Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Psykologinen näkökulma toimintaan (5 cr)

Code: SX00BK29-3017

General information


04.05.2020 - 30.09.2020


19.10.2020 - 17.11.2020

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




Myllypurontie 1

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


0 - 38

Degree programmes

  • Toimintaterapian tutkinto-ohjelma


  • Eeva Tawast
  • Satu Vahaluoto

Teacher in charge

Eeva Tawast


  • SXI20S2
    Toimintaterapian tutkinto-ohjelma monimuoto


Students are familiar with the basics of developmental and social psychology, clinical psychology and gerontology. They understand the key role of these in terms of human functioning and behaviour. Students are able to apply knowledge from developmental and social psychology, gerontology and clinical psychology together with knowledge from occupational therapy to the use of occupation so as to promote human health and well-being.


• Development in the life cycle
• Early interaction and attachments
• Temperament, personality and self
• Brain development in interaction
• Development of skills and capacities by area
• Mental health and psychological functioning
• Human being as a psychosocial whole
• Various crises
• Theories and explanatory models of ageing
• Older people as actors and active participants as well as agents of their own lives
• Course of human life and life experiences as resources and enablers

Location and time

Kehitys-, sosiaali- ja kliinisen psykologian lähiopetusta Myllypuron kampuksella ja verkko-opetuna syyslukukaudella 2020/ psykologi Eeva Tawast

Gerontologian opetus lähiopetus Myllypuron kampuksella ja verkko-opetus syyslukukaudella 2020/ Satu Vahaluoto

Varaa aikaa kirjallisuusvalinnoille ja itsenäiselle - sekä opintopiiriopiskelulle! Tarkempaa tietoa löydät opintojakson Moodle-työtilasta opintojakson alussa.

Hylätyn suorituksen täydennys ryhmäoppimistehtävän osalta pääsääntöisesti myöhemmällä toteutuksella, muilta osin kuukauden sisällä.

Psykologian opetus/ Eeva Tawast HUOMIOI koronatilanteen vuoksi tulleet MUUTOKSET!!!:
LÄHI 05.10.2020 12.15 - 15.30 MPD1002 LÄHI Orientaatio, kehityspsykologia
ETÄ 06.10.2020 NAUHOITTEET: Kehitys- ja sosiaalipsykologia
LÄHI 19.10.2020 09.00 - 11.30 MPA3015 Sosiaali- ja kliininen psykologia
ETÄ 02.11.2020 NAUHOITTEET Kliininen psykologia
LÄHI 17.11.2020 12.15 - 15.30 MPA6021 (+ jaan osan opiskelijoita työskentelemään lisätilaan) Psykologian ryhmäoppimistehtävä, laajan kirjallisen tehtävän palautus, LÄSNÄOLO OLEELLINEN, tule ajoissa!

OPINTOKÄYNTImahdollisuudet ovat tältä syksyltä 2020 koronan vuoksi peruuntuneet (itse valittu kohde ja siitä raportti tai virtuaaliopintokäynti esim. Klubitalon toimintaan)

Varaa aikaa kirjallisuusvalinnoille ja itsenäiselle opiskelulle! Tarkempaa tietoa löydät Moodle-työtilasta.

Suorituksen täydennys ryhmäoppimistehtävän osalta seuraavalla toteutuksella, uusimisesta sovittava erikseen.
Gerontologian opetus/ Satu Vahaluoto
ETÄ/ Orientaatio 8.10 klo 14-15.30 Etäyhteyksien avulla (linkki Moodlessa)
ETÄ/ Yhteinen keskustelu 2.11. klo 8.30-11.30 Etäyhteyksien avulla (linkki Moodlessa)


Developmental -, social - and clinical psychology: The literature will be specified in the beginning of course at the latest, for more information, go to Moodle-workspace.

Gerontology:The literature will be specified in the beginning of course, for more information, go to Moodle-workspace.

Teaching methods

Developmental -, social - and clinical psychology: Interactive (web-based) lectures, (case/) problem based learning, discussion (learning circles and Moodle), studying the course literature, reflective writing, e-learning, study visit

Gerontology: Orientation, studying the course literature, discussion in a small group, study visit, seminar

Employer connections

Psychology: working life oriented / working life based teaching, PBL

Exam schedules


Completion alternatives


Student workload


Further information

Interactive lectures and most of the literature in Finnish

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student is able to:
- display learning in core content
- use individual professional concepts correctly
- find information for a specific situation
- distinguish between non-theoretical and theoretical information
- act in individual professional situations as instructed
- display learning in his professional field
- show that he has achieved the targets for core competence
- follow safety instructions
- display learning in the ethical principles of his professional field
- operate as a member of a student group

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student is able to:
- display an understanding of concepts and professional knowledge in
the field
- assess and limit the amount of information needed
- operate well in typical professional duties and contexts
- operate in a multicultural environment
- operate safely
- act according to professional ethics
- operate in a student group

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student is able to:
- use concepts and knowledge in his field systematically
- assess and use various information sources
- apply professional information in professional assignments
- work in various duties in a variety of operating environments
- act independently and responsibly in professional contexts
- to take safety issues into consideration in his action
- argue his choices on the basis of professional ethics
- organize the activities of a group of students

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

- The student does not know or appreciate knowledge in the field sufficiently
- The student does not know or cannot use concepts in his field properly
- The student's professional level is not properly developed
- The student is not acting in accordance with his training and guidance
- The student is not familiar with instructions related to professional safety or ethical principles
- The student withdraws from cooperation with others

Assessment methods and criteria

Developmental -, social - and clinical psychology: e-assignments, a learning assignment essay and a group learning assignment; continuous assessment (active participation in e-learning and contact teaching); 100%. See evaluation criteria above (+learning assignment guidelines). A failed learning assignment must be complemented within one month> An approved assignment cannot be complemented.

Assessment criteria, fail (0)

Katso oppimistehtävien ohjeistus Moodlessa

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Katso oppimistehtävien ohjeistus Moodlessa

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

Katso oppimistehtävien ohjeistus Moodlessa

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Katso oppimistehtävien ohjeistus Moodlessa

Further information

The course includes studies in developmental, social, and clinical psychology (4 ECTS) and gerontology (1 ECTS).