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Nursing in Basic Health Care (15 cr)

Code: SX00BP69-3005

General information


02.05.2019 - 15.05.2019


01.08.2019 - 31.12.2019

Number of ECTS credits allocated

15 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health Care


Myllypurontie 1

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


20 - 30

Degree programmes

  • Nursing (in Finnish)


  • Marianne Sipilä
  • Sanna Mikkola
  • Ulla Vaherkoski
  • Anna O'Sullivan
  • Eila-Sisko Korhonen

Teacher in charge

Ulla Vaherkoski


  • SXO16S2B
    Sairaanhoitotyön tutkinto-ohjelma, monimuoto, hallinnollinen ryhmä B
  • SXO16S1A
    Sairaanhoitotyön tutkinto-ohjelma, hallinnollinen ryhmä A
  • SXO16S2A
    Sairaanhoitotyön tutkinto-ohjelma, monimuoto, hallinnollinen ryhmä A
  • SXO16S1C
    Sairaanhoitotyön tutkinto-ohjelma, hallinnollinen ryhmä C
  • SXO16S1B
    Sairaanhoitotyön tutkinto-ohjelma, hallinnollinen ryhmä B


- are proficient in the service system and function of basic health care in client-oriented nursing
- know how to plan, implement, evaluate and develop the nursing of clients of different ages in various operating environments of basic health care
- can support and provide education to clients or patients and their significant others throughout the different phases of the care path
- are capable of independent and multiprofessional decision-making as part of the holistic care of the client and patient in various operating environments of basic health care
- assume responsibility for the quality of care regarding their own actions.


Structure and tasks of basic health care
The third sector as a service provider
Client-oriented support of resources and self-care in basic health care
Special features and assistive nursing methods of the decision-making process within basic health care
Nurse competence in the operating environments of basic health care, e.g. nurse appointment, long-stay ward/acute ward, home hospital, home care, mental health and substance abuse units
Multiprofessional networking in the nursing of clients or patients in basic health care
Special questions related to basic health care


Articles and materials provided by lecturer
Independently acquirable material

Teaching methods

Contact learning and Self Study
Virtual learning (Moodle)
Simulation, laboratory and work group -study
PopUp theme Day

Employer connections

Practice in basic health care

Exam schedules

Sovitaan orientaatiotunnilla.

Completion alternatives


Student workload

Opintojakson laajuus on 15 op, eli 405 tuntia, joka koostuu seuraavasti: Kliininen hoitotyö 4 op, terveysteknologia 1 op, Mielenterveys- ja päihdehoitotyö 5 op ja akuutti gerontologinen hoitotyö 5 op.
Kliinisen hoitotyön opinnot sisältävät teoriaopintoja, laboraatioita, itsenäisiä verkkotehtäviä, seminaariohjauksen, seminaarin suunnittelun ja toteutuksen (sisältää itsearvioinnin ja vertaisarvioinnin).
Terveysteknologia 27 tuntia, josta kontaktiopetusta 4 tuntia ja kirjallinen tehtävä.
Akuuttigerontologisen hoitotyön osuuden laajuus on 5 opintopistettä. Sisältäen lähiopetusta (teoria, simulaatiot, laboraatiot) ja siihen liittyvään materiaaliin perehtyminen sekä oman oppimisen arviointitehtävän. Verkkotestit ja lopputentti verkossa. Tarkemmat kuormittavuudet käydään läpi opintojakson osien aloitusten yhteydessä.

Further information

Orientation, preclinics, simulations and PopUp them day are compulsory. Continous assesment, active partisipation during the lessons 75 %.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Evaluating competences evaluation criteria and expert is used.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

- uses professional knowledge base consistently
- searches for knowledge and justifies the use of sources
- justifies actions by means of evidence-based knowledge
- applies professional skills to different situations
- can act in a client-oriented way
- solves professional tasks and problems
- ensures safety and in accordance with the ethical principles of the field
- acts as an expert in multidisciplinary groups with people with diverse cultural backgrounds
- develops oneself

Assessment methods and criteria

Numeric evaluation 0-5
Diagnostic test, Independed webwork in Moodle
Simulations 1 and 2
PopUP theme day (evalution 1-5)
Exam in Moodle
Self-evaluation and peer review