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Legislation and EthicsLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: KM00FQ87


5 op


The student knows the legislation and practices related to copyright and intellectual property rights, freedom of speech, and professional contracts. Students know the main actors involved in copyright and intellectual property rights, employment contracts, and regulation in the journalism and media sector. Students understand the basics of ethical thinking and ethical principles and practices in media and journalism


- copyright law and intellectual property rights
- labour law, collective agreements and contractual practices in the media sector
- freedom of speech and its limitations
- ethical thinking
- ethical principles and practices in media and

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student participates satisfactorily in class. The student has a satisfactory knowledge of the legislation and key practices related to copyright and intellectual property rights, freedom of speech and contract law. The student will identify some actors and institutions related to copyright and intellectual property rights, contracts and regulation in the journalism and media sector. Students have satisfactory knowledge of ethical issues, principles and practices in film and media production and journalism.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student participates well in the classroom. Students have a good understanding of the legislation and practices relating to copyright and intellectual property rights, freedom of speech and contract law and are able to assess their relevance to their professional practice. The student knows the key actors and institutions related to copyright and intellectual property rights, contracts and regulation in journalism and media, and understands their relevance to their professional practice. The student knows the basics of ethical thinking and has a good understanding of ethical issues, principles and practices in film and media production and journalism and their relevance to their own professional practice.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students' participation in class is excellent. The student has an excellent knowledge of the legislation and practices relating to copyright and intellectual property rights, freedom of speech and contract law, and is able to assess their relevance to their professional activities and to the professional field. The student will have a good understanding of the key actors and institutions in the field of copyright and intellectual property rights, contracts and regulation in journalism and media, and will be able to assess their relevance to their professional activities and sector. Students will have an excellent understanding of the basics of ethical reasoning. They can critically evaluate ethical issues, principles and practices in film and media production and journalism, and apply them to their own professional activities.