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Diverse Communication in Palliative Care (5 cr)

Code: S000DS38-3002

General information


30.11.2020 - 13.12.2020


15.03.2021 - 23.05.2021

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Rehabilitation and Examination


Myllypurontie 1

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


10 - 35

Degree programmes

  • Master's Degree Programme in Advanced Clinical Practice in


  • Miina-Liisa Flinkkilä

Teacher in charge

Jukka Kesänen


  • S1520S6B
    Kliinisen asiantuntijuuden tutkinto-ohjelma sosiaali- ja terveysalalla, Palliatiivisen hoidon asiantuntija, hallinnollinen ryhmä


The student
- evaluates, develops and leads person-centred (people-centred) palliative care based on an equal and reciprocal partnership in interaction, which requires special competence.
- ensures the patient's and his/her next of kin's right to culturally sensitive care which respects their conviction, advance directive, own language and communication methods.
- evaluates and analyses special needs of the communication of the patient and his/her next of kin and improves people-centred solutions for them in collaboration with a multiprofessional team.
- supports and encourages professionals in the use of art and culture as a method in handling and relieving existential suffering in the end-of-life care.
- consults and acts as a consulting expert in handling the existential suffering and hope of the patient and his/her next of kin by ensuring individual linguistic, diverse and cultural viewpoints.
- evaluates, applies and develops interventions related to existential suffering and diverse interaction in national and international multiprofessional networks.


- People who need special support and who are represented by the communities, organisations and networks (for example the third sector, religious parishes / communities, volunteers, senior advisers / specialists)
- Existential suffering, hope and sorrow at different stages of the life cycle (among others, art, culture and play as methods)
- Interaction based on dialogical partnership
- Facilitating communication: changes in the communication in a spoken or sign language, and needs and changes in the augmentative and alternative communication methods or in communication aids, communication guidance
- The use of interpreting services, communication with the patient and his/her next of kin across language and cultures
- Special questions on the advance directive and autonomy in the end-of-life care

Location and time

Info 16.3.2021 klo 16-18
Webinar 1: 20.4.2021 klo 14-20
Webinar 2: 19.5.2021 klo 14-20

The dead line of written assignment 23.5.2021


Watson, Jean Human caring science : a theory of nursing. Jones & Bartlett Learning cop. 2012. 2. Ed

Karvinen, I. Kylmä J. Ojanen E. Pentikäinen J. Vaskilampi T. 2012. Henki ja toivo hoitotyössä. E-kirja.

Klaava Media. Martínez ym. 2017. Dignity therapy’, a promising intervention in palliative care: A comprehensive systematic literature review. Palliat Med. 31(6): 492–509.

Chahda L. Mathisen Bernice A. Carey L B. 2017. The role of speech-language pathologists in adult palliative care. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 19: 58–68


In addition current research report

Teaching methods

Flipped learning method. Info and two contact lessons with preliminary assignments. Contact teaching is carried out in online webinars. During the next few days, simulations according to the themes will be carried out (if possible in a multidisciplinary way and working life co-operation will be utilized, eg interpreters, pastoral care professionals, etc.). In the next few days, an experienced expert will be involved as part of the final reflection in the next few days.

Please note, the student is required to attend information and webinars. Participation requires remote tool management, video and audio connection.

Employer connections


Exam schedules


International connections


Completion alternatives


Student workload


Content scheduling

Course info ::
- Formation of small groups
- Division of pre-assignment stages 1 and 2 (the teacher takes care of the distribution of the subjects in a variety of ways)
- Presence

Preliminary task 1
The group becomes familiar with the topic they are managing and makes a maximum of 5 measurement-based source-based video and part of it for others on the web platform. to be completed / approved

Webinar 1
The next day will be implemented by applying a simulation method adapted to online work. Presence

Preliminary task 2
- Students will become acquainted in small groups (3-5 students) with their chosen topic and the preparation of an e-poster, which at the same time in the coming days. to be completed / approved

Webinar 2
- An experienced expert involved in telling his story.
- Presentation of e-posters (10 min), joint reflective discussion (20 min). Experienced expert involved in discussions where possible. Attendance

In an individual essay
- The individual essay assesses and analyzes expertise and development needs related to a variety of interaction situations. Essay length 3-4 fact pages. To be completed / 1-5, evaluation criteria in a separate table

During the course, it is recommended to use a travel diary that reflects relevant learning experiences during the course. The travel diary will not be returned to the teacher.

Further information


Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student demonstrates competence in the basic content of the course, but there are deficiencies in his/her ability to find and interpret information and to apply the learned content to the context of working life.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student demonstrates good competence in the content of the course. He/she is able to actively search for information and to identify its connection to working life. The student is able to analyse and apply the learned content to the context of working life.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student demonstrates versatile and extensive competence in the content of the course. He/she has an excellent ability to search for relevant information. The student’s solutions demonstrate independence, responsibility, and skills in guiding others. His/her ability to apply the learned content to the context of working life exhibits creativity and versatility.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The student demonstrates competence in the basic content of the course, but there are deficiencies in his/her ability to find and interpret information and to apply the learned content to the context of working life.

Assessment methods and criteria

Commendable (5) In the essay, the skills of diverse interactions and their development needs have been considered in a commendable, justified and original way. The essay demonstrates the ability to use concepts that require special expertise in the field creatively and critically in the analysis of one's own competence and its development needs. The essay applies a diverse and in-depth application of the diverse value base and professional ethics of interaction, as well as information based on good practice and evidence.

Good (3) In the essay, the reflection on the competence of diverse interaction and its development needs is clear and justified. The essay demonstrates the ability to use the concepts of the topic in a versatile way in the analysis of one's own competence and its development needs. The essay makes extensive use of the value base and professional ethics of diverse interactions, as well as information based on good practices and evidence.

Satisfactory (1) In the essay, the description of the skills of diverse interaction and the needs for its development is good, but the reflection is insufficient. The essay uses the concepts of the topic and describes one's own competence and its development needs, but there is some illogical use of the concepts or the concepts used are not opened in the text. The value base and professional ethics of diverse interactions, as well as knowledge based on good practices, can be seen in the essay. ?

Rejected In Essay, the description of diverse interaction skills and its development needs remains thin. The essay mentions concepts in the topic, but there is illogical use of the concepts or the concepts used are not opened in the text. Material used in preliminary assignments and / or obtained through information retrieval has not been utilized in the essay. The general principles of professional ethics are hardly noticeable in the essay. ?

Further information

Recognition of prior learning

The student can apply for the recognition of prior learning and receive an approval for accreditation
for this course if he/she has acted in a key role in digitalisation-related service production or client
projects in social and health care, or in digitalising key processes, and/or has completed universitylevel
studies that correspond to the content of this course.