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Community Animation (5 cr)

Code: SX00DL67-3002

General information


30.11.2020 - 13.12.2020


01.01.2021 - 23.05.2021

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

4 op

RDI portion

2 op

Mode of delivery

20 % Contact teaching, 80 % Distance learning


School of Wellbeing


Myllypurontie 1

Teaching languages

  • English


0 - 35

Degree programmes

  • Social Services


  • Taina Valkeapää
  • Jouni Piekkari


  • SXH18S1
    Sosiaalialan tutkinto-ohjelma päivä
  • SXG18S1
    Degree Programme in Social Services päivä
  • SXH19K1
    Sosiaalialan tutkinto-ohjelma, päivä


Students will understand the significance of self-generated animation. They will be able to encourage and support communities’ action and active citizenship. Students will understand the significance of cultural democracy. They will be able to use participatory methods suitable for each client group. Students understand and are able to plan a multi-phased process of animation aiming at changes in community.


Pedagogic, cultural and social dimensions of socio-cultural work. Planning and implementing a project following the principles of socio-cultural activity. Participatory methods in group guidance and recognising special features each group. Creating pedagogical relationship in activity. Cultural democracy.

Location and time

TEACHERS: Jouni Piekkari and Taina Valkeapää.
Due to Covid-19 This module contact teaching is held virtual in ZOOM.
However, in spring part of the lecture may be at Myllypuro Campus, but virtual participation will be possible.

Mon 22.3. at 8:30 - 11:45
Wed 31.3. at 12:30 - 16:00
Wed 7.4. 12:45 - 16:00
Wed 14.4. at 8:30 - 11:45
Wed 21.4. at 12:45 - 16:00
Wed 28.4. at 12:45 - 16:00
Mon 3.5. at 8:30 - 11:45
Tue 11.5. at 12:45 - 16:00
Wed 19.5. at 8:30 - 11:45 FINAL SEMINAR


List of English literature will be delivered in the beginning of the module.
Google translations of the method materials will be available of the materials below.

Nivala & Ryynänen 2019. Sosialipedagogiikka.


MOTIIVI - Nuorten tulevaisuusohjauksen uudet menetelmät (
Creating Positive Future FUTU (
PEILI - Löydä vahvuutesi tekoälyllä (
CONNEXT for Inclusion (

Teaching methods

Practical and interactive method workshops in ZOOM
Theoretical and method introductions: Virtual Contact lessons (ZOOM)
Mobile Game platform activities; art, comics, drama etc.
Simulated group facilitation exercises
Reflection home groups (TEAMS)
Practical workshops with client groups (a mini-project).
Evaluation discussions
Literature and online materials
Guest lectures
Learning assignments in OMA

Employer connections

The module will be done in collaboration with Creating Positive Future FUTU and CONNEXT for Inclusion projects of Metropolia. These project develop practical, gamified and sociocultural methods for inclusion and education of youth (16-29 yrs). See more information in the links above.

The students will give practical workshops and learn to design gamified actitivities together with the clients by collaborative innovation methods. There will be also guest lectures by professionals from various organisations.

International connections

CONNEXT for Inclusion project. (see above).

Student workload

Contact lessons and workshops 9 x 4hrs: 36 hrs
Literature and learning assignments 25 hrs
Project (planning, implementation and evaluation, report) 45 hrs

Further information

Jaksolla opitaan sosiokulttuuisen projektityön taitoja sekä tutustutaan toiminnallisiin työmenetelmiin.
Erityisteemana kurssilla on osallisuus ja aktiivinen kansalaisuus.
Opintojaksolla sovelletaan luovia menetelmiä tutkimuksen ja innostamisen välineenä.
Opiskelijat tuottavat ohjauskokonaisuuden valitun yhteisön / asiakasryhmän tai niiden yhdistelmän kanssa yhteistyössä.
Perehdymme myös mobiilipelialustan (Seppo) mahdollisuuksiin innostamisessa.

