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Clinical Practise 1Laajuus (5 cr)

Code: SJ00BJ88


5 op


Students know how to use the instruments and devices required in podiatry in a safe and proper way. They master the principles and protocols of providing services and act accordingly in the Positia service unit. Students know how to utilise assessment and therapeutic skills they have learned in client service as well as understand the podiatric process and begin to practise their clinical reasoning skills.
Students are familiar with the processes and models of clinical reasoning in order to initiate the reasoning process required by podiatric planning and treatment. Students are aware of the requisites for clinical reasoning to initiate their own development of clinical reasoning skills.

Students initiate their self-assessment process and peer evaluation in accordance with forms provided for them. They also initiate the documentation process of client reports according to given guidelines. Students are able to survey the client’s self-care habits and prioritise central education needs.

Students are able to explain the legislation and organisation of antimicrobial control in Finland. Students know the pathogenic mechanisms and causes of the most common infectious diseases occurring in their work, in particular those in the areas of skin, mucous membranes and lower extremities. Students are able to describe the functions of the antimicrobial defence system, in particular at cellular level in blood and lymph. Students know the transmission routes of pathogenic microbes and are capable of describing the clinical picture and symptoms of the most common infectious diseases as well as the basics of protection against microbial infections in their profession.


- Positia service unit
- Client’s podiatric assessment
- Implementing client’s podiatric treatment
- Podiatric therapy process
- Self-assessment and peer evaluation
- Health examination of feet
- Self-care education of feet
- Client reports and their documentation
- Process of clinical reasoning
- Models of clinical reasoning
- Requisites for clinical reasoning
- Developing diagnostic reasoning by case study
- Legislation and organisation of infectious disease control in Finland
- Clinical microbiology as a discipline; communicable pathogens
- Role of microbes in generation of diseases
- Infectious disease and pathogenic microbes; normal flora
- Functions of the antimicrobial defence system in blood and lymph
- Normal flora disorders and correction of them
- Endogenous and exogenous transmission routes of infectious microbes; hand hygiene
- Laboratory diagnostic results of infections and interpretation of them
- Protection against microbes when working with clients
- Infections in children, elderly people and individuals in normal health
- Infections of the skin, mucous membranes and extremities
- Respiratory infections
- Patients with nosocomial infections in community care
- Infections of the bones, muscles and joints; autoimmune diseases


Professional Basics of Podiatry 1 - SJ00BJ65
Professional Basics of Podiatry 2 - SJ00BJ66
Basics of Assessment of Functional Capacity in Podiatry 1 - SJ00BJ68
Methods of Assessment of Functional Capacity in Podiatry - SJ00BJ70

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The student is able to:
- display learning in professional knowledge and core content in the field
- search information from a variety of sources
The student is able to:
- work in various duties in a variety of operating environments
- show that he has achieved the targets for core competence
The student is able to:
- display learning in the key safety practices in the field
- act according to ethical principles
- to contribute his learning for the benefit of a group or project
- The student does not know or appreciate knowledge in the field sufficiently
- The student does not know or cannot use concepts in his field properly
- The student's professional level is insufficient
- The student is not acting in accordance with his training and guidance
- The student is not trying to develop himself or his actions
- The student is unconcerned about professional safety or ethical principles
- The student is not motivated by or participating in group or development work