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Multidisciplinary Knowledge and Interprofessional Collaboration in Palliative Care (5 cr)

Code: S000DS37-3001

General information


04.05.2020 - 30.09.2020


11.09.2020 - 18.12.2020

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Rehabilitation and Examination


Myllypurontie 1

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


20 - 50

Degree programmes

  • Master's Degree Programme in Advanced Clinical Practice in


  • Jukka Kesänen
  • Miina-Liisa Flinkkilä

Teacher in charge

Jukka Kesänen


  • S1520S6B
    Kliinisen asiantuntijuuden tutkinto-ohjelma sosiaali- ja terveysalalla, Palliatiivisen hoidon asiantuntija, hallinnollinen ryhmä
  • S1519S6B
    Kliinisen asiantuntijuuden tutkinto-ohjelma sosiaali- ja terveysalalla, Palliatiivisen hoidon asiantuntija, hallinnollinen ryhmä


The student
- participates in ethical discussions in multidisciplinary and scientific networks.
- conducts ethically high-standard activities in palliative care, ensuring the best interest of the patient and his/her next of kin.
- develops a multidisciplinary and -professional approach to palliative care, highlighting the value base of one's discipline and care, and the perspective of knowledge and research as part of multidisciplinary and professional collaboration.
- evaluates multiprofessional co-operation in palliative care and defines ways to develop collaboration using multiprofessional collaborative methods.
- develops the expertise of different professionals in his/her organization, utilizing practices that support multiprofessional co-operation and well-being at work, as well as the development of expertise.
- is part of the palliative care network and is committed to its continuous maintenance and development
enhances dissemination and utilization of evidence-based practice in regional, national and international multiprofessional health-related networks.


- Quality of life and good life
- Networking as a form of working life collaboration
- Teamwork, group dynamics and leadership in expert work
- Developing, organizing and coordinating multi-professional work in palliative care
- Consulting practices, negotiation skills, and support in team conflict situations
- Utilizing work community skills and promoting well-being at work
- Patient and his/her next of kin as part of expert activity


Kuorilehto R (2014) Moniasiantuntijuus sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon perhetyössä. Väitöskirja Oulun yliopisto.

Palliatiivinen hoito ja saattohoito, Käypähoito -suositus. (2018)

Saarto Tiina, Hänninen Juha, Antikainen Riitta & Vainio Anneli (2018) Palliatiivisen hoidon hyvät käytännöt, Duodecim. Muu opintojaksolla ilmoitettava kirjallisuus.

Izumi S (2019) Advance Care Planning. Teoksessa Oxford Textbook of palliative Nursing. Toim. Ferrel B R ja Paice JA. Fifth edition, Oxford university press, 79-86.

Mazanec P, Reimer R, Bullington J, Coyne PJ, Harris H, Dubois M C, Rogers C, Aron J (2019) Interdiciplinary Palliative Care Teams, Specialists in Delivering Palliative Care. Teoksessa Oxford Textbook of palliative Nursing. Toim. Ferrel B R ja Paice JA. Fifth edition, Oxford university press, 89-97.

Wittenberg E, Sun Virginia (2016) Interdiciplinary Team Collaboration and the Provision of Spiritual Care. Teoksessa Advanced Practice Palliative Nursing. Toim. Dahlin C, Coyne P J, Ferrel B R. Oxford University Press. 454- 460.

Teaching methods

Online course including individual and group assignments, webinars and community teaching

Employer connections


Exam schedules


International connections


Completion alternatives


Further information

Expert lectures as video recordings:

· Multiprofessionalism and human orientation in palliative care · Multiprofessional collaboration, multiprofessionalism - defining concepts · Quality of life and good life of a person in palliative care · Patient encounter in palliative and posttraumatic care · Excessive and palliative care, emotional and spiritual support in palliative care · Hospital priest's work · Rehabilitation as part of palliative and hospice · palliative physiotherapy psychophysical physiotherapy point of view · as part of physical therapy to palliative and hospice · Social work in palliative care · Sexuality in palliative and hospice · The cancer patient's nutrition therapy as part of palliative care · palliative and dying patient oral health care · Experience Expert Statement: Multi-Expertise implementation from a customer perspective · Leading multi-professional teams and networks (Service integration design and self-renewal dynamics) · Negotiation and conflict resolution skills as a promoter of well-being at work · Networking and networking subject to.

Students are formed into multidisciplinary teams working in virtual environments.

Task 1: Online discussions based on recordings.

After watching the video recordings, think:

A) How do the expertise and roles of different professionals as a member of a multidisciplinary team materialize in your workplace?

B) How do the patient / client and their relatives participate in their own assistance and support planning in collaboration with the multidisciplinary team?

C) What is your role in a multi-professional team? How do you develop your role as an expert? Justify all your answers and include at least one research article in one of these three topics.

Assessment: pass / fail

Task 2: Establishment of a network of YAMK clinical experts in palliative care.

Assessment: pass / fail

Task 3: Task development.

Students form a group of 2-3 students. They choose the palliative care situation, such as supporting a relative after death or planning a home leave for a patient undergoing palliative care. Students describe the work of a multi-professional team in a situation of their choice and justify the work of a multi-professional team based on research and evidence. Students reflect on the evidence-based approach to their own unit's current activities and plan how to further develop multi-professional and multi-professional activities. Students reflect on and analyze the importance of self-management skills and multidisciplinarity, both for their own well-being at work and for the work community.

The development task will be presented in a webinar or in the next few days, depending on how the polytechnic is implemented.

Assessment: pass / fail

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student demonstrates competence in the basic content of the course, but there are deficiencies in his/her ability to find and interpret information and to apply the learned content to the context of working life.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student demonstrates good competence in the content of the course. He/she is able to actively search for information and to identify its connection to working life. The student is able to analyse and apply the learned content to the context of working life.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student demonstrates versatile and extensive competence in the content of the course. He/she has an excellent ability to search for relevant information. The student’s solutions demonstrate independence, responsibility, and skills in guiding others. His/her ability to apply the learned content to the context of working life exhibits creativity and versatility.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The student demonstrates competence in the basic content of the course, but there are deficiencies in his/her ability to find and interpret information and to apply the learned content to the context of working life.

Assessment methods and criteria



Is able to observe and analyze the importance of multidisciplinary and multidisciplinary knowledge base in palliative care. The student utilizes national and international research and expert knowledge in reflection.

Can describe their role and responsibilities as a member of a multi-professional team in palliative and palliative care. Recognize the roles of other team members and the client / patient in collaborative and shared decision-making in the delivery of human palliative care.

Able to formulate a plan for a multi-professional team in palliative care, as well as critically analyze team performance, members' roles and team leadership. The student utilizes national and international research and expert knowledge in reflection.

Understands the importance of conflict resolution skills for team performance and well-being at work and is able to apply the skills when describing one's own activities.

Can reflect on the development of his / her own expertise as a member of a palliative care and multidisciplinary team.

He actively participates in the creation of a palliative care network and engages in high-level ethical discussion in its planning process.


The student does not achieve the course's learning outcomes at an approved level.

Further information

Recognition of prior learning

The student can apply for the recognition of prior learning and receive an approval for accreditation
for this course if he/she has acted in a key role in digitalisation-related service production or client
projects in social and health care, or in digitalising key processes, and/or has completed universitylevel
studies that correspond to the content of this course.