaan myöhemmin

Teaching methods

Lähiopetusta (verkossa)
Itsenäiset tehtävät
Hyvinvointia edistävän intervention suunnittelutehtävä

Employer connections


Exam schedules


International connections


Completion alternatives


Student workload

135 h. Verkko-opetus 27 h. Itsenäinen opiskelu ja ryhmätyöskentely 108 h.

Content scheduling

Ti 9.2. klo 8.30 - 11 lähiopetus
Ti 16.2. klo 8.45 - 10.15 lähiopetus
Ti 2.3. klo 8.45 - 12 lähiopetus
Ti 9.3. klo 8.45 - 12 lähiopetus
Ti 16.3. klo 8.45 - 12 lähiopetus
Ma 22.3. klo 8.45 - 10.15 lähiopetus
Ti 6.4. klo 8.30 - 11 lähiopetus
Ti 13.4. klo 8.30 - 11 lähiopetus
Ti 20.4. klo 8.45 - 10.15 lähiopetus

Further information

Sosiaalialan yamk opiskelijoiden lisäksi tämä opintojakso on tarjolla Metropolian muillekin yamk-opiskelijoille (Metropolian vapaasti valittavat opinnot 2020-2021 (Ylempi AMK-tutkinto) MVV2020YAMK), paikkoja on vapaana kuusi ja ne täytetään ilmoittautumisjärjestyksessä.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Evaluation criteria:
- masters theories of different aspects of positive psychology.
- masters and is able to apply practical methods and applications developed in the field.
- is able to look critically at research in this field.
- is able to plan a welfare-promoting intervention in the work organization.

Assessment methods and criteria

Hyväksytty / hylätty, opettaja esittelee arviointikriteerit opintojaksolla