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Osteopathic Examination and Treatment 4Laajuus (5 cr)

Code: SX00FH99


5 op


Students encounter the person professionally, appreciatively and empathically with health-promoting approach. Students work in a person-oriented manner, and in dialogical interaction with the person. Students observe and regulate their own state of body and mind to support palpation, and recognize this meaning in their own working. Students evaluate subtle changes in elasticity and quality of tissue, and communicates their findings professionally. Students’ palpation is anatomically accurate and sensitive when examining and treating the person with osteopathic techniques. Students recognise and evaluate the indications and contraindications of osteopathic approach to cranial and visceral area. Students explain the functioning between the structures of the head, upper neck and spinal regions at joint, bone, membrane and fluid level. Students are able to examine the functioning between the structures of the head and spinal regions at levels of bone, membrane, and fluid. Students explain the importance of thoracic and pelvic regions functionality to the state of human health. Student analyse the osteopathic approach, as well as the principles of cranial and visceral areas, and explain the hypothesized effect mechanisms of techniques by applying research knowledge. Students are able to use osteopathic manual techniques when treating the structures of head and spine at bone, membrane and fluid level. Students utilize and combine various osteopathic approaches in treatment planning and practice.


Connections between the structures and functions of the head, upper neck, spine, thorax and abdomen at different tissue levels.
History, principles and concepts of the cranial and visceral approach
Autonomic and enteric nervous system
Indications and contraindications
Differential diagnostic tests
Osteopathic approaches to functional symptoms

The course includes 4 cr of clinical practice.


Osteopathic examination and treatment 1-2, Anatomy and physiology of organs, Advanced clinical anatomy

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Students encounter the client professionally, appreciatively and empathetically with a health-promoting approach. Students work in a customer-oriented and dialogical interaction with the person. Students have sensitive and anatomically accurate palpation skills. Students analyse the relationships between appropriate core concepts as well as justify their choices using the knowledge base of own professional field. Students analyse the prerequisites and consequences of their own actions and act flexibly as group members. Students work in accordance with good hygiene practice and principles of professional ethics. Students conduct examination and manual treatment appropriately, efficiently and safely.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Students encounter the person professionally, appreciatively and empathetically with a health-promoting approach. Students work in a customer-oriented and dialogical interaction with the person. Students have sensitive and anatomically accurate palpation skills. Students analyse the relationships between appropriate core concepts as well as justify their choices using the knowledge base of own professional field. Students analyse the prerequisites and consequences of their own actions and acts flexibly as group members. Students work in accordance with good hygiene practice and principles of professional ethics. Students conduct examination and manual treatment appropriately, efficiently and safely.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Students encounter the person professionally, appreciatively and empathically with health-promoting approach. Students work in a person-oriented manner, and in dialogical interaction with the person. Students have sensitive, transformative and anatomically accurate palpation skills. Students analyse and apply the relationships between appropriate professional core concepts, and justify their choices using their professional knowledge base. Students analyse and apply the prerequisites and consequences of their actions, and work as a responsible and proactive team member. Students work in accordance with good hygiene practice and principles of professional ethics. Students implement the examination and manual treatment appropriately, efficiently, proactively and safely.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Opiskelija kohtaa asiakkaan ammatillisesti, arvostavasti ja empaattisesti terveyttä edistävällä työnotteella. Opiskelija toimii asiakaslähtöisesti ja dialogisessa vuorovaikutuksessa asiakkaan kanssa. Opiskelija on anatomisesti tarkka ja kehittää palpaatiotaan. Opiskelija käyttää keskeisiä ja asianmukaisia ammattikäsitteitä sekä tekee valintoja oman alan tietoperustaa käyttäen. Opiskelija tunnistaa oman toimintansa edellytyksiä ja seurauksia sekä toimii ryhmän jäsenenä. Opiskelija toimii hygieniaohjeita ja ammattieettisiä periaatteita noudattaen. Opiskelija toteuttaa tutkimisen ja manuaalisen käsittelyn asianmukaisesti ja turvallisesti.