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Research methodology and CommunicationLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: KX00EQ30


5 op


The student will be familiar with the scientific mode of thinking, research methods and strategies. The student will be familiar with and able to apply the scientific and qualitative research processes and tools. He/she will be able to choose the right research methods for solving a problem. The student will be familiar with both the thesis process methodology and project communication requirements.
The student knows how to plan his/her final thesis and how to make appropriate references and is familiar with the final thesis process. The student will be able to argue and justify his/her choices. The student will be able to present and report his/her Bachelor's thesis process. The student knows the requirements and ethics of scientific research and development communication.


Basics of research with an emphasis on the Bachelor's thesis process. Basics of methodology in final thesis process; main principal of scientific and qualitative research process.
Reporting and presenting research and development work relevant to the student's own profession; project communication, writing thesis text and English abstract, use of references, data acquisition and management, argumentation and reasoning, scientific and development writing.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student is able to identify some of the typical features in his/her own communication with the help of instructions and feedback and understands the key components of a communication process. The student understands the basics of the course. The student is able to use scientific approach and knows the tools and methods of scientific research. The student understands the significance of scientific thinking for his/her own field of expertise.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

As an expert, the student communicates in a structured, understandable and interesting way, and targets his/her messages to the recipient according to the situation. The student can justify his/her views. The student can acquire information in his/her own field of study and can use it critically. The student is able to prepare a goal-oriented written, oral or visual presentation to a target audience. The student is able to use his/her knowledge on text types and language. The student is able to communicate according to given instructions during the course, is able to acquire information and use this information in his/her assignments.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student masters the topics of the course and is able to carry out his/her work independently according to the principles of scientific thinking. The student is able to apply and critically evaluate scientific methods and tools.
The student is willing and able to develop his/her Finnish language and communication skills as a part of his/her expertise and is able to communicate in a meaningful, creative and personal way.
The student can use means of communication in a creative and appropriate way, and takes advantage of different channels and tools both in internal and external communication of his/her community. The student argues his/her point with skill and shows, shares and develops his/her expertise in the community.

The student acquires information independently and competently in order to produce new knowledge or new perspectives. The student uses language creatively and according to field practices.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The student is able to identify some of the typical features in his/her own communication with the help of instructions and feedback and understands the key components of a communication process. The student understands the basics of the course. The student is able to use scientific approach and knows the tools and methods of scientific research. The student understands the significance of scientific thinking for his/her own field of expertise.