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Public Health Nursing of Pregnancy and Birth (5 cr)

Code: SX00BO43-3012

General information


04.05.2020 - 17.05.2020


01.08.2020 - 31.12.2020

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health Care

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


0 - 27

Degree programmes

  • Public Health Nursing


  • Luennoitsija Terveysala
  • Sari Nyman

Teacher in charge

Sari Nyman


  • SXQ17S1
    Terveydenhoitotyön tutkinto-ohjelma


- understand the phases of normal pregnancy
- can conduct prenatal examinations and screenings as well as evaluate the health of the mother and foetus
- can evaluate risk factors related to the progress of pregnancy and can refer mothers to further treatment if necessar
- can apply dialogic health conversation to promote the family’s healthy lifestyle
- can analyze and identify needs of support and resources together with the family, strengthen and support family on maintaining and promoting their health and wellbeing as well as organize increased support if needed
- can plan and implement breastfeeding counselling according to the family’s needs during pregnancy and after delivery
- can explain the phases of childbirth and methods of pain alleviation.
- can act in case of an emergency childbirth
- can observe and support the health and welfare of the mother, baby and the whole family in a family-oriented way after the birth
- can apply theoretical knowledge to the evaluation of postnatal examination after normal childbirth and the gynaecological status of the mother as well as refer her to further treatment if necessary and issue the certificate required by the law
- are familiar with the central contraceptive methods
- can counsel clients on termination of pregnancy.


Documents regulating maternity nursing before and after childbirth
Service system of maternity care and cooperation with actors in the field
Phases of normal pregnancy and detecting abnormalities
Recommended health examinations of families having a baby
Follow-up of mother’s health and foetus’s growth and development, screenings
Detecting pregnancies requiring special follow-up and additional examinations and referring clients to further treatment
Work methods of health promotion in the follow-up and support of families during pregnancy and after childbirth
Supporting couple relationship during pregnancy and after childbirth
Childbirth and alleviation of pain
Emergency childbirth
Gynaecological examination and gynaecological infections
Breast examination
Postnatal examination of normal birth
Contraceptive methods used after birth
Termination of pregnancy
Breast counselling according to the WHO Baby Friendly Initiative Programme
Medical studies: obstetrics, gynaecology and foetal diagnostics (0.5 ects)


-Deufel, Maila & Montonen, Elisabet. Onnistunut imetys. Kustannus Oy Duodecim. 2010 or e-book 2017.
-THL. 2017. Kansallinen imetyksen edistämisen toimintaohjelma vuosille 2018-2022.
-Äitiysneuvolaopas. Suosituksia äitiysneuvolatoimintaan. THL opas 29. Kansallinen asiantuntijatyöryhmä. Klemetti & Hakulinen-Viitanen (toim.) 2013. Sivut 16-277.
-Paananen & Pietiläinen & Raussi-Lehto & Väyrynen & Äimälä (toim.). Kätilötyö. Edita. 2017 or 2015. s.216, 221-224 , 233-234, 237-243, 248-281, 290-303, 385-388

Teaching methods

-Interactive lecture
-Independent studying; materials in Moodle
-Laboratory work

Employer connections

Clinical practice in Maternity and Child Health clinic and postnatal wards

Exam schedules

-Exam: in the schedule
-Re-exams: 17 November and Spring 2021

Completion alternatives


Student workload

Breastfeeding counselling: According Baby Friendly Hospital (WHO) -initiative 1etc
Maternity health care: 3etc
Physicians lectures and Moodle exam 1etc: Spring 2021 attendance compulsory

Content scheduling

Breastfeeding exam must be passed before the Public Health Nursing of Pregnancy and Birth – Clinical Practice.

Further information

Orientation: attendance compulsory
Breastfeeding counseling, international day and laboratory work: attendance compulsory
Physician lectures: attendance compulsory
Breastfeeding exam must be passed before the Public Health Nursing of Pregnancy and Birth – Clinical Practice
Theoretical studies must be performed before Maternity and child health clinic practice as much as it is possible.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Evaluating competences
evaluation criteria competent/intermediate level and expert are used.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

- can search for professional knowledge regarding a single issue
- is familiar with the professional knowledge base of the field
- distinguishes informal information from research knowledge
- can act in individual professional situations according to instruction
- aims to act in a client-oriented way
- proves to have adequate skills to act in professional situations
- is familiar with the ethical principles of the field
- can work as a member of a work group
- is able to evaluate personal strengths and development needs.

Assessment methods and criteria

Breastfeeding counselling evaluated passed-failed
Maternity Health Care evaluated 1-5
Physicians lectures: attendance on lectures and exam

Assessment criteria, fail (0)

arvostaa ammattialan tietoperustaa riittämättömästi
käyttää ammattialan tietoperustaa riittämättömästi
perustelee toimintaansa riittämättömästi

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

käyttää ammattialan tietoperustaa johdonmukaisesti
etsii tietoa ja perustelee tietolähteiden käytön
perustelee toimintaa näyttöön perustuvan tiedon avulla

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

soveltaa ammattialan käsitteitä ja tietoa sujuvasti ja laaja-alaisesti
arvioi ja käyttää kriittisesti näyttöön perustuvaa tietoa

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

osoittaa ammattialan tietoperustan hallinnan ja soveltaa sitä asiantuntevasti
etsii itsenäisesti ammattialansa kansainvälistä, näyttöön perustuvaa tietoa, käyttää ja arvioi sitä kriittisesti