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Nursing of Chronically Ill Patients (5 cr)

Code: SX00BN34-3092

General information


02.12.2019 - 15.12.2019


18.03.2020 - 30.09.2020

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health Care


Myllypurontie 1

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


0 - 30

Degree programmes

  • Midwifery


  • Janni Koski
  • Katja Åker

Teacher in charge

Katja Åker


  • SXL19S1
    Kätilötyön tutkinto-ohjelma


- can evaluate the care needs of a patient suffering from national diseases as well as plan, implement and evaluate client-oriented nursing using evidence-based knowledge
- can evaluate the care needs of a patient suffering from national diseases by means of appropriate clinical and physiological evaluations and instruments as well as respond to them with assistive methods of nursing
- can support the resources of patients and their significant others considering their cultural background
- understand the significance of close multiprofessional cooperation and care path for the client-oriented care of the chronically ill.


Client-oriented and coherent care path of patients suffering from national diseases
Supporting resources of patients suffering from national diseases and their significant others in a client-oriented way throughout the care path
Nursing of patients suffering from circulatory, respiratory and metabolic diseases, major care protocols and procedures and assistive methods
Documentation of nursing and basics of reporting
Major national diseases and internal conditions


Ahonen, O, Bleck-Vehkaluoto, m, Ekola, S, Partamies, S, Sulosaari, V & Uski-Tallqvist, T. 2012 or the newest printing. Kliininen hoitotyö. Sanoma Pro Oy. Dokumentointi hoitotyössä, Sisätauteja sairastavan hoitotyön erityispiirteet, Sydän- ja verisuonisairauksia sairastavan hoitotyö, (ei ohitusleikkaus ja ei sydänleikkauspotilaan hoitotyö), Neurologisia sairauksia sairastavan hoitotyö (ei päänsärkypotilaan hoitotyö, ei huimauspotilaan hoitotyö, ei kohonnutta kallonsisäistä painetta sairastavan hoitotyö), Keuhkosairauksia sairastavan hoitotyö, (ei keuhkosyöpä ja ei ilmarinta), Umpi- ja maitorauhasten sairauksia sairastavan hoitotyöstä Diabetes, Infektiotauteja sairastavan hoitotyö
Holmström, P ja Vauhkonen, I: Sisätaudit (2012), luvut 1,3, 4, 5, 7 ja 8.
Soinila, Kaste, Somer (toim.) Neurologia (2015) Oppiportista: Potilaan neurologinen tutkiminen; neurologinen tutkimus: inspektio ja yleistutkimus, tajunnan taso; Aivoverenkiertohäiriöt; Epilepsia; Muistisairaudet
Learning tasks
Lecture notes

Teaching methods

Small group working
Laboratory instruction

Employer connections

Medical environments

Exam schedules

Exam 7.11.2019.
Retake timing will be announced during the course.

International connections


Completion alternatives


Student workload

Contact classes 60 h
Independent studies 75 h

Content scheduling

More information on Moodle.

Further information

Nursing of Chronically Ill Patients
1. Theory of Patient with cardiovascular disease + Laboratories (ECG + Monitoring and Reuscitation), Theory of Patients with Neurological Diseases + Laboratory (Treatment of Paralyzed Patients), Theory of Patient with Lung Disease (Contains PEF Control) + Laboratory (Respiratory Suction), Theory of Patients with Diabetes, Theory of Patient with Infectious Diseases + laboratory (Isolation patient nursing), simulation, Recording nursing
Please note: Medical calculation exam and laboratories will be accepted before practise in Medical environments. Active participation in lectures and laboratories.
Compulsory location in orientation and laboratories.
Internal medicine
2. Cardiovascular Diseases, Neurology, Respiratory Diseases, Diabetes, Thyroid, Adrenal, Infection, Gut, Rheumatic Diseases
Students must confirm their attendance for a course implementation by being present when tuition begins or in another manner agreed with the lecturer; for example, by returning the first course assignment. Students who are unable to attend the first teaching session due to illness may also confirm their attendance by informing the lecturer of this in advance.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Evaluating competences evaluation criteria novice/beginner is used.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

- osaa etsiä tietoa yksittäiseen tilanteeseen
- osoittaa perehtyneisyyttä alan tietoperustaan
- erottaa arkitiedon tutkitusta tiedosta
- osaa toimia yksittäisissä ammatillisissa tilanteissa ohjeistuksen mukaisesti
- pyrkii toimimaan asiakaslähtöisesti
- osoittaa saavuttaneensa riittävät tiedot pystyäkseen toimimaan ammatillisissa tilanteissa
- osoittaa perehtyneisyyden ammattialan eettisiin periaatteisiin
- osaa toimia työryhmän jäsenenä
- kykenee arvioimaan omia vahvuuksiaan ja kehittymistarpeitaan

Assessment methods and criteria

Nursing of Chronically Ill Patients integrated with Internal Medicine (assessment 0-K5): Casebased exam, smallgroup
Medical calculation exam
Ongoing evaluation
Individual exam, if a lot of absences