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Entrepreneurship in Welfare, Leadership and Service Production (5 cr)

Code: SX00BU39-3056

General information


02.12.2019 - 15.12.2019


16.03.2020 - 24.05.2020

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Rehabilitation and Examination


Myllypurontie 1

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


0 - 100

Degree programmes

  • Prosthetics and Orthotics
  • Physiotherapy
  • Elderly Care
  • Optometry


  • Soile Bergström
  • Irma Gerstenmaier
  • Sanna Garam
  • Eero Kokko
  • Lauri Narinen

Teacher in charge

Soile Bergström


  • SXB18S1
    Fysioterapian tutkinto-ohjelma päivä
  • SXA19S1
    Apuvälinetekniikan tutkinto-ohjelma päivä
  • SXC18K2
    Vanhustyön tutkinto-ohjelma
  • SXE17S1
    Optometrian tutkinto-ohjelma


Students will know the different ways of organising and producing welfare, as well as the relevant legislation. Students will understand the importance of strategic leadership to company activity and how different strategies function in the background of business success and profitability. They will understand the importance of defining vision and basic mission statements, and see workplace skills as a factor in workplace wellbeing. Students will understand the societal importance of entrepreneurship and the relationship between financial and operational activities. Students will adopt a more entrepreneurial attitude and understand the influence of business factors on the profitability of the organisation. Students will be able to evaluate and develop business ideas and assess their possibilities of success. They will be able to develop cost-effective welfare, have the basic skills to start businesses and make use of public consultation services.


Working environments within welfare and their defining legislation, contractual practices and financing.
Societal challenges to and effects on service needs and their production. Strategic thinking and leading. Vision, basic mission and workplace skills. Different strategies. Internal and external entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial attitude and skills. The productising, pricing and quality of services. Starting a business, from business idea to business plan. Different types of businesses. Procurement methods and processes.
The focus of the course contents will be specified in the syllabus.

Location and time

Opintojakson tarkempi työskentelyaikataulu tulee opintojaksolle hyväksytyille joulukuussa 2019.

Materials -sivusto
More readings:
Sekki Antti & Niemi Mika 2016: Menesty Yrittäjänä. Alma Talent
Hiltunen Merja & al. 2007: Hyvinvointiyrittäjän liiketoimintaopas. Ammatinharjoittajasta yrittäjäksi. Tietosanoma.
Kainlauri Anne 2007. Ideasta hyvinvointialan yrittäjäksi. WSOYpro.
Holopainen Tuulikki- Levonen Anna-Liisa 2003: Yrityksen perustajan opas. Edita. (Tai uudempi painos)
Pyykkö Manne, 2011. Minustako yrittäjä?. WSOYpro
Viitala Riitta, Jylhä Eila. Liiketalousosaaminen. Menestyvän yritystoiminnan perusta

Teaching methods

Online supervision at Moodle.

Exam schedules

Assigment deadline in

Completion alternatives

No options

Student workload

Student resurce 5 x 27 hours

Content scheduling

Opintojakso on jaettu neljään osaan.
Kaksi ensimmäistä tehdään yhdessä oman pienryhmän kanssa verkossa ja ovat tiukasti aikataulutettuja. Kaksi muuta osaa ovat itsenäisiä ja aikataulun voi itse suunnitella (palautusaikataulu määritelty).

Further information

Opintojakso on tarkoitettu ensisijaisesti otsikossa mainittujen ryhmien opiskelijoille. Opintojaksolle voi ilmoittautua muidenkin tutkintojen opiskelijoita, jos oj sopii opiskelijan aikatauluun ja sinne mahtuu. Muiden ryhmien opiskelijoita otetaan opintojakson vapaille paikoille iloittautumisjärjestyksessä.
Hyvinvointialan yrittäjyys, johtaminen ja palveluiden tuottaminen -opintojaksoa toteutetaan useita lukuvuodessa.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Student is able to:
- Display learning in core content
- Use individual professional concepts correctly
- Find information for a specific situation
- Distinguish between non-theoretical and theoretical information
- Act in individual professional situations as instructed
- Display learning in his professional field
- Show that he has achieved the targets for core competence
- Follow safety instructions
- Display learning in the ethical principles of his professional field
- Operate as a member of a student group

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Student is able to:
- Display an understanding of concepts and professional knowledge in the field
- Assess and limit the amount of information needed
- Operate well in typical professional duties and contexts
- Operate in a multicultural environment
- Operate safely
- Act according to professional ethics
- Operate in a student group

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Student is able to:
- Use concepts and knowledge in his field systematically
- Assess and use various information sources
- Apply professional information in professional assignments
- Work in various duties in a variety of operating environments
- Act independently and responsibly in professional contexts
- To take safety issues into consideration in his action
- Argue his choices on the basis of professional ethics
- Organise the activities of a group of students

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Student is able to:
- Display learning in core content
- Use individual professional concepts correctly
- Find information for a specific situation
- Distinguish between non-theoretical and theoretical information
- Act in individual professional situations as instructed
- Display learning in his professional field
- Show that he has achieved the targets for core competence
- Follow safety instructions
- Display learning in the ethical principles of his professional field
- Operate as a member of a student group

Assessment methods and criteria

Active participation in the online discussion at Moodle
Learning assignments (Entrepreunership, products, leadership and management)