Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Kliinisen hoitotyön perusharjoittelu 2 (5 cr)

Code: SX00DZ85-3019

General information


03.05.2021 - 15.09.2021


25.10.2021 - 23.12.2021

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

2 op

Mode of delivery

60 % Contact teaching, 40 % Distance learning




Myllypurontie 1

Teaching languages

  • English


20 - 40

Degree programmes

  • Degree Programme in Nursing


  • Jenna Kukkonen
  • Aino Ezeonodo
  • Anna Sievers

Teacher in charge

Jenna Kukkonen


  • SXN21S1EX
    Vaihto-opiskelijat, Terveys
  • SXN21S1A
    Degree Programme in Nursing päivä


- have the basic clinical nursing skills required in various nursing environments
- follow the ethical guidelines and principles of nursing care
- act as responsible members of their workgroup
- understand the duties and obligations related to their work and that of other social and health care professionals
- are able to challenge their competence and to develop their actions based on self-reflection and -evaluation
- recognize emergency situations; come to rescue; know how to start first aid and administer symptomatic care
- know how to abide by fire safety standards and are aware of the basics of health care in state of emergency


- roles and responsibilities of social and health care professionals
- clinical nursing skills and their application
- first aid and accident protocols
- fire safety
- basics of health care in state of emergency
- health technology



The coursebook:
Berman, A., Snyder, S. & Frandsen, G. (2021). Kozier & Erb's fundamentals of nursing: Concepts, process, and practice (Eleventh edition, global edition.). Pearson Education Limited.


Berman, A, Snyder, SJ. & Frandsen Geralyn 2016 or updated. Kozier & Erb's fundamentals of nursing: concepts, process, and nursing. 10th edition.
Chapters 4 Legal aspects of Nursing (73-98), Chapter 5 Values Ethics and advocacy ( 99-111), Chapter 11 Assessing ( 181-200), Chapter 12 Diagnosing ( 201-214), Chapter 13 Planning (215-233), Chapter 14 Implementing and evaluating ( 234-245), Chapter 15 Documenting and reporting (247-267), Chapters 29: Vital signs (502-538), 31: Asepsis (628-665), 32 Safety (), 33: Hygiene (695-743), 36: Skin integrity and wound care ( 854-890), 44: Activity & Exercise (1036-1090), 47: Nutrition (1153-1199), 48: Urinary elimination (1200-1235), 49 Fecal elimination (1236-1266), 50: Oxygenation (1267-1312 not nursing management), 51: Circulation (1313-1333 not nursing management)


Delves-Yates, C. 2018. Essentials of Nursing Practice (1st or 2nd edition).
Chapters 5 Ethics 6 Law 14 Assessment, Planning, Implementation and evaluation(APIE): The process of nursing, 18 Record-Keeping and Documentation 22 Infection prevention and control, 23 Aseptic technique (NOT Specimen collection yet!), 24 Clinical measurements, 26 Skin integrity, 27 Safe handling of people, 30 assisting patients with their nutritional needs, 31 Assisting patients with their elimination needs, 32 Assisting patients with their hygiene needs
Recommended additionally Delves-Yates, C. 2018. Essentials of Nursing Practice (1st or 2nd edition) Chapter 14 Assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation (APIE): The process of nursing AND Chapter 18 Record keeping and documentation
End of the life care (teachers material) and Other material provided by teachers during the course.

- The Finnish Red Cross, first aid guidelines:

- Korte, Henna ja Myllyrinne, Kristiina 2017 Ensiapu. Otavan Kirjapaino Oy, Keuruu 2017. ISBN 978-951-658-188-3. 1. painos 2017. Kustantaja ja Copyright 2017 Suomen Punainen Risti (if applicable).

- First aid manual, Written and authorised by the UK´s leading first aid providers: The authorised manual of St John Ambulance, St Andrew´s First Aid and the British Red Cross, revised 10th edition, 2016.

- Elvytys Käypä hoito -suositus (if applicable),

- /

- Epilepsiakohtauksen ensiapu
- Ohjeita lievän pään vamman saaneille

- Ensiapuvalmius työpaikoilla. Työsuojeluhallinto. Työsuojeluoppaita ja ohjeita 33. Tampere 2013.

- Metropolia OMA / Students desktop / Study guide / Security

- Työturvallisuuskeskus: Hyvä käytös sallittu, Väkivalta pois työpaikalta

- Työturvallisuuslaki (738/2002), / Occupational Safety and Health Act:

- Lehestö Mika 2004. Hoitajan turva. Edita. Helsinki. Pages 85-143, 145-166 (if applicable).