Projektityö toteutetaan tiimeissä, joissa kullakin on oma asiakasryhmänsä (esim. nuoret aikuiset; maahamuuttajanuoret). Varhaiskasvatukseen suuntautuneet opiskelijat voivat työskennellä varhaiskasvatusikäisten ja/tai heidän huoltajiensa tai varhaiskasvatuksen työyhteisöjen kanssa.
Ohjaustyöskentelyä voidaan toteuttaa kontaktina ja/tai digitaalisena.

Opetusjaksolla perehdymme Sosiokulttuurisen innostamisen perusmenetelmien ohella erityisesti Tulevaisuussuunnittelun työmuotoihin, joita on kehitetty Metropolian PEILI - Löydä vahvuutesi tekoälyllä ja MOTIIVI - Nuorten tulevaisuuohjauksen uudet menetelmät -hankkeissa. Jaksolla vahvistetaan yksilö - ja yhteisöohjauksen taitoja. Osallistumme myös PEILI- JA NIKO-97 -hankkeiden loppuseminaarin toteutukseen lokakuussa.

Korona viruksen aiheuttaman poikkeustilan vuoksi opintojakson työmuodot tullaan vahvistamaan myöhemmin. Opintojakso toteutetaan joko lähiopetuksena tai virtuaalisesti etäopetuksena tai molempia toteutustapja hyödyntäen.


Sosiokulttuurisen työn pedagoginen, kulttuurinen ja sosiaalinen ulottuvuus. Sosiokulttuurisen toiminnan periaatteita noudattavan projektin suunnittelu ja toteuttaminen. Osallistavat menetelmät ryhmän ohjauksessa ja ryhmän erityispiirteiden tunnistaminen. Pedagogisen suhteen luominen toiminnassa. Kulttuurinen demokratia.

Kykenee suunnittelemaan ja toteuttamaan itsenäisen sosiokulttuurisen innostamisen projektin.
ymmärtää sosiokulttuurisen innostamisen filosofiaa ja osaa soveltaa sen periaatteita käytäntöön

Opiskelija kykenee soveltamaan myös mobiilipelialustan (Seppoa tai vastaavaa digitaalista menetelmää innostamisen välineenä.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Assessment criteria as the attachment of the curriculum.
The teacher of the study unit informs the assessment criterias in the beginning of the study unit.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Assessment criteria as the attachment of the curriculum.
The teacher of the study unit informs the assessment criterias in the beginning of the study unit.

Assessment methods and criteria


Active participation in Contact lessons and workshops ( min 80 %)
Assignments in Moodle
Active participation in project planning+ implementation (80%) and final seminar (Compulsory)
Group self-evaluation of the project; feedback from the clients and from the project

Metropolia general assesment criteria will be used for evaluation.

Student is able to
Excellent 5
- use concepts and knowledge in his field professionally
- argue the use of his sources
- argue a course of action on the basis of research information or findings
- operate in a range of duties and work situations, also in international contexts
- to act in a way that is customeroriented and displays entrepreneurial spirit
- to act responsibly, taking safety issues into consideration
- argue his choices on the basis of professional ethics
- organise and manage the operation of a group and project

Good 4-3
- use concepts and knowledge in his field systematically
- find information and assess and use information sources with a critical eye
- apply professional information in professional assignments
- apply professional expertise in various work assignments
- act independently and responsibly in professional contexts
- plan operations with safety in mind
- act according to professional ethics
- act purposefully in working groups and projects

Satisfactory 2-1 or Pass
- display learning in professional knowledge and core content in the field
- search information from a variety of sources
- work in various duties in a variety of operating environments
- show that he has achieved the targets for core competence
- display learning in the key safety practices in the field
- act according to ethical principles
- to contribute his learning for the benefit of a group or project

Fail 0
- The student does not know or appreciate knowledge in the field sufficiently
- The student does not know or cannot use concepts in his field properly
- The student's professional level is insufficient
- The student is not acting in accordance with his training and guidance
- The student is not trying to develop himself or his actions
- The student is unconcerned about professional safety or ethical principles
- The student is not motivated by or participating in group or development work