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Gilding techniques and materials (5 cr)

Code: KX00EO52-3001

General information


02.07.2021 - 31.08.2021


04.10.2021 - 28.10.2021

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Media, Design and Conservation


Hämeentie 135

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


1 - 16

Degree programmes

  • Degree Programme in Conservation


  • Tannar Ruuben

Teacher in charge

Tannar Ruuben


  • KXA21S1
    Konservoinnin tutkinto-ohjelma päivä


The student is familiar with literature related to medieval and later gilding techniques. The student is familiar with the materials, tools and methods used in gilding, both historically and today.

The student masters the basic techniques of gilding and surface treatment / decoration of different historical eras. The student is able to identify gilding and surface decoration techniques and materials used in various historical objects.


Traditional methods of gilding – water gilding and oil gilding as well as silvering and properties of other sheet metals.
The gilding methods and surface decoration techniques used during the Middle Ages in Southern and Northern Europe (sgraffitto, punching, engraving, Pressbrocade) as well as the pigments used in the decoration.
Various gilded objects (paintings, altar cabinets, polychrome sculptures, frames, furniture, possibly objects made of other materials) and their typical decoration methods and - techniques.


1. Art in the Making. Italian Painting Before 1400. 1992, National Gallery Publications Ltd. London
2. MacTaggart, P. and A., 1984, Practical Gilding. Mac & Me Ltd, Herts
3. Bigelow, Gilded Wood. History and Conservation. 1991, Sound View Press.
4. Gilding and surface decoration: preprints of the UKIC conference restoration '91, UKIC 1991.
5. Hebing, C., Vergolden und Bronzieren : Untergrund - Arbeitstechniken - Werkstoffe : ein Hanbuch für die Praxis. D.W. Gallwey 1985.
6. Mehart, N. Von, DuMont's Handbuch Vergolden und Fassen : Polimentglanzvergoldung, Vergoldung hinter Glas und auf Papier, Öltechnik, Bronzierung, Fassung des Inkarnats, Reiningen und Restaurieren. Dumont Buchverlag, 1987.
7. Tunander, P., Förgyllning. Bokförlaget Signum, 1997.
Other literature given by the lecturer during the course

Teaching methods

• Contact teaching and independent work
• Lecture
• Guided assignments
• Example-based teaching
• Individual Tutorials
• Independent work with literature

Completion alternatives


Student workload

The weekly working hours of a student is 1,5 cr, which is equivalent to 40 hours of studies and independent work. 40 hours is formed from approx. 20- 22 hours of contact studies with a lecturer. The remaining hours are dedicated for independent literature survey or independent practical work. 1 credit (cr) is equivalent to 26 study / practical work hours (h).

Content scheduling

Opintojakso alkaa luennolla jossa tutustutaan kultauksen historiaan, materiaaleihin, tekniikoihin ja työvälineisiin. Samana päivänä esiliimataan kultauspohjat ja valmistetaan liitu-liima gessopohjustus. Toisena ja kolmantena päivänä pohjustetaan puupohjat perinteisin menetelmin. Neljäntenä päivänä pohjat hiotaan. Loppuaika kullataan, hopeoidaan ja käytetään pintakoristelun eri tekniikoita. Koristelumallit lehtorilta, osa myös omia valintoja.
1. kiiltokultausnäyte, missä näkyy eri työvaiheet
2. hopeointinäyte, missä eri työvaiheet ja mihin kokeillaan
eri sellakkasävyjä pintasuojaus- ja sävytystarkoituksessa
3. kaiverruskuvio, kiiltokultausta
4. sgraffitotyö, kiiltokultausta tai öljykultauskuvio temperan päälle
Lisäksi pienempi viimeistelty kipsivalu, mikä päällystetään parilla kerroksella shellakkaa ja öljykullataan.
Puupohjat saa jokainen valmiiksi mittoihin sahattuna opintojakson alussa.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student is able to understand the materials and techniques of gilding at the basic level and is familiar with the related theory at the basic level. The student masters the basics of the course in practice and understands the main content of the course. The student understands the necessary theoretical and applied principles related to the topic. The student is able to acquire information independently. The practical work has not been sufficiently independent, there are many shortcomings in its management and the end result, but the student still performs the tasks.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student has a good understanding of gilding materials and techniques. The student demonstrates a good understanding of theoretical and applied knowledge. The student is able to justify the choices he / she has made expertly, and the application in practice proceeds consistently in accordance with the practices of the professional field. The student masters the whole in both theory and practice and has achieved a good level of knowledge and practical work skills. The student is able to analyse one's own weaknesses and strengths. The work has been sufficiently independent. The student is able to acquire information independently and is able to critically analyse this information.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student masters the subject and has achieved an excellent level of knowledge and skills. The student demonstrates excellent theoretical and applied knowledge and is able to apply what he or she has learned well. The student is able to work extensively independently on both written and skill-based assignments. The student is able to acquire information independently and to analyse and apply this information. The student participates in the discussion with arguments, using the concepts of the field. The student is able to justify the choices he / she has made expertly and the application in practice proceeds consistently in accordance with the practices of the professional field. The student is able to analyse his / her own weaknesses and strengths. The student works consistently, showing initiative.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The student is able to understand the materials and techniques of gilding at the basic level and is familiar with the related theory at the basic level. The student masters the basics of the course in practice and understands the main content of the course. The student understands the necessary theoretical and applied principles related to the topic. The student is able to acquire information independently. The practical work has not been sufficiently independent, there are many shortcomings in its management and the end result, but the student still performs the tasks.

Assessment methods and criteria

• Skills demonstration
• Continuous assessment
• Learning assignment
• Peer evaluation
• Self - evaluation
Assessment is based on continuous assessment of a student, attendance, practical exercises and their assessment. Each student is assessed from the starting point of her/his abilities.