- Pelastuslaki (379/2011), / Rescue Act:

- Exceptional circumstances - literature will be announced later
- Health technology - literature will be announced later
- Fire safety - literature will be announced later

- Other recommended literature, teachers' articles and materials.

Teaching methods

· Flipped learning: The student prepares for the lessons by doing the assignments/reading the materials. The goal is for the student to understand the basics of the topic before the lesson.
· Mode of delivery face-to-face
· Interactive lecture
· Guided assignments
· Small group work, Cooperative learning
· Clinical laboratory teaching
· Simulation (connected with clinical practice)
· Skill workshops
· Online studies
· Skills tests
· Independent study

Employer connections

· Clinical practice 1,5 ECTS (a one week = 40 hours of student's work).

· Clinical practice may be conducted in different clinical nursing environments such as senior centres, nursing homes or home care services.

· The school will arrange the placements. The student can also get the placement independently.

· Students who are licensed practical nurses can receive the RPL acceptance from clinical practice (1,5 ECTS).

Exam schedules

11.11.2021 according to the schedule (The Basic Practice of Clinical Nursing 1&2 exam)

1. retake: 24.11.2021
2. retake: will be announced later

International connections

Can be completed with a Finnish group.

Completion alternatives


Student workload

· 1 cr = 27 h
· The total number of hours is 135 h:

· Contact teaching 40 h (theoretical lessons, clinical laboratory teaching, simulation)
· Independent study 55 h
· Clinical practice 40 h:

The basics of health technology 0.5 cr
Exceptional circumstances 0.5 cr
First aid 1.5 cr
Fire safety 0.5 cr
Personal safety 0.5 cr

Further information

· If the student is absent from the orientation or other lessons he or she must find out the content of the lesson independently. Presence is mandatory in the laboratories and students must follow the guidelines for laboratory teaching.

· The contents, assignments and evaluations in the course support the student in achieving competence required in core competencies in the National final exam of nursing (YleSH180op).

· Please see the AHOT guidebook and submit eRPL application in Oma BEFORE THE IMPLEMENTATION STARTS.

RPL (curriculum autumn 2020 onwards):
· RPL decision – Full approval:
- Practical Nurse Degree: Nursing and Care, Emergency care

· RPL decision – Partial approval for first aid:
- Practical Nurse Degree, other than Nursing and care, Emergency care
- Pelastajatutkinto
- Vapaa- tai sopimuspalokunnassa suoritettu ensivastekoulutus tai muu opintojakson sisältöä vastaava koulutus
- Puolustusvoimien lääkintämieskoulutus
- SPR EA 1 ja/tai 2 tai opintojakson sisältöä vastaava muun palveluntuottajan EA koulutus /
- Finnish Red Cross First aid training 1 and/ or 2

· RPL decision – Partial approval for one week practice:
- Practical nurse degree: Mental health and substance abuse, Children, youth care and education, Care for the elderly, Rehabilitation

Opetuksen julkisuus
(Ammattikorkeakoululaki 9 §).
Opintojaksolla käsitellään osallistujien henkilökohtaisia kokemuksia.

Opetustilanteen tallenteet
Tämä opetuksena toteutettava opintojakso
tallennetaan joustavaa opiskelua varten.

Mikäli et halua olla mukana tallenteella,
ilmoita tästä opettajalle opintojakson
ensimmäisellä opetuskerralla.

Opetustilanteiden tallenteet ovat
nähtävissä opintojakson ajan opintojakson
käyttämällä oppimisalustalla. Jos ryhmän
kanssa ei sovita muuta, opetustilanteiden
tallenteet poistetaan viimeistään 6 kk
opintojakson päätyttyä.
TALLENTEITA EI SAA JAKAA. Opintojakson julkisuutta on rajoitettu
(Ammattikorkeakoululaki 9 §).
Opintojaksolla käsitellään osallistujien henkilökohtaisia kokemuksia.

Kuvaus opintojaksolla tapahtuvasta
henkilötietojen käsittelystä löytyy
Metropolian julkisilla verkkosivuilla
julkaistusta Metropolian opiskelija- ja
opintotietorekisterin tietosuojaselosteesta
Tietosuojaseloste: Metropolian opiskelijaja opintotietorekisteri

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

See the attachment "Framework for evaluation criteria of competence"

Assessment methods and criteria


Independent assignments (100% passed)
Clinical laboratory teaching and simulation (100% attendance)
Theory lessons (80 % attendance)
Clinical practice passed


Basics of Clinical Nursing Competence